To keep the review thread clean...

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flyguy69 said:
Apparently not smart enough to leave anna's science alone!

But I'm smart enough not to eat pie from your kitchen, especially if Tath is helping.

PM box is clean, in case you want to send recipes.

but there is such tasty pie in my kitchen!
Thank you tung, for mentioning The Ghosts of Storyville. Sorry I'm so late acknowledging.

neonurotic said:
Good morning poets


I had such a hairy horrible day yesterday that I didn't realize it was Wednesday, my day to do reviews, until just now.

I'm forgetful... sorry :rose:

On Wednesday, there were a couple handfuls of poems and I gleaned this one from the batch:

Paradise Changed by Angeline ©
Wow. This lady can take an over-used metaphor and make it fresh. I especially enjoyed the first few stanzas of this piece. The imagery was a Rockwell painting. Beautiful.
A little rough around the edges, new poet, Rinicat hit the New Poems page with several poems that needs some FB and pointers. Check them out.

That's it my opinion. Feedback and support your own ilk.. er kind. I also just noticed that Thursday's New Poems are now posted. Check them at as well.


- neo

Thank you neo, and thank you those who commented and sent feedback. I have many good childhood memories, lots of them in the backyard described in the poem. We sold seeds every year for my elementary school's fundraiser. My mom would inevitibly be my biggest customer and then we'd garden. :)
Howdy, just wanted to post a short lil ol apology. There will be no reviews from me today.

I logged on, but all I could manage was to post some mindless wit in another forum...

It's been one of those weeks. I have that kind of sleepyness that makes the skin around my temples crawl. I can barely think, let alone read poetry. I'll hit the pillows in 2:35 mins and will fall asleep instantlu at impact, and then sleep until Monday.

There weren't many peoms today. If someone feels up for it, please step in, and I'll owe you something yet unspecified.

Angeline said:

Upstairs at O'Reilly's by PatCarrington is harder edged than some of his dreamier concoctions, but it is balanced with a sort of objective remove that keeps a painful picture from being ugly. If jd's poem was hard for me to read, Pat's poem is hard for me to write about because it reminds me of someone I love, but that doesn't keep me from from seeing the picture and the curiously affirming message in its lack of judging.

her, troubles her sleep with promises of men
who use their hard bodies like blades raised
against sugarcane, hands rough on soft cheeks
where sadness sits heavier than dusk, on tips
of need when her aching calls for shivers. She
paints her face red, her world in netted nylon
and stiletto, her wants in the smoky colors

thank you Ange.

and your poetry lately has been off the charts. "Paradise Changed" was stunning, better with each reading.

PatCarrington said:
thank you Ange.

and your poetry lately has been off the charts. "Paradise Changed" was stunning, better with each reading.


you're welcome. and thank you.

Re: Friday 1-8

WickedEve said:

Very rarely would I recommend a Literotica cunt poem ..... the subject is handled well.

nothing like a well handled............subject
Re: Re: Friday 1-8

Tathagata said:
nothing like a well handled............subject
There really isn't a dignified way to recommend a cunt poem, is there?
Angeline, thank you for covering my reviewing yesterday. I have now caught up on the sleep and I'm ready to repay you in any way you see fit.

Well, almost any way.

Liar said:
Angeline, thank you for covering my reviewing yesterday. I have now caught up on the sleep and I'm ready to repay you in any way you see fit.

Well, almost any way.


The ransom note is at the bottom of my review.

Angeline said:
The ransom note is at the bottom of my review.

Um...hold on...
PS-Liar we can negotiate. Ok. I want a song for my website. Yknow--a link to one. And um a few poems. um. Please.
Sounds doable.

Song? You expect me to croak into a mike? Oh the horor. :eek:

Liar said:
Um...hold on...
Sounds doable.

Song? You expect me to croak into a mike? Oh the horor. :eek:


You can croak or not, but I liked that haunting keyboard thingy you sent me once that Ice wrote the lyrics to--yknow? Or something else. I trust your judgment (famous last words, lol).

WickedEve said:

Girls and Stars
by PatCarrington ©

The priceless gems of evening
carry riddles in their shining,
stoppage in their leading light
that glues my shoes
to high-heeled puzzles,
prizes for the night. Stars

Even without a recommendation on this thread, I'm sure readers will seek out and read a P.C. poem. :)

thanks, Eve. :rose:

P.C. :) maybe it's time to write one of those poems that are hard to recommend in a dignified way. :D
Angeline said:


Reltne has written a poem that blends aging of man and nature in a seamless, intelligent way. Weeds in My Garden paints a clear (and clearly poignant), self-aware picture.

Frost loves apples in fall
so does Newton

Old men are weeds not tomatoes
wither bent and goest

scraggly beards and fingers
fruit long gone in summer's memory

Springtime picked by sunshine girls
lost to life like passing leaves


Thanks for the mention Angeline.
This one was F/frost inspired, and as I often try to do has a bit of word play and alternate meaning. ;)
Angeline said:
Whenever I read a poem by Randi Grail, I want to go to her page and read everything I’ve missed because I really like the way she writes. Her offering today, Handprints on Plexiglass, is itching for a little editing, but man does it have some fabulous wordplay in it. The subject is a universal, so it could have been trite, but Randi’s ability to play with the sounds of words makes it transcend.
Could anyone ask for a better review? Thank you thank you thank you. :rose:

Thanks for the kind mention of "Raising the Blade" I have been working on it for a very long time. I hope this time it sticks.

Sunday reviews

Thank you Ange for doing the reviews!:heart:

Looking forward to getting stuck back in upon returning.......I found a message in the Lake....:D
Fisher's Moon

Thank you for the mention, Anna, and thank you WE for the comment, although I am surprised that you are a fisher. ) :rose:

By the way doesn't anybody vote, send feedback, or make PCs anymore?
Re: Fisher's Moon

Reltne said:
Thank you for the mention, Anna, and thank you WE for the comment, although I am surprised that you are a fisher. ) :rose:

By the way doesn't anybody vote, send feedback, or make PCs anymore?

you are welcome Reltne, I dont think people are voting anymore. Dang all last week I think there were 2 H's.

it is not like the poems were of a different quality than the week before. Go figure. all a matter of timing :)

now go vote for my poem.

Re: Late monday mentions

Maria2394 said:
new poems

House of Skin, by slow whispers

A Newton Moment, by Liar

Everland, by angeline

Lady of Sorrow, by PatCarrington

Corridor, by TrevorBlack

I, Dream, by twelveoone

dear Lit readers and poets. I am so sorry for being so very late with these mentions. A couple of you know, I am not "alone" now, not ever, long enough to read, or be online, nor do anything that relates to my friends, or whatever. I am, will be, gone from here, maybe for a long time. It is no ones fault, no troll this time, no hysterical reactions or misunderstandings, no one has said anything. I just cant do it and its a family thing. I hope I have offended no one, and I hope I get to come back, but it all depends on the economy, of reason and and feeding kids and staying sane. I wish you all the very best, ta ta for now :rose:


:heart: sister.
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