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Re: Late monday mentions

Maria2394 said:

dear Lit readers and poets. I am so sorry for being so very late with these mentions. A couple of you know, I am not "alone" now, not ever, long enough to read, or be online, nor do anything that relates to my friends, or whatever. I am, will be, gone from here, maybe for a long time. It is no ones fault, no troll this time, no hysterical reactions or misunderstandings, no one has said anything. I just cant do it and its a family thing. I hope I have offended no one, and I hope I get to come back, but it all depends on the economy, of reason and and feeding kids and staying sane. I wish you all the very best, ta ta for now :rose:

:rose: I'll miss ya... hope to see soon, mon bel ami.
Thank you neo for mentioning my poem in today's reviews. What did I call it again? I forget, lol--but it's a sonnet. Didja know it's a sonnet? :D


(and thank you Steve for giving me my big smiley blush of the day)
Originally posted by neonurotic Two O'Clock by lostandfounder ©
Insightfulness escapes me this morning, but I still like muddleness in the middle with the sharpness of the first and last stanzas. ;) It's how my thinking is lately... muddled, but somtimes sharp./i]

Thanks so much for the mention Neo! My poetry has hit a terrible dry spell lately...2o'clock took too much effort and I'm glad that you found something you liked in it!
Angeline said:
Thank you neo for mentioning my poem in today's reviews. What did I call it again? I forget, lol--but it's a sonnet. Didja know it's a sonnet? :D


(and thank you Steve for giving me my big smiley blush of the day)
:eek: Uhmm... can I pretend that I knew all along? Or is it too late?


Sorry, Ange. :rose:

- neo
I'm not sure if anyone is covering this Friday for me. I've lost track of what's going on. lol Anyway, I just got back from the doc with my two kids--in there for 2 hours. There were shots, screaming, tests, appointments for more tests, "You're a bad mommy for getting us shots!" and then kid meals from McD's. Sigh...
I have more to do, but I'll try very hard to review if no one else can. It will be late, though.
WickedEve said:
I'm not sure if anyone is covering this Friday for me. I've lost track of what's going on. lol Anyway, I just got back from the doc with my two kids--in there for 2 hours. There were shots, screaming, tests, appointments for more tests, "You're a bad mommy for getting us shots!" and then kid meals from McD's. Sigh...
I have more to do, but I'll try very hard to review if no one else can. It will be late, though.

I'm doing them--in fact I'm gonna go read them right now. The monkey (who is in the same time zone as me) can't possibly still be on jury duty, but I love him anyway (and thanks for the kind offer of sexual favors in return for this you sexist pig). :D :heart:
Angeline said:
I'm doing them--in fact I'm gonna go read them right now. The monkey (who is in the same time zone as me) can't possibly still be on jury duty, but I love him anyway (and thanks for the kind offer of sexual favors in return for this you sexist pig). :D :heart:

well I saw that you said you'd do them
Otherwise I'd have done them at 230 this afternoon
and ya don't want me doing them now
I read Bukowski all day, almost got seated on a child rape case, and I'm drinking 110 proof absinth
have pitty bubby
I'll do fridays from here on in ok??

:D :heart: :kiss:

thank you for the mention of 'lady of sorrow' monday. :rose:

i'm so glad to see you back here today.

how about posting a poem?....the tin man is rattling. :)

Tathagata said:
but I'm Kosher for passover

That's not till spring. And I wanna know what kind of rabbi approved you? I guess for Passover you're ok as long as you're unleavened. hehe.

Tathagata said:
well I saw that you said you'd do them
Otherwise I'd have done them at 230 this afternoon
and ya don't want me doing them now
I read Bukowski all day, almost got seated on a child rape case, and I'm drinking 110 proof absinth
have pitty bubby
I'll do fridays from here on in ok??

:D :heart: :kiss:

Oh you know I don't mind, silly man. I just love being difficult to you--you react so wonderfully.

(Did you read my story yet? And uh don't forget to vote. ) :)
Angeline said:
That's not till spring. And I wanna know what kind of rabbi approved you? I guess for Passover you're ok as long as you're unleavened. hehe.


well you better be dressed for shul then
I may rise to the occasion
Tathagata said:
well you better be dressed for shul then
I may rise to the occasion

I'm probably going to hell for saying this, but...

<hands you a prayer shawl>
Angeline said:
I'm probably going to hell for saying this, but...

<hands you a prayer shawl>

ahh well that would be ONE piece of clothing I'd be wearing
Oh and the beanie thing....

:kiss: :heart:

( watched " "Round Midnight" last Dexter Gordon)
Tathagata said:
ahh well that would be ONE piece of clothing I'd be wearing
Oh and the beanie thing....

:kiss: :heart:

( watched " "Round Midnight" last Dexter Gordon)

Round Midnight is one of my favorite movies. Dexter Gordon is a genius in it--was nominated for awards, too, for that performance. His character is based on Lester Young and Bud Powell and their brilliant, tragic lives.
Angeline said:
Round Midnight is one of my favorite movies. Dexter Gordon is a genius in it--was nominated for awards, too, for that performance. His character is based on Lester Young and Bud Powell and their brilliant, tragic lives.

and when they ask him who his favorite tenors are...first one
" Lester Young"
His tone was like lesters..very rich

I appear to be rambling
; )
Go Sox
Tathagata said:
and when they ask him who his favorite tenors are...first one
" Lester Young"
His tone was like lesters..very rich

I appear to be rambling
; )
Go Sox

no sox tonight baby.

I said sox.

and Lester's tone was rich but so light; it has been described as "hollow." Dexter was more a true bebopper, I think, but gosh the stuff he plays in that film is lovely, isn't it?
Angeline said:

Pat Carrington’s Smokey Mountain Symphony flows like honey and is a beautiful homage to his father. I am coming to believe that Pat couldn’t write a bad poem if he tried. This one is so lush with imagery and reminiscent ache that it makes you gasp. I don’t care who disagrees, Pat, like I said before, your soul shines in your poems. I’ll say it again and I don’t care, lol.

You talk and sing from ancient mountains
where I spread your dust, carried you, flaked,
from cemented lands to paradise, to rest
beneath the turquoise plumage of buntings
and sky, the night cries of red wolves
and Tennessee heavens. You were small

on my lap, but when I opened the urn
the wind lifted the ashes of your throat,
sprinkled you across the wilderness, and

you were god again, resurrected here,
in your first and final home, the place
of blue smoke where you walk young
once more, barefoot with salamanders,
bleed red into the roots of spruces. I hear

you, my father,

thank you for those wonderful words, ange. :rose:

and i LOVED the "gemini" poem.....i think i'm just jaded against illustrations, having seen so many poor ones.

that poem is wonderful, all by itself. ;)
Thanks Ange!

PS--denis, I just want you to know I got the Lou Reed reference in your poem. I liked that a lot, lol.

Yer a smartie, you are.

Thanks so much, for da kind words.

"Now I guess I
have to crash....

...... .. ... ... ....

*follow the red rubber song ball!*


Thank you ttu for your mention of my poems:

followed by marshmallows

It is not tortoise shell

And a little plug for my poem last week that did not get many reads or votes.

I think I am going to bring this up for discussion, I don't think we have talked about voting in a few months lol!

Okay I am without shame. I worked hard on this, and yet there are errors, please forgive, they are in the machine being edited, I promise promise.

Raising the Blade
You need Lauren, lol. I can work my way through some Spanish and Yiddish and I'm great at Pig Latin. :D

My Italian is limited to like "ravioli."

Re:Maria's Monday Mentions

Safe Harbor, by Tungtied2u.This poem live sup to its name, I t made me feel safe, and welcome, and this is a good one to end my evening with.
also, check out- Unrequieted no more a love poem by any other name, well, you all know what I mean, right?...


Thank you maria....:kiss: glad it gave you some comfort..:heart:
Thank you Maria for recommending Pops and Why Jazz. I taught you everything you know about jazz? You're in trouble, sis.

Ask tungtied. He started hanging out with me and now all he does is buy cds. :) :kiss:

Angeline said:
Thank you Maria for recommending Pops and Why Jazz. I taught you everything you know about jazz? You're in trouble, sis.

Ask tungtied. He started hanging out with me and now all he does is buy cds. :) :kiss:


actually, you taught me to listen in a different way :) I have always loved artists like Ray charles, and Jimi hendrix, Janis was a hard one for me to like, but she grows and Otis redding, oh my gosh, I would have sat on that dock with him forever if he would have sang that song for me but once. My mom had the house filled with the Platters and Patsy Cline and my dad loved Goose Creek Symphony and Dr Hook

BUt the does something I wasnt aware of till I started reading your poems, it gets in your soul and has to come out as art too!! I would write about it, but I dont know how, ..yet, but it has had an effect and I thank you for that :kiss:
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