To keep the review thread clean...

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Here is what you get if you plug Ulisse's poem Venezia into's Italian translator. It has a certain "exquisite corpse" feel to it...

C '? a sink, in the old Campiello,
dug in a large one capitello.
The church. Quand' I was child
was "Degan here", frittolino.
And v' it was a Theatre to the shoulders
(sopportego, then in calle)
with the name of a great soprano,
me seems that it is Malibrano.
Memories of times pass to you.
Or makes of the filmi prohibits to you.
The fog that attenuates the noises,
the fog, that it vanishes the colors,
hides in a gray of sails
the lights of the great "Danieli":
far away mirage, remote,
wrapped up to now of ignoto.
Dwelling of fairies, wizards,
ignoti recondite svaghi.
And hour son here, on the balcony,
with single companion a pigeon,
the pens of ruffled,
that it tries, frightening,
starved a gray
and with violent, aggressive,
to eat, for being alive.
Of forehead, Saint Greater George
rosseggia in the sun that dies.
The Lido stands out far away,
but if you stretch the hand
you only seems to be able to touch it.
More beyond, the immense one of the sea.
Here under, two bridges, the River.
People you par that she lives again:
the Doge, the Checkerses, soppresso
Faliero of a feature of black.
Saint Mark, the priests, the nuns,
the Moors who strike the hours.
Pellicce of dark minks,
tourists with old sweaters
and bags that seem black.
Far, foreign accents....
With prices from rich, display windows....
necklaces with many perline....
The old mossy inn....
Danieli: the lussuosa life....
The catering university student, the row....
Risotto-champagne: one hundred thousand.
In this city? they are NATO,
and eccomi here, son returned,
watching, watching, watching
therefore, like same dreaming
of confused, upset life.
Venice. For the last time.

If you want to try something fun, translate one of your own poems into another language, then back to English. I don't think pig-latin is an option, though.
flyguy69 said:
Here is what you get if you plug Ulisse's poem Venezia into's Italian translator. It has a certain "exquisite corpse" feel to it...

C '? a sink, in the old Campiello,
dug in a large one capitello.
The church. Quand' I was child
was "Degan here", frittolino.
And v' it was a Theatre to the shoulders
(sopportego, then in calle)
with the name of a great soprano,
me seems that it is Malibrano.
Memories of times pass to you.
Or makes of the filmi prohibits to you.
The fog that attenuates the noises,
the fog, that it vanishes the colors,
hides in a gray of sails
the lights of the great "Danieli":
far away mirage, remote,
wrapped up to now of ignoto.
Dwelling of fairies, wizards,
ignoti recondite svaghi.
And hour son here, on the balcony,
with single companion a pigeon,
the pens of ruffled,
that it tries, frightening,
starved a gray
and with violent, aggressive,
to eat, for being alive.
Of forehead, Saint Greater George
rosseggia in the sun that dies.
The Lido stands out far away,
but if you stretch the hand
you only seems to be able to touch it.
More beyond, the immense one of the sea.
Here under, two bridges, the River.
People you par that she lives again:
the Doge, the Checkerses, soppresso
Faliero of a feature of black.
Saint Mark, the priests, the nuns,
the Moors who strike the hours.
Pellicce of dark minks,
tourists with old sweaters
and bags that seem black.
Far, foreign accents....
With prices from rich, display windows....
necklaces with many perline....
The old mossy inn....
Danieli: the lussuosa life....
The catering university student, the row....
Risotto-champagne: one hundred thousand.
In this city? they are NATO,
and eccomi here, son returned,
watching, watching, watching
therefore, like same dreaming
of confused, upset life.
Venice. For the last time.

If you want to try something fun, translate one of your own poems into another language, then back to English. I don't think pig-latin is an option, though.

there's a thread here somewhere--i believe karmadog started it--where we did just that with our best-known poems. it's hilarious.

Stuttering problem

Are other people seeing a stuttering problem with PC's? Poetry text appears fine, but all of the PC's are gapped on my screen. Maybe it is just a winter chill on the Lit server causing some teeth chatter.
Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
Are other people seeing a stuttering problem with PC's? Poetry text appears fine, but all of the PC's are gapped on my screen. Maybe it is just a winter chill on the Lit server causing some teeth chatter.

Nope fly, I've noticed it too of late. I thought it was my typing at first (always a possibility) because it was my own comment, but when I went back to Edit mode to check, it looked fine. Ghost in the machine(s), I suppose.

Re: Re: Stuttering problem

Angeline said:
Nope fly, I've noticed it too of late. I thought it was my typing at first (always a possibility) because it was my own comment, but when I went back to Edit mode to check, it looked fine. Ghost in the machine(s), I suppose.

Or perhaps "Stutter" is one of the new languages available on Lit!
Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
Or perhaps "Stutter" is one of the new languages available on Lit!

Maybe we need a stuttering poetry challenge. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

Angeline said:
Maybe we need a stuttering poetry challenge. :D
How? Everyone try to write like me?

Nice av, btw. And Curt Schilling gives a new meaning to "Red Sox."
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
How? Everyone try to write like me?

Nice av, btw. And Curt Schilling gives a new meaning to "Red Sox."

or type like me...

and the Schilling comment is funny, but um gross. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

Angeline said:
or type like me...

and the Schilling comment is funny, but um gross. :D
And why is Ortiz pointing in thankful reverence at "Angeline"? Did you supply the mojo?
Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
Are other people seeing a stuttering problem with PC's? Poetry text appears fine, but all of the PC's are gapped on my screen. Maybe it is just a winter chill on the Lit server causing some teeth chatter.

oh damn! I thought my poetry was finally starting to take effect!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
And why is Ortiz pointing in thankful reverence at "Angeline"? Did you supply the mojo?

He's actually thanking me for the PhotoShop mojo. ;)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

Angeline said:
He's actually thanking me for the PhotoShop mojo. ;)

Would that be Phojo? Put that in the dictionary ahead of "sussurate" :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Stuttering problem

flyguy69 said:
Would that be Phojo? Put that in the dictionary ahead of "sussurate" :D

lol. i make up words all the time. it's part of the joy of poetry. :D
neonurotic said:
Hello Poets

Sorry this is a day late, but I've been ill the last few days. There was 30 + poems that graced the New Poem's page on Wednesday

Hope you're feeling better, neo. :kiss:

QUOTE]Originally posted by Tathagata
I got conned into fridays so..
I'm starting this at work...
This ought to be a good one:

Who conned you? Ya want I should marbelize 'em?

Oh - and what happened to Thursday?

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Yesterday was mission impossible. So....belated Thursday recommendation is soon to follow....

I'll be back in a jiffy.

Liar said:
And here they are, Thursday's reviews, a tad bit on the late side. Oh well, a little patience have never killed anyone.

Or maybe it have, I dunno.

Last but not least, three poems by Tristesse
The first is this weirdo wordplay in the best sense of the word. A delight to to stumble through.
[color=116611]Emphatically static
Placated, fabricated
and lying though the teeth.
Bogus Janus playing possum
putting off 'til then
prognosticating later, later
filling in the blanks.[/color]

Carpe Deum
This smoothly and swiftly captured essence of dreaming is the weakest of the three poems, but that doesn't mean it's bad in any way. Go read.

In Time - Gratefully
And the gold nugget of the day... Here is a poem that is filled to the brim with serene optimism and, dare I say, faith in one's own human spirit. Beautiful.
[color=116611]My legs will remember when and
my face will still smile
at the thought.
My hands will hold the memory of
tiny stitches and that
little clasp at the back
of my neck, the hooks and eyes
and troublesome buttons.[/color]

I'm sorry if I appeared to be impatient - I was feeling neglected but I want to thank you for your kind words, liar, and all those who left comments. Thank you all. :rose:
Wisps of a Chimp by Wicked Eve at first appears to be about stuffed animals and innocence and dreams. Maybe I'm a sick puppy, but I see something suspiciously sensuous in this too. The way Eve's words leave interpretation open is an exhilirating least to me.

Hi tung
I'm glad you saw beyond the innocence of this one. Their is a rivalry between the chimp and hare. One night, the jealousy becomes too much and the chimp decides to overthrow the hare from his position as cuddle toy. :)
WickedEve said:

Hi tung
I'm glad you saw beyond the innocence of this one. Their is a rivalry between the chimp and hare. One night, the jealousy becomes too much and the chimp decides to overthrow the hare from his position as cuddle toy. :)

i was afraid to read it...for obvious reasons....
Tathagata said:
i was afraid to read it...for obvious reasons....
Don't be. If ever write a tath monkey poem, it'll be titled something like Monkey Kabobs.
Thank you, SeattleRain

Dear Seattle, thanks for taking the reviews today, and for mentioning my little poem, it was fun to write :)

Also, many of you know I had some surgery today, everything went okay, I am home ( obviously ;) and there are really no nasty, gory details except that my left ovary was twisted around the fallopian tube and was causing a lot of pain as it was growing to my abdominal wall :eek:

the entire procedure took less than 2 hours and I slept thru the whole thing. Dr K took care of me, sent me home with a huge bottle of percocet and I slept most of the day, with a few trips in here to read the new stuff, some excellent poems posted today!!

I truly appreciate the kindness of all you wonderful people here, some are very dear friends and a few I barely even know, sent me well wishes, I feel so blessed to be part of this community, such kind, caring people, bless you all and thanks for caring about me, Im not sure I deserve it most of the time

hugs and kisses :heart: :rose:

and, hey flyguy, quit making my feet tingle!!! ;) :rose:
Re: Thank you, SeattleRain

Maria2394 said:
Dr K took care of me
What does it say about me that I instantly thought "Dr Kevorkian?!" there? :rolleyes:

Good to hear you're doin well. :rose:

Thanks Seattle

this is a nice one:

click here to read.....
Obsessive internment
by tungtied2u ©

"What is it about women?

That peculiar tilt of head,
when hair cascades upon a so soft shoulder "


I appreciate the mention, and all the reviews you did.

Re: Re: Thank you, SeattleRain

Liar said:
What does it say about me that I instantly thought "Dr Kevorkian?!" there? :rolleyes:

Good to hear you're doin well. :rose:

And I thought of Dwight Gooden! Probably not a big name in Sweden (isn't that where you reside?), but New York baseball fans remember him.

Whoever is administering the medicine, Maria, it hasn't hurt your poetry any. You must be getting a passion drip!
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