"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Mesmer.Eyez..and thank you's.

Thank you for your comments, on my new post Mesmer.Eyez.

Angeline- you are too kind. :rose: [[hugggs]]

Jamison- I love your opening, and your kick-ass honesty. *grins*

Lobomao- Where the hell have you been? Have missed ya', thank you for leaving your thoughts/words behind for me !

Lebroz & Bill Dada-No poem would be complete until your words are evident beneath it's lines. I am a sucker for men who love blondes, and more than that , men who understand them !! :kiss: kisses all around !!

Oh.. and UnderYourSpell, I think the comment thing is fixed, :kiss: *winks*

Thank you all for your support, in my ever growing writing process. :rose:

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Consider it done lol

WomanPariah ....... not breastssssssss ....... testicles lol sorry creased up here (hugs)
Why I don't Comment

I have been told recently that I don't comment enough.

I would like to address that issue.

Just because I don't comment does not mean I do not read nor care for what I read.

I am busy trying to launch my own career while also helping out my family on the weekends.

I will try to comment more but if I am not able to then please do not get on my case about it as I am not trying to offend or hurt you.

I just don't have the time to do everything.

Thank you.


Sorry if I sound or come across as a little bitchy. My computer monitor has had the shits for the last week or so and I can't seem to get anyone's help fixing or replacing it. Kinda puts me in a screwy mood. Sorry all.

Thank you, Angeline, for your mention and review of my poems today. It is much appreciated. And thanks to, UnderYourSpell, darkmaas, and Tristesse for your comments. :D

By the way, Tess, you were correct. *wink*

I would like to thank Eve, LeBroz, and Angeline for their comments about my “47” today; your words are much appreciated. I’m not sure what E means, but I guess somebody up there likes it, and that’s pretty nice.

And ohhh_livia, thank you also for your comments. I leave the comments and voting spaces open for all varieties of input, and as dozens of folks have said lately, the “negative” comments are often the ones which prove the most useful.

And I concede that my all my work is verbose, and I know that not many people like it, and I’m fine with that. I am pleasantly surprised to find that anyone likes it, frankly. You should have seen the first draft of this puppy six weeks ago, wordy lordy lordy.

ohhh_livia, your creative use of quotation marks hurts a bit, but you know what? I’m “out” to this, and other, poetry communities for a reason: I refuse to be a fraud and I refuse to be a caricature. But if there were an “F” in my bio box, I’m confident no one would ever bat an eyelash.

The part of your comment that does concern me is the epithet “porn poem.” None of my work is intended to be porn, or even erotic for that matter. I have two pieces (“47” is not one of them) which are on the verge of being “suggestive” and that’s about as hot and heavy as I get. So if you, and likely others, see this as porn, then I am in trouble. And that E really should not be there if it was earned because this piece is a turn-on (as proud as I am of the poem).

I’m convinced now that the real subject matter is too covert in the poem, and that’s my fault. I actually thought it was pretty transparent, but apparently not. If using words like “fuck” or “masturbation” automatically throw a poem into the porn bin, then I don’t know what to think. And I’m not trying to goad you, or anyone, I’m genuinely concerned.

Anyway, I do offer sincere thanks for taking the time to read and comment. And hey, 5/10? That ain’t not half bad, ain’t it?

as I read what you wrote here, I confess I was baffled at first. About being out? I have no clue what you meant, really. Your sex, makes not a bit of difference to me in any aspect of what or how you write When I read poetry, I dont give a rats ass whats between the legs of who wrote it.

I have nothing against you, or your genitalia. Your poem is strong, masculine in use of certain styles and words. I thought your work reminded me of a few poets here, Denis Hale and Calliope, and a couple others thrown in. Alts are common here, and I think, subconsciously, I assumed you for a moment, to be someone from this very forum.

I am sorry I hurt you, it was never my intent and this is why I usually keep quite, no matter what I say or how I say it, I should just have not said anything. I would say that your work is bold and new, refreshing on many levels, just not for me, and I have read all your posted work, and I shouldnt have tossed in that "porn poem" comment. I apologize.
Well, Lebroz, as usual I feel your commentary on my submissions are far too generous. But they are also appreciated. Very much so.

You know, I'm a proponent of the Try This, Try That idea. When something on the risky side takes shape, there's the flutter of nerves at the prospect of exposing it publicly - as in the 'mercy' poem.

I did fear that the 'esses' and stuff were too much, and I did tinker with putting it in more formal line structure. But it just seemed to end up that 'column of words' as you so precisely put it. :D

Of course, there's the ever-present nagging feeling that it could still be better, but that's true with all of them.

Thanks again, have a great day!
Thanks for bringing your taste (tongue?) to the NPR Jami-san.
Angeline really doesn't have time to review 2 days of poetry, she's supposed to be giving us a challenge response for the Hyndes.
BTW, why isn't there a love poem about Seattle getting given up to the newly-weds?

If I don't pressure you people I doubt they'll be able to find a honeymoon spot. Help them decide where to spend this Thursday! C'mon, write a poem for Charley.
well this was completely unexpected.
funny, or not so funny, it was submitted several times through the day (no two exactly the same, of course), but, you know, I'm a pretty mellow dude, so I kept deleting it. Like, four or five times. Then someone said something that sent it into the submission box, to stay.
Oh, and of course, inspiration for the word 'muck' is in the Wonder Why thread.
Thankyou Angeline for my mention you made my day ... sitting here verrrrrrry innocently eating a banana tut tut some people <ggg>
For the review...

Thank you sweet Angeline for the mention on WildFlowers.
Thank you even more for going back to Monday to find the
new posts. For YOU.. :rose:

Thank you to Lebroz and Bill Dada, who always seem to find
me, I have to say it makes being lost so much fun !! *grins*
You 2 are wonderful !! :kiss:

And to Ohhh_Livia the editing has been submitted and thank
you.. maybe you could go back and re-read afterward, and take
that journey again .. with a better view, *smiles*. (thanks)

Just got home from work and what a great suprise. Thank you so much Angeline for the mention today and your great comments. And another big thank you to everybody for all the great comments. Most of the comments were more entertaining than the poem.
Just got home from work and what a great suprise. Thank you so much Angeline for the mention today and your great comments. And another big thank you to everybody for all the great comments. Most of the comments were more entertaining than the poem.

My pleasure. I always enjoy reading your poems. :)
First of all, I'd like to say that the Grasshopper with a Boner made me laugh - I love that kind of stuff. Funny. The world's crazy enough, and I bet that fellow at the funeral with the cotton-white head of hair wishes he'd taken things a little less serious. Or the guy in the casket.

And Angeline, you be one keen poet chick. Can't slip nothing past you. Not even a T.
I say this because: the 'not less' was in fact, 'no less' for a while. In fact it almost went into the box 'no less'. But a micro-second before hitting the Submit button, 'no less' became 'not less'. And it was made so for the very reason you mentioned. Sort of a 'stop! okay go again'. But you caught it. :eek:Jeez!
Thankyou to LeBroz,hmmnmm,Wicked Eve,Jamison and Angeline for your lovely comments, In one way it was a hard poem to write yet when I got down to it I just wrote it if that makes sense. I was afraid to go into specifics incase the words came out too heavy and just read like a grocery list. I needed to convey somehow the lonliness of a misunderstood child growing up and what it's like to be 'different'. Will try again with some of your suggestions
Hope you warmed up LeBroz after your snow clearance yesterday ... if not wellllllll ... Happy Valentine lol
First of all, I'd like to say that the Grasshopper with a Boner made me laugh - I love that kind of stuff. Funny. The world's crazy enough, and I bet that fellow at the funeral with the cotton-white head of hair wishes he'd taken things a little less serious. Or the guy in the casket.

And Angeline, you be one keen poet chick. Can't slip nothing past you. Not even a T.
I say this because: the 'not less' was in fact, 'no less' for a while. In fact it almost went into the box 'no less'. But a micro-second before hitting the Submit button, 'no less' became 'not less'. And it was made so for the very reason you mentioned. Sort of a 'stop! okay go again'. But you caught it. :eek:Jeez!

My poet chick eyez be watching you poemz. Skeery thought, eh?

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My poet chick eyez be watching you poemz. Skeery thought, eh?

A long armed eye that reaches
where vigilantes dare not hunt.
One will certainly take care
to mind one's Ps and Qs
No less those crosses and dots.
Thank you Wicked Eve, for mentioning my poem. And to everyone who took the time to leave FB and comments, it is very much appreciated.


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