"To keep the review thread clean..."

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WomanPariah is again my pick of the day. Despite leaving her PC's turned off {sure hope you weren't getting nastygrams from some of Lits twits}, she can still see what we think here in the PF&D. Take a look at You’re my dirge for some more of her creatively original thinking:

goes with the territory around here, that and low scores, but if it was turned off because she doesn't like real criticism, it is a mistake.
She is an interesting writer, she has talent, she should also be leaving comments.
My nickel, Lebroz.
Edit function just spins and spins

to note she does leave comments, good ones. Congrats and Cheers.

Just a note for those who may have missed it, but WomanPariah has pulled her work off Lit. She's even deleted her connection to Lit from her web site. I'm sure we'll all wish her well in her process {that thing called life}.

goes with the territory around here, that and low scores, but if it was turned off because she doesn't like real criticism, it is a mistake.
She is an interesting writer, she has talent, she should also be leaving comments.
My nickel, Lebroz.
I second twelveone on both points (talent and comments). Actually I love all the comments and i'n very impressed by the poems, that is -those that I am able to comprehend.
17 new poems were posted for Friday the 7th of March. I apologize for being late with my review. It turns out that I had what amounts to a bumper crop of rhymes and haiku, so if you like them, you could read them all and be content. It doesn't take long to enjoy them.

I offer my apologies to ramonathompson fans. I don't read this poet's poems for personal reasons.

I want to recommend a submission by literotica contributor KR. He shows us Today at the Beach. There are moments inside this poem you won't want to miss. Once you've been there, drop in on his personal page, there are fine reads on that, too.

For Saturday, I noticed one lonely haikuesque type of poem by Anschul, have a read since you're already there.

Have a great weekend everyone. It's gorgeous weather here today and I hope to feel warm sun on my face for a change. mmm Lovely.

Please pm me and tell me just what I have done to offend you. Thanks
I want to recommend a submission by literotica contributor KR. He shows us Today at the Beach. There are moments inside this poem you won't want to miss. Once you've been there, drop in on his personal page, there are fine reads on that, too.
Thank you for the recommendation, I am delighted. I would like to correct one thing though--I am female :)
Thank you for the recommendation, I am delighted. I would like to correct one thing though--I am female :)
I keep telling myself to look at the biography pages of the poets I recommend; I never listen. I apologize for the error and offer my hello.
Thanks for the mention of "Trying another read". For some time I had in mind the image of writing drafts and looking at what appears on the paper as reminiscent of ‘coffee reading’ or tea leaves reading. I opted for the latter. Coming to think of it, paper is quickly becoming a metaphor for the screen, with the exception that you can’t squeeze and throw a screen…
You can’t imagine how long I was ‘slaving’ over this one. In a way the process this time came to fit the theme.
Only four, the number of death in China, how unlucky
has a hallmark moment because she is a Grateful Daughter
I am confused as to why it is posted here instead of sent to them.

marinewifey has a different kind of moment, Hungry for you

I am confused as to why it is posted here instead of sent to him

a pattern emerges...

KR has a different kind of a moment with women bleed

but has no one to send it to, wait this is an effort at literature and does have a good line or two
depends on who you are as to which one
and a rather resigned ending, sighs

My Pick

normal jean has a response to the Wallace Stevens challenge entitled six faces of time

I counted them, there are six. VI is typical normal jean, which means good, but not to my taste.

III is a bit of an enigma

here is II
Once, I was a clock. Numbers
arranged on my uneven face.
I am six o’clock, standing
awaiting seven’s stride.

you will have to read the rest o'er in new p'ems

and of course you are all free to disagree

dag nabbit 1201!!! why didnt you point out those problems before I posted it!!! thanks for the mention, and yes, you are totally correct on the first one, wax and wane sucks. and the "good" is a value judgment. What would I do without you? and....you never have liked my garden poetry, so, i am sending you giant hugs for ALWAYS being honest with me. and, thanks to those who read and commented

Love it

My Pick

normal jean has a response to the Wallace Stevens challenge entitled six faces of time

I counted them, there are six. VI is typical normal jean, which means good, but not to my taste.

III is a bit of an enigma

here is II
Once, I was a clock. Numbers
arranged on my uneven face.
I am six o’clock, standing
awaiting seven’s stride.

you will have to read the rest o'er in new p'ems

and of course you are all free to disagree

This poem is remarkable in that it alludes to 9/11 without being emotionally cheap, cloying, fawning, or any number of mushy possibilities this event is prone to produce. Normal Jean has in her masterly understated manner touched the core of the horror of that day with the most human of all the possible images that can be mined from what we saw. I have not read anything that handles the global collective experience of that day this maturely and, for me, these lines are a literary breakthrough. 9/11 can still be a path to greater human understanding in spite of all the abusive uses that have been made of that day's events. There is no anger, no hatred expressed, just the totemic image that defies any reality we can be comfortable with.

These lines indicate an admirable presence in our midst:

One day in September, time stood still
as good people fell to earth
their only escape
from towers of fire.
I've just learned of a Cordelia appearance in the Archival Review thread... Did anyone get to talk to her while she was here? That would be lucky for you indeed. The luck of the Irish... leperchauns and all that. Woo!
I've just learned of a Cordelia appearance in the Archival Review thread... Did anyone get to talk to her while she was here? That would be lucky for you indeed. The luck of the Irish... leperchauns and all that. Woo!

Indeed, what a most pleasant surprise to sit down with my breakfast and see that most gracious posting from Cordelia. It would be so nice to have her gracing these forum pages again {and perhaps submitting a poem from time to time}.

I've just learned of a Cordelia appearance in the Archival Review thread... Did anyone get to talk to her while she was here? That would be lucky for you indeed. The luck of the Irish... leperchauns and all that. Woo!

Hello lovely one!

Yes, I'm making an appearance... but my Scottish grandfather would say luck has nothing to do with it *winks*

I haven't been writing as much as I want, but I hope to be able to start again and maybe posting some... we'll see.

I do miss you guys.

And it's nice to meet the newer folks. Hi LeBroz! (Thanks for resurrecting some of my doggerel)

Hello lovely one!

Yes, I'm making an appearance... but my Scottish grandfather would say luck has nothing to do with it *winks*

I haven't been writing as much as I want, but I hope to be able to start again and maybe posting some... we'll see.

I do miss you guys.

And it's nice to meet the newer folks. Hi LeBroz! (Thanks for resurrecting some of my doggerel)


Good to see you darling...:rose:
I am looking forward to reading new work from you. Ange will be in paroxysms of ecstacy. Oh! Lauren got married!! Check out the Istanbul Love Poem Challenge and you'll glean some info there.

LeBroz is a tenacious reviewer and champion of the lesser known poets at lit. He's wonderful and the happy recipient of regular leg humps over at the Bistro run by yet another recent addition to our dysfunctional forum, unpredictablebijou aka upbj aka Beej...

UnderYourSpell is a British find and then we have visitors from the other (darker) forum.... The BDSM Cafe...

You'll find the other longtimers such as senna, twelveoone, WickedEve, the_fool, liar, d'maas and LaurenH (although she's been busy lately) still producing excellent poems and conversation. Although, like any other long time forum memberships we have our dark disagreements, I think we're pretty much a healthy, helpful bunch.

:rose: It's lovely to see you. (p.s. I'll let Destry know you're still breathing)
Hello Cordelia pleased to meet you I am Annie, I have just started to read your poems and I am enthralled and very verrrrrrrrrry jealous. Hope you stay around so I can get to know you tho whether you would say the same about me is another matter lol full of neurosis's (no my spell checker can't spell it either!) and very Brit i.e I don't know half of what is waffled about on here but I do try lol
one neurosis, two neuroses.

Hi, Cordelia! It's been ages! I'm so glad to see you again. Do stick around. :)
Existing votes - disappear?

Sorry, it's not a review. But I would like to ask any of you who might have gone through the same experience and may know what to do.
To my great excitement (I will not hide it), one of my poems finally passed the ten posting of rating which were also close to five and I saw for a day or two that I had ten people who voted with an average which was some fraction lower than five. Yeah! I relished the red H for a day or two, but then to my chagrin it disappeared! I was ready to accept the verdict of a greater number of voters who could not get too excited about my poem (the chicken with golden comb) but later I discovered an impossibility: the number of votes went DOWN from its previous ten to eight. Now wait a minute! I voted for many poems and stories, but could never 'take back' any of my votes. Any idea who should I address my sad grievance? Thank you, and see you in happier reviews.
Hello lovely one!

Yes, I'm making an appearance... but my Scottish grandfather would say luck has nothing to do with it *winks*

I haven't been writing as much as I want, but I hope to be able to start again and maybe posting some... we'll see.

I do miss you guys.

And it's nice to meet the newer folks. Hi LeBroz! (Thanks for resurrecting some of my doggerel)



Hi Lear's best. I've missed you.

Hi Cordelia!! ( maria here) I too, have missed you and your lovely verses. Great to see you around this ol place. You still grace the faves list of a couple of my alts :D


and....since Im here, this isnt poetry, well, maybe natures poetry, but I have this link, to a web cam that shows baby bald eagles in Florida. And their parents too. The first time I signed on to view, I saw one parent bringing a fish to the youngsters, Its worth a view. Also, worthy of mention, is that a wealthy man donated PRIME beachfront property so the birds could remain protected there. What a gift, ya know? IN this day and age of greed and despair of this f'ed up economy we can thank Bushwhacker for...

ok, done ranting, sigh...

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