"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I did wonder, though about this:It's that I dig that swingin' John Cage thing, isn't it?

Please don't tell me it's my small, small hands. That would be, like, deflating, and I have problems with that anyway. :)

That's a very cool clip. Actually you liking John Cage is all part of it, part of the "why I like Tzara" gestalt.

No worries about the hands. Your ginormous brain is very hawt to me. :)
I just realized how many people sent hugs after his passing. I do appreciate it more than you can know. Thank you thank you thank you!

Sorry you lost your Nick! Sweet kitty....

um... would this be a bad time to ask if you would like to take my dog?

um.... she is not too awful....

Sorry you lost your Nick! Sweet kitty....

um... would this be a bad time to ask if you would like to take my dog?

um.... she is not too awful....


I would if I could! But we aren't allowed to have a dog here. In fact, I have to pay rent for my cats...which reminds me... I am paying for two cats, maybe I shouldn't have yelled at hubby ;)
Odd. They both start with the letter "C". :rolleyes:

Thanks for the mention, though, Ms. A. And thanks, Ms. Annie, for your comment, though to be quite frank, I have not been "boy" for years.

Well, except for that night when. . . .

Oh, you guys don't need to know about that. Never mind.

All males are boys however old they are I've yet to meet one that has grown out of it!
Thanks to Ms. Eve for mentioning that last one and suggesting a thread topic I might actually get around to once I finish the napalm job on my lawn this weekend, and to bluebell7 for making me blush.

Thank God that doesn't show up over the Internet.

Oh yeah, and to Dustystar for the comment on that other poem. I'm tempted to say something really embarrassing here, but won't, because it's difficult to type with one's tongue. :)
Of the dogs we have lost on the farm, it has always seemed like the other animals deal a little better when they have seen and understood the death; they do seem to know that 'something' is missing from the body, and they seem to be a bit less disconcerted.

However, either way, animals seem to process grief much better than people, and your other furries will come to peace with it. They are also able to see the 'shades' of the animals who leave more easily than we do, and that seems to help.

Once the smell of their companion has faded, they'll understand, and be peaceful about it. Sad that humans have to take longer. I know you're still moving through grief, and I'm still lighting little candles for you, in my way.


I can see the light all the way from here.

Thank you

Okey dokey. Today I thank Liar for mentioning that latest thing and Normal Jean for being kind enough to comment. Also, thanks to lindiana for the comment on that other poem.

Only two more days will I inflict myself on you people for some while. Yur patience is appreciated!

Thank you for your nifty words about "analogy" ... very much appreciated. I was half worried that the sardonicness (sardonicism? sardonicity? sardonication? sardonitiousness?) would be a bit too cloaked, so I'm pleased the humour worked for you (since I meant it to).

Thank you again.
Thanks, Eve, for the fabuloso review of my Zombie poem. I am such a nudge for flattery.

And my sincerest thanks (no irony here) to Anonymous for her (I am guessing at gender and apologize if that guess is wrong) comment. Very helpful to me (no irony here either--I mean it).

OK, you guys are all off the hook from me futzing up the New Poems for awhile.

Carry on. :)
All males are boys however old they are I've yet to meet one that has grown out of it!
Except, I just like to call them boys because I want to drive home that, er, fundamental difference. And by fundamental difference I, of course, mean the propensity to pull pigtails or eat bugs or root around in their pants without shame.
You know, things like that. All things I secretly admire.

Thanks to Ms. Eve for mentioning that last one and suggesting a thread topic I might actually get around to once I finish the napalm job on my lawn this weekend, and to bluebell7 for making me blush.

Thank God that doesn't show up over the Internet.

I made you blush? Are you sure I didn't just embarrass you meanly? Garsh. :eek:
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Thanks, Eve, for the fabuloso review of my Zombie poem. I am such a nudge for flattery.

And my sincerest thanks (no irony here) to Anonymous for her (I am guessing at gender and apologize if that guess is wrong) comment. Very helpful to me (no irony here either--I mean it).

OK, you guys are all off the hook from me futzing up the New Poems for awhile.

Carry on. :)

Not often you get comments from Zombies in fact it could be a first
Somerhing kinda of eerie (well it was to me) just happened I was putting my comments on the poem about Cancer and the number I had to type in was 999 the emergency number in England
It is never mean to embarrass me. It's too damn easy to do. :)
Oh so now you're trying to take my accomplishment away from me, eh? ;)
It's back to the drawing board. Shall I come up with new ways to be complimentary or new ways to be mean? Such a decision.
I require guidance. And possibly chocolate.
Oh so now you're trying to take my accomplishment away from me, eh? ;)
It's back to the drawing board. Shall I come up with new ways to be complimentary or new ways to be mean? Such a decision.
I require guidance. And possibly chocolate.
Chocolate embarrasses me.

So we both win.

Okay folks, now is the time to

A few months back a major and fatal flaw was discovered in the Internet's very structure. Over the past few months all the major software and hardware players have been working to fix the flaw in secrecy. I got my patch yesterday {automatically} and without the usual fanfare from Microsoft. And it didn't happen in the middle of the night as normally happens but during the day.

If you can read this make sure you have the latest update from your software provider. Any computer on any operating system can be affected, it's not just Windows this time. If you're on Windows and don't have your system set to receive automatic updates, go to the Microsoft site and check for updates. NOW.

The story that came out today at Breitbart has the major details here.


Okay folks, now is the time to

A few months back a major and fatal flaw was discovered in the Internet's very structure. Over the past few months all the major software and hardware players have been working to fix the flaw in secrecy. I got my patch yesterday {automatically} and without the usual fanfare from Microsoft. And it didn't happen in the middle of the night as normally happens but during the day.

If you can read this make sure you have the latest update from your software provider. Any computer on any operating system can be affected, it's not just Windows this time. If you're on Windows and don't have your system set to receive automatic updates, go to the Microsoft site and check for updates. NOW.

The story that came out today at Breitbart has the major details here.

The vulnerability affects Domain Name Servers, which are the servers that convert domain names (like yahoo.com) to an Internet Protocol (IP) address (like A DNS problem potentially affects individual users like you and me, but unless you are running in an environment where you maintain the DNS server (normally, your Internet Service Provider does this), you can't directly do anything about it. The ISP must install the patch.

But, of course, it is always a good idea to have your security patches up to date.
The vulnerability affects Domain Name Servers, which are the servers that convert domain names (like yahoo.com) to an Internet Protocol (IP) address (like A DNS problem potentially affects individual users like you and me, but unless you are running in an environment where you maintain the DNS server (normally, your Internet Service Provider does this), you can't directly do anything about it. The ISP must install the patch.

But, of course, it is always a good idea to have your security patches up to date.

I figure that 'tis better to be safe than sorry. I was struck by the unusual nature of the security patch I got from Microsoft yesterday when a licensing agreement came up. That was a first. I haven't gone to the Microsoft site to read up on the details of the patches I got yesterday, but I wouldn't be surprised if it also beefs up the individual computer security. And since the efforts were addressed to all platforms, it would be especially wise for folks running on something other than Windows to check and see if their own system has an update/security patch they may need. Just a simple prudent act.

Thanks to Eve and Champ for mentions in the review thread and public comments on my poem, "Caned". :rose:

I'll second Eve's recommendation to read Jamison's poem from yesterday. Suddenly, I know why discipline can be so appealing.
I think that poem came from the 5 Senses Poem Challenge, though not positive. I'm sure places like that exist somewhere, but I've never been caned, flogged yes, and have spanked others. The idea is appealing since I have switchy moods. :devil:
Thanks to Eve and Champ for mentions in the review thread and public comments on my poem, "Caned". :rose:

I think that poem came from the 5 Senses Poem Challenge, though not positive. I'm sure places like that exist somewhere, but I've never been caned, flogged yes, and have spanked others. The idea is appealing since I have switchy moods. :devil:
Oh, flogged? Tell us more. :devil:
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