"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Hey Sis, you know what I think? I think someone here likes to fuck with you. I have no idea who it is, but if it's one person it has been going on for years now. But the hell with whoever it is; it doesn't matter. You have real talent. I knew this when you first came here and I read you, and I still marvel when I read your poetry. Maybe this person is jealous of your gift, who knows? You know I don't post poems here anymore, and you remember, I know, that I used to have about three times as much as I have here now. And I haven't submitted anything new here in well over a year. I no longer have any desire because I got sick of all the voting wars and pissing and moaning about contests and who's a real poet and what's the "right" way to write a poem. I write elsewhere now and I'm pretty anonymous there--don't have the "Angeline" rep dragging behind me--so I'm pretty sure the feedback I get is mostly honest.

I still love many people here and this will always be my home, but we'll both keep writing and let the small minds rip each other apart. ;)


YOU are angel and the best sis I ever had. I mean that. I'm okay, it's not like last month, my heart just feels so heavy sometimes. I don't get it, the animosity. I know I get defensive at times, but that's my own insecurity. I only wanted to set a few things straight as in I have no ulterior motives, no agenda, just came here to learn and lurk and write.

What you said about honest FB, it is like that at EditRed, but I haven't been very busy there lately either, and there are some people there who write here too and man, I love to read the comments people leave on their stuff, good advice, no hateful jealous comments and the way they rate the poet herself, is by the number of comments that a person leaves on others' work. I think they call it a "peer rank " or something like that...

I know there was someone a while back that enjoyed fucking with me, but this note had a different tone, a different way of sentence structure, oh, you know what I mean, different in thought stream and style. It's okay. I'm making hubby take me to the river tomorrow, I will have my camera and take some pics. and post them...and I have been working on some revisions I should have posted on Anna's Spring Cleaning page. I'm not sitting here fuming, it hasn't happened in such a long time I was surprised that it was revived, and it was usually just on teh Maria name, but then, I haven't submitted anything here in a long time. and yes I remember, you did have a huge number of poems posted, I remember when you removed them, I was so sad! Bagel Wisdom, was one of yours that inspired one I wrote, called Peanut Wisdom, remember ?:D

and just to make sure, just know, I am not angry, not pissed, just tired, just want whoever it is to understand, that this is comforting, or it can be. I will comment, unless I get a note from someone saying , please don't comment on my work. What really baffles me is that whoever it is, thinks I have a problem with certain others here and I don't know where that is coming from. It is silly and stupid and I hope everyone here knows I have no hate in my heart, well, maybe for Bush, but he doesn't count, I bet he cant even spell poetry.

well anyway,

thanks for the hugs, sweet Sis and LeBroz, it's always good to be hugged so I'm sending some back atcha both. :rose:

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YOU are angel and the best sis I ever had. I mean that. I'm okay, it's not like last month, my heart just feels so heavy sometimes. I don't get it, the animosity. I know I get defensive at times, but that's my own insecurity. I only wanted to set a few things straight as in I have no ulterior motives, no agenda, just came here to learn and lurk and write.

What you said about honest FB, it is like that at EditRed, but I haven't been very busy there lately either, and there are some people there who write here too and man, I love to read the comments people leave on their stuff, good advice, no hateful jealous comments and the way they rate the poet herself, is by the number of comments that a person leaves on others' work. I think they call it a "peer rank " or something like that...

I know there was someone a while back that enjoyed fucking with me, but this note had a different tone, a different way of sentence structure, oh, you know what I mean, different in thought stream and style. It's okay. I'm making hubby take me to the river tomorrow, I will have my camera and take some pics. and post them...and I have been working on some revisions I should have posted on Anna's Spring Cleaning page. I'm not sitting here fuming, it hasn't happened in such a long time I was surprised that it was revived, and it was usually just on teh Maria name, but then, I haven't submitted anything here in a long time. and yes I remember, you did have a huge number of poems posted, I remember when you removed them, I was so sad! Bagel Wisdom, was one of yours that inspired one I wrote, called Peanut Wisdom, remember ?:D

and just to make sure, just know, I am not angry, not pissed, just tired, just want whoever it is to understand, that this is comforting, or it can be. I will comment, unless I get a note from someone saying , please don't comment on my work. What really baffles me is that whoever it is, thinks I have a problem with certain others here and I don't know where that is coming from. It is silly and stupid and I hope everyone here knows I have no hate in my heart, well, maybe for Bush, but he doesn't count, I bet he cant even spell poetry.

well anyway,

thanks for the hugs, sweet Sis and LeBroz, it's always good to be hugged so I'm sending some back atcha both. :rose:


I bet Bush spells it "pottery."

I've been thinking that the "Spring Cleaning" thread ought to be perpetual, or at least keep going for a while. It was good for me to have that discipline, and great to see the way others were editing. Tell you what, if you decide to revive that and put some revisions in, I have a couple of others I could stand to work on, so you won't be all alone in there.

Anyone else in? Doesn't have to be an every day thing, but let's keep that one going. It was really helpful for me, and I think for others as well.

Excellent post and wonderful poetry, NJ.

Thanks for being you. I wish people would learn to understand that in any family there will be some moments of friction and passion. Even amphibians are slaves to their blood temperature, so no wonder poets are too.
I bet Bush spells it "pottery."

I've been thinking that the "Spring Cleaning" thread ought to be perpetual, or at least keep going for a while. It was good for me to have that discipline, and great to see the way others were editing. Tell you what, if you decide to revive that and put some revisions in, I have a couple of others I could stand to work on, so you won't be all alone in there.

Anyone else in? Doesn't have to be an every day thing, but let's keep that one going. It was really helpful for me, and I think for others as well.


hey gal, you are a trip! and I mean that in a very loving way. :rose:

You are right about that thread, it should be brought back and up again. I have tons of stuff that needs to be worked on, and it is loads more fun when others are in there with their sleeves rolled up alongside you. I just don't get around to it like I should even though I mean to, things come up.

I hope you are way out of the way of all that wild water, be safe.

And happy :)

oh yeah, THANK YOU for your sweet words of encouragement. It's damn hard sometimes and your bright spirit makes everything seem less heavy, and much brighter. Nothing is artificial about your light.


Excellent post and wonderful poetry, NJ.

Thanks for being you. I wish people would learn to understand that in any family there will be some moments of friction and passion. Even amphibians are slaves to their blood temperature, so no wonder poets are too.

Champ, you too are an angel. One of the most consistently kind people here and your poetry just blows me away. I remember when I first came here, I thought you were tough on people, but you were just being you and I admire your strength in so may ways because I realize, you know what you are talking about and theres nothing wishy washy about you. I adore you, I hope you know that, I know that when you tell me something, i can take it to the bank and you never say something unless you mean it. That is an awesome and rare quality.

Thanks for being my friend when I needed it the most, your notes always come when I am at my lowest it seems, like you are connected to me in some way I can't begin to fathom. Oh hell, Im getting all misty eyed ;)

hugs to you sweet Lady

Champ, you too are an angel. One of the most consistently kind people here and your poetry just blows me away. I remember when I first came here, I thought you were tough on people, but you were just being you and I admire your strength in so may ways because I realize, you know what you are talking about and theres nothing wishy washy about you. I adore you, I hope you know that, I know that when you tell me something, i can take it to the bank and you never say something unless you mean it. That is an awesome and rare quality.

Thanks for being my friend when I needed it the most, your notes always come when I am at my lowest it seems, like you are connected to me in some way I can't begin to fathom. Oh hell, Im getting all misty eyed ;)

hugs to you sweet Lady

oh dear dear.. now you've done it; everyone's gonna know you're my southern belle :p alt. How did you get out of my psyche? I keep looking for the hole so I can patch it, but then again... sometimes my leaks aren't such terrible things after all.
Thanks LeBroz :) for mentioning my 1 Fish poem, and to those who read it and commented. Especially Elmer for the indepth FB.
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Oh sweetheart there is nothing I can say, although I wish there was, to make you feel better. We have them so short a time in out lives before we have to let them go but he will have known how much you loved him and from what you say you were everything to him too ... what more could any cat want
NJ, my deepest sympathies to you. I'm so very sorry. I know how deep, and how total, the grief is at this moment.

May your heart be soothed and lightened as soon as it can be. And know that there are many who offer understanding and compassion, as I do.

NJ, *big hugs*

I'm so sorry, darlin. I know this pain all too well. Losing a friend and family member is losing a friend and family member. It doesn't matter whether it is a human or dog or cat. You still loved him.

My deepest sympathies.
When I saw his body, I knew he was gone, it was just his earthly shell. It hurt, but not in the way I thought it would. I buried him beneath a dogwood tree.

Goodbye Nicky, I will always love you, Little Man.


Oh Jean, this is very sad. I am so sorry to hear your news. I am sure he knew he was loved and that he feels your love even now. :rose:
Champ, you too are an angel. One of the most consistently kind people here and your poetry just blows me away. I remember when I first came here, I thought you were tough on people, but you were just being you and I admire your strength in so may ways because I realize, you know what you are talking about and theres nothing wishy washy about you. I adore you, I hope you know that, I know that when you tell me something, i can take it to the bank and you never say something unless you mean it. That is an awesome and rare quality.

Thanks for being my friend when I needed it the most, your notes always come when I am at my lowest it seems, like you are connected to me in some way I can't begin to fathom. Oh hell, Im getting all misty eyed ;)

hugs to you sweet Lady


Can I add my kudos here? Champ, I completely agree. One of the most wonderful things around here is critique from Champie. No punches are ever pulled, but it is never, ever mean-spirited. Her critiques are always succinct, meaningful, instructive, and always arrow-straight-to-the-heart of the matter. I always learn from her. Thanks, Champ.
Can I add my kudos here? Champ, I completely agree. One of the most wonderful things around here is critique from Champie. No punches are ever pulled, but it is never, ever mean-spirited. Her critiques are always succinct, meaningful, instructive, and always arrow-straight-to-the-heart of the matter. I always learn from her. Thanks, Champ.

What he said.:rose:
You loverly poets will be making me blush. I love to add a thought to wonderful works since it helps me learn so much more about the writer, the subject and the poetry. It's all about the poems and I honestly try not to let ME slip into a critical review or comment. But, then again, I do know what I like.
You loverly poets will be making me blush. I love to add a thought to wonderful works since it helps me learn so much more about the writer, the subject and the poetry. It's all about the poems and I honestly try not to let ME slip into a critical review or comment. But, then again, I do know what I like.

I saw this new post and I just knew you were gonna say something silly like you were gonna blush. Never realized how young you were so that you'd so easily blush. Right off the top off my head three names pop up of folks that give good feedback ~ you, julie, and Ange. So go ahead and blush - does the heart good.


Thankyou to Angeline and Leon for your comments on 'China doll' kind words from both of you are extra special
Stick around, Dahlia. It gets better.

I just noticed that I am a virgin that's funny.

I plan on sticking around and planting a poem or two, somewhere I saw a place for instant poems. I like that because if I don't write as soon as one pops in my head I never get around to it.
I just noticed that I am a virgin that's funny.

I plan on sticking around and planting a poem or two, somewhere I saw a place for instant poems. I like that because if I don't write as soon as one pops in my head I never get around to it.

There are tons of different threads for putting up your sudden inspirations, and while you're there you can read the cool stuff other people are doing too. Try the "All of a sudden passion suddenly" thread, or "Not sure how many words" to start with. And of course you can do pretty much anything you want in the bistro, and if you write a poem I'll put it on the fridge.


I just noticed that I am a virgin that's funny.

I plan on sticking around and planting a poem or two, somewhere I saw a place for instant poems. I like that because if I don't write as soon as one pops in my head I never get around to it.

Hang in here long enough amongst this raucous 'n rowdy crowd and you'll lose your virginity soon enough.

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