"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Go public? Errr what does that entail? You posting your cybering lol ?!!
I'm guessing he'll post on the role playing forum and let's us know about it. Or maybe he really is going to post his cyber sex here. I hope it's good reading. :devil:
It's not like your first concern would be to embalm and bury or anything... The first thing you need to do is make sure the undertaker puts clean underwear on the body. What if ... ?
Do you get underwear? I heard they left that off... Seriously. I want to be buried in my new crotchless panties. Well, not for a long time from now, though.
I think they believe we'll put in the freezer or leave them on the lawn or something. :rolleyes:

It's not like your first concern would be to embalm and bury or anything... The first thing you need to do is make sure the undertaker puts clean underwear on the body. What if ... ?

My entire family except me has plots in the same cemetary. How weird is that? I guess they can put me in a shoebox in the trunk of ee's car. I've always liked to keep busy.
Do you get underwear? I heard they left that off... Seriously. I want to be buried in my new crotchless panties. Well, not for a long time from now, though.
What if you get hit by a bus? oh.. wait.

I'll bet St Peter checks for panties. If you show him you get a cloud with a view.
My entire family except me has plots in the same cemetary. How weird is that? I guess they can put me in a shoebox in the trunk of ee's car. I've always liked to keep busy.
Okay, I'm stealing this, along with that human phrase from the PM.
Oh, a poem is about to happen. And I think I'll toss in burial panties, too. :D
It means if the story turns out well we will convert it into a thread, which many others have done here..and done quite well I might add.
Well, there's a wonderful sexual role playing forum for it, unless it's going to be a poetic sexual role playing that you're doing. ;)
What if you get hit by a bus? oh.. wait.

I'll bet St Peter checks for panties. If you show him you get a cloud with a view.

Champ,, that's exactly why our mothers told us always to wear clean underwear with no holes in it. If you got hit by a bus, at the hospital they would say, "This guy's mother is a bad mother." Right, Ange?
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What if you get hit by a bus? oh.. wait.

I'll bet St Peter checks for panties. If you show him you get a cloud with a view.

Champ, that's exactly why our mothers told us always to wear clean underwear with no holes in it. If you got hit by a bus, at the hospital they would say, "This guy's mother is a bad mother."
I'll bet, Quinn, you could adopt the Lit Blog thread idea for the SRP forum, I'm sure senna won't mind. :) That way, your co-posters would know where to find such announcements from each other, without travelling all over the place to find what interests them.
Okay, I'm stealing this, along with that human phrase from the PM.
Oh, a poem is about to happen. And I think I'll toss in burial panties, too. :D

I like it when I inspire you. Even if it is with my nutty malapropisms and wacky ideas.

I still get to be in the shoebox, right?

I'm off to be tortured by my doctor. I wonder if she'll call me "dude" again today? I'm somewhat disturbed to have a doctor so much younger than me that she calls me the same name my teenaged daughter sometimes does.
Champ, that's exactly why our mothers told us always to wear clean underwear with no holes in it. If you got hit by a bus, at the hospital they would say, "This guy's mother is a bad mother."
:D It's a known measure of social status ... the state of your underwear in bus accidents. Like the EMT's examine every scrap they cut away with the scissors.
:D It's a known measure of social status ... the state of your underwear in bus accidents. Like the EMT's examine every scrap they cut away with the scissors.
I was in a bitch of an accident over four years ago. I was wearing my new polka dot bra. When I got to the hospital, they had to cut it off! As soon as I was better, I bought the boobs a new bra. Unfortunately, the store was out of polka dots. I had to get flowers. :mad:
That really got up my nose when my mother was fading fast in hospital it was Ivy this and Ivy that ... I thought it Mrs W to you missy
You mean to say you DON'T call your doctors by their first names? I do it all the time. In fact, I do it every time. When I was married to an ER nurse (first marriage), she convinced me that the whole Dr. Whatzizname thing was a control issue doctors use, so I decided that the only doctors I'd call by their professional title were the ones who were older than me, as my parents taught me to respect all elders until they did something to lose my respect, at which time I was no longer required to respect them just because. Now I sort of expect doctors to refer to me by my respectful title, Mr. Turchinski, or Sir, or something like that. My GP is Steve, my dentist is Sheila, my colonoscopy (sorry...) was done by Dale (also, he went to college with AA, so he is NOT her doc for those kinds of things...), etc. The thing is, it's really hard now to find a doctor who is older than me. In the new PPO world, the older docs have all retired to Palm Beach, and the only docs left are the ones just out of school. I'm not calling any of THEM Dr. Who.
All my doctors are older than me...
All my doctors are older than me...

That'll change. :D

My doctor is a lovely young woman who occasionally calls me "dude." She did it again today and I reminded her that the only other person who calls me that sometimes is my 16-year-old daughter! (And I don't like it! Nossir! It's disrespectful. I worked hard to earn that "mom" title!)
my dentist is Tim and has a lovely little daughter called Daisy and he likes me because I make hin laugh and he gives me discounts
I wish they'd teach doctors and other professionals that if you want to call me by my first name, then permit me to call you by yours. Annnnnd unless I introduce myself as "dude" then that form of address is really better left for your buds in the bar, or surfers, or skaters, or cowboys named Dude.
I don't really want to be placing my health into the hands of some guy I'd call "Andy." That sounds like a bad situation comedy. On the other hand, his surname is Hungarian and I can never pronounce it right. So I usually just call him "Doctor."

My dentist's name is "Heidi" so same problem.
"Doc" is what I use for pretty much every last one of them. I don't have a single physician that I repeat as I go to doctors so very rarely. I also use sir an ma'am if they are older than me, but I was raised on military bases, so that is just how I talk.
I don't really want to be placing my health into the hands of some guy I'd call "Andy." That sounds like a bad situation comedy. On the other hand, his surname is Hungarian and I can never pronounce it right. So I usually just call him "Doctor."

My dentist's name is "Heidi" so same problem.

My GP told me years ago that I could call him "Greg" but I just call him Dr. K. He is Greek and has a Greek-ish name, but it's not hard to say, but my dentist, Goes by Chrystostem, but that is a shortened version, there was originally an -omedes on the end. and he is Dr. C :)
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