"To keep the review thread clean..."

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"Doc" is what I use for pretty much every last one of them. I don't have a single physician that I repeat as I go to doctors so very rarely. I also use sir an ma'am if they are older than me, but I was raised on military bases, so that is just how I talk.

would there be any time you would call me ma'am *giggle*
In the middle ....... of tying?

Well, I do tend to still say please and thank you, but more like a police officer uses those words. "Come along, please", with the please as a perfunctory thing. I might use ma'am, though I'd probably use something more familiar.
Penance for Sister's Pink by Jamison

Sister smiled then, sexy and dark as her habit.

Jamison, you really should be punished.

Thanks Eve for the review and special thanks to NJ and Tzara for their reads/comments. I have a nun kink that goes back to parochial school and a mad perverted crush on one blonde nun in particular. I've never forgotten either.
After reading his poem, it struck me that this Tzara human probably gives good conversation. Read the poem.
I now feel like I should be holding up a sign that says in large, clear letters (probably in a sans-serif font): GIVES GOOD CONVERSATION. ;)

Thank you, Evie, for the rec.

Hey, Jamison. It is always OK to laugh at me, man. I mean, at my poem. Well, me too. Used to it.

Anyway, your comment inspires me:
Cicadas chirp in summer breeze,
their tiny minds intent on sleaze
(or, fucking, if you want to know).
Then smack! on windshield. Way it goes.​
I have told you those JD Avs are making me very itchy, haven't I?

And, my wildsweetone. I've missed you, you know. Thanks much for the comments. You're dead on with one, and I will think about the other.

OK. Lovefest over. Y'all go perv on Jamison's AV. Makes me horny, and I'm like straight as an I-beam. So they're some powerful stuff.
Well, today's poems were a good batch and I want to thank you guys for posting them... I hope I have as tasty a stew of poetry, too, tomorrow.

And, my wildsweetone. I've missed you, you know. Thanks much for the comments. You're dead on with one, and I will think about the other.
you're welcome. thank you for your comments also. and i've missed you too. :rose:
Hey, Champers! Thanks for the mention and comment on my winey poem. I'd turn your bottle anytime, frankly. Just say the word. :cool:

Happy Heritage Day, by the way.

And UYS, thank you as well for your comment. Note: Especially fine vintages may need to be laid down for ten years or more. Heh.

Oh, sorry. My mind was drifting. I guess I was thinking of something else. ;)
I, have missed you guys....:kiss:
I was trying to work backward to the correct statements to make a


welcome work for you, but it made my head hurt. So I'll just say welcome.

Write something. :)
Jamison and Wicked Eve-

Thank you for mentioning my little frog poem. When I first checked it wasn't showing up on the NP list, but it was on my sub page. LIt can be weird sometimes.

Special appreciation to Jamison, Tzara and Lady ST for their kind comments. I am glad someone enjoyed this series, it has been fun and painful to write because I do not have access to my little pond anymore, in fact, it has been 2.5 years now. And I miss it.

It was my intention to turn some of my favorite people here into "froggies" but the last attempt brought a "snarky" email and for me, that wasn't cute or funny, or maybe I just don't get dry, rude humor.

Anyway, I won't continue with it without asking the people whom I wanted to include. I can understand not wanting to be immortalized in something that the person doesn't find cute or entertaining. I do understand, ( anon, ahem....)

Thanks again for reading, y'all. It means to world to me.

ps, Kolkore-- thanks for the comment you left on my wild onions piece so long ago. I hadn't had the voting on, had no idea there was even a comment there.

It's about my mom and I still cry when I read my own damn poem. I am glad it touched you in a way that you wanted to read it again. You have been so kind to me, always, and I love and appreciate your suggestions and your input. Thank you all, for your time and graciousness.


I would like to thank champagne for her review and comment on my poem yesterday and I would like to thank Tzara for his comment as well, I am glad that you both liked the poem.
Hey, Champers! Thanks for the mention and comment on my winey poem. I'd turn your bottle anytime, frankly. Just say the word. :cool:

Happy Heritage Day, by the way.

And UYS, thank you as well for your comment. Note: Especially fine vintages may need to be laid down for ten years or more. Heh.

Oh, sorry. My mind was drifting. I guess I was thinking of something else. ;)

Thankyou for making me smile Tz on a day when I really need it
another sleepless night only a variation this time... a huge moth staring at me, its fake eyes on its wings, casting spells , lol. It is a pretty thing, tan and orange with black "eye liner".

I have noticed that the insomnia comes with the usual sort of angst and the wondering of what did I do to piss off so and so this time... I'm truly better off left alone, hubby realized that today. But the man asked me a question, I answered him, then he asked me the same thing again. I think he is getting Alzheimers.

I thought about writing a poem about the moth, but it really has no personality, nothing all that poetic about it, it's just sitting there, on a navy blue towel, criticizing every hand I hold in my poker game..

bad moth, bad moth, go cocoon yourself or something. pick out a movie for me. write me a moth poem, show me how it's done


Can we be depressed together? the moth is probably saying will you open the bliddy window and let me out before I starve to death!
Thank you, Equinoxe, for mentioning my modest verse in your review. It was intended as un hommage to your sense of humor and a thank you for introducing me to the concept of a copyright trap.

Yr humble servant,

J. M. Mierscheid
Can we be depressed together? the moth is probably saying will you open the bliddy window and let me out before I starve to death!

Annie!!! :heart:

Of course, you are welcome to come be depressed with me. Today, we are doing Depressive Macrame, with beads, OOOHHHH ;)

and when the sun sets, we are going for a walk by the river. Hopefully we won't get mugged. I do have 2 bikes though, if you care to go for a ride. I would so love to come over there and meet you. YOu could show me your brick patio. I think it is awesome to meet another female who has aspirations of building.

Have you met BooMerengue? She is a construction worker, I think she told me she was a carpenter foreperson. With the three of us, we could really build some shiet, some good sheit!

Although, it is not really the same thing.... I am a pipefitter, in the UK, that might mean a plumber, I have never worked on household pipes, except my own, but I am pretty sure between hubby and myself, we could intstal the stuff. I can do sprinklers though.... easy if the soil is just right.

On second thought, let's NOT be depressed, okay? After about the first 100 knot s, I won't even remember what was bothering me, and maybe I will make a plant hanger for you after I finish the one I am making for a sick friend.

love you sweet lady!!



ps, I caught the moth and set him free, right after that post.
Right now I could think of a damn good use for macramé rope ..... you are very dear to me too ...oh do you mind if I have a good yell? Why the feckkkkkkkkkkkkkk can't I grow a bloody thick hiiiiiiiiide !!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Equinoxe, for mentioning my modest verse in your review. It was intended as un hommage to your sense of humor and a thank you for introducing me to the concept of a copyright trap.

Yr humble servant,

J. M. Mierscheid

You're very welcome! For both.

I had a suspicion that there were more than coincidences in varying aspects.
Special appreciation to Jamison, Tzara and Lady ST for their kind comments. I am glad someone enjoyed this series, it has been fun and painful to write because I do not have access to my little pond anymore, in fact, it has been 2.5 years now. And I miss it.

you are quite welcome :kiss:
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