"To keep the review thread clean..."

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most of mine averaged out around 4.50 now they are 2s or less, there is a vindictive sod around and it's not like I've done anything except give an honest opinion on 'someones' poem. I've had some cracking putdowns on mine before now but it never entered my head to go to the trouble of sweeping through their submissions ....... some people should get out more. Actually I find it somewhat amusing which I don't suppose was his intention at all!

I think this is a case of compulsive pig tail pulling.
I was using the term gay abandon for what it used to mean but realise now that may just be an English term

Oh and smacked your backside hard for the 'new wave' comment on Giselle :D ...... it was punk then how can it be new wave when it's now old? :confused:
cough, cough. I Knew what it WAS.
(Note Often a cliché,

A Celt, A Celt, you're not a Saxon at all, So what do you think about Yeats?

and happy st pat's if you have it

Top o' the morning you and yes we do have St Pats day there's a large contingent of Irish in this town and Ron's mother was Irish
I reckon I get my blonde hair from the Vikings raping and pillaging along the East coast, (or I'm a changeling child!) where I come from for the most part the people were always small and dark and I am tall and fair!
BTW if I make any typos today it's because I've managed to burn my fingers with hot fat this morning and typing this has taken an age!
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but u can do so much better

wow, and to think I got busted for a pun comment:D:D:D

but he does soooo much better on this one:

why do u wanna talk mean about urself like that? calling urself ugly. bad, bad- u almost had a funny type poem here but ruined with that down talk like u did

I'm all for freedom of expression and all that, but literal reading of poetry is not recommended.

Anyway I did NPR this morning, left pretty much straight comments, probably not helpful, certainly not funny. Even though this anon's comments can't be considered as helpful, they are about the poem, mostly...they are


why do I think I know who this is?
Top o' the morning you and yes we do have St Pats day there's a large contingent of Irish in this town and Ron's mother was Irish
I reckon I get my blonde hair from the Vikings raping and pillaging along the East coast, (or I'm a changeling child!) where I come from for the most part the people were always small and dark and I am tall and fair!
BTW if I make any typos today it's because I've managed to burn my fingers with hot fat this morning and typing this has taken an age!
take care, I saved you the trouble of the rank about anon.
thankyou, koba, for your comment on LOST. yes, Japan. i figured the only place to begin in such enormity was to hone in on one specific scene. a news report showing the bad weather they're also having to cope with and a bowling alley being used as a makeshift morgue created the write.

not entirely sure now it was 100% ready, as this morning i see one or two small changes i might perhaps have made.
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Thank you to everyone who commented on 'Giselle' and 'It haunts my dreams'. I must stop being naughty and writing about mysteries as it were, leaving the reader to make up their own minds about what happened! 'Giselle' is set in war torn Paris and 'It haunts my dreams' is the writer failing to save her lover from drowning. Mind you I think it started as something else but I got a good rhymn going and that's were it lead me!
Thank you to everyone who commented on 'Giselle' and 'It haunts my dreams'. I must stop being naughty and writing about mysteries as it were, leaving the reader to make up their own minds about what happened! 'Giselle' is set in war torn Paris and 'It haunts my dreams' is the writer failing to save her lover from drowning. Mind you I think it started as something else but I got a good rhymn going and that's were it lead me!

Believe it or not, a drowning death was one of the possibilities I thought of after reading your poem, and one reason I gave it a five. I think it's one of your best poems, even if difficult to decipher.
thank you very much I am particularly pleased that I got the rhythm going enough to make at least two people think it was a form of some sort ..... wish I could do that more often!
thanks for the comments on my sifted scattered ? can't remember the title, three ss

How do you write the plural of s?



at any rate. I am learning that Seattle's poems are actually anna poems. I am not sure what to do because I am trying the 52 skeedo challenge under Seattle's name. Wonder if I can do a merge of some sort? Have a J's scorecard? I am not in the mood for Seattle poems right now. Maybe I should just fake it. Is there a 52 challenge discussion thread? I cannot believe the points some of y'all are racking up. WTG!

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