"To keep the review thread clean..."

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baby you are on your way...
rum and cigarette coffee morning breath
unshaven face
and Naked lunch squished at the bottom of a bag
I remember New Orleans,
well...a little of it any how.

DeepAsleep said:
Keylana is shaking
the door is
shaking her arms
is shaking

"I got the cancer and
the manic bipolar,
I got cancer
let me go
out let me out"

They pulled two rigs
from her
bra she
the door her teeth
methamphetamines old friends

I can't stop laughing
screw's looking at
me funny thru the window

Keylana has cancer has
the manic bipolar won't shake
the door off
its hinges

trying not
to forget
any detail

they took away my pen
my watch my earring
my wallet my checkbook
my pen, they took away
my pen
i can't remember enough
without it.

makeshift mirror lookin
out slot in door
see if dinner gonna come
down the hall

won't wanna eat it
anyway I bet sandwiches
fishsticks oj

"Door, fuck's the number
on the door? Time is it,
time is it wanna know what
time is it, don't want no
dinner want door number
on the door get outta here
cancer, got cancer got the
cancer in me,
got the
took my
rigs got cancer,

can I have a bible?"

Cris sez
"Ol' Keylana she get
on a comedown"

Chris sez
"no goddam sprinkles
on the brownies
sprinkles is cheap
tv dinner cheap
no-sprinkle brownies"

Keylana shakes
the door all
goddam night for two hours
two hours is all
goddam night
when no one sez shit
shut up
she's something to watch
the manic bipolar cancer
floor show
not a brick wall not a cold
door not a huge lock
not a brownie with no sprinkles
when you got cancer
and the manic bi
polar and no more rigs
metal doorslams iron
door cold doorstones
shakes I think
I am getting the shakes
the cancer
and the manic

three of us
chris cris and me
stomach to floor
up on elbows
heads together
girls at slumber party
singing Journey songs
out the slot
into the hallway
until Keylana sez
we're makin her fuckin
head split cancer
and i tell her
"you're as cold as ice"
but she don't get it

somone makes my
but they'll
be there til tuesday
fuckin dead presidents
makin em stay til
tuesday makin em

on my way out the door
I see it's not a number
the letter
"It's f,
Key. Key? f. Door f."

"Fuckin' f door, door
fuckin' f, 'kay Ross
'kay, tell 'em to let me out
ross, door f, don't forget
door f."

i forgot to ask
the time.

Yay, first time in a jail cell. 2/18/06
Thank you blue, for the mention of my first foray into haiku, or to be more precise, senryu, with my little write, ~ Love ~ .

Thanks blue, for the review of my two poems today. Extra good to see someone relating to what I write on an individual level. Thanks for sharing the thought. :)

Sorry for the blip. I am on a lap top and the track pad seems to have a mind of its own. :cool:
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Tathagata said:
glacial tile floor and
skim milk makes coffee and tea
a wash water gray
these callous colorless mornings
i still manage to drag around
the kaleidescope corpse
of us

Yeah. Skim milk, I can relate.
Be well brother. :rose:
thanks neo for the mention

the poem was actually inspired by those poems posted by LeBroz about "Blondes" (thanks leon)

my AV? My new grand baby, two shining stars
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clutching_calliope said:
Today the skies bright yellow
and you waving the flag
before the throne

of kings, of princes
seated here before you. In
this one way all are equal.

You, too, you’re a nation.

*I was thinking of submitting this into a contest called the Wergle Floop. Here's the website if anyone wants a chuckle. :rolleyes: http://www.winningwriters.com/contests/wergle/we_guidelines.php
You don't stand a chance.

Wergle Floop is, of course, a reference to nonsense poetry created to lampoon. This, however, drips with meaning. Right off the start, "Today" forces me, the reader into the moment. I can't think about the past, and tomorrow has no relevence. It is the here and now that matters. How refreshing, to remind us sieze the day, to surrender our concerns to the cosmos. It is followed by an article. Not just any article: "the." Wow. "The." All other references are shaken from the metaphor tree. It is only "the" noun. And what a noun! Skies! As big as all outdoors! My head can barely fit it inside.

In just these first three words you have blown my mind. I need to ruminate on this one awhile.
My Erotic Trail said:
thanks neo for the mention

the poem was actually inspired by those poems posted by LeBroz about "Blondes" (thanks leon)

my AV? My new grand baby, my two shining stars

Don't thank me ~ thank the blonde (a real one) that turned my head. Though your way of checking roots gets right down, ah, to the heart of the matter.....

This one is nice Sara. I like how you hit on the water drop analogy when I am on the mountain I think about that. Which way would the water run? Those are the lines that have perfect rhythm...you touched a chord. Thanks for the smile this morning :D

Sara Crewe said:
Going Down

The mountain is a scale
that seduces without justice
balancing life and death
with each descent. At the top
my body breathes and beats
past habit and hits a rhythm
that runs through me
like a river newly thawed
into waterfall. It's drumming
in my ears, rapids rising
and ready to smash rocks
and spray the shore in a rush
of raw energy that should
never be damned. I am
a force greater than me.
The first piece of snow
breaking free of the crest.
No one knows if I will bring
down the mountain
in avalanche or simply slide
along the side, kissing
surface skin in the ultimate
tease where edges strip
only powder for a peek
at the naked depths below.
TheRainMan said:
(stretching the rules and jumping the writing gun, since I'll be gone all day tomorrow)

You may have to take a spanking for breaking the rules.
Neo, can I have some input here?
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