"To keep the review thread clean..."

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beetrootjesuit said:
Ooooh but love is fun
care to dance?

Cheek to cheek
thigh to thigh
turn that hip
it’s eye to eye
then lip to lip
now don’t be shy

you won’t slip
I won’t trip
lose our grip
shall we dip?

Ain’t no Last Tango
Forget the oysters, baby
‘cause nothing rhymes with Salsa.

wildsweetone said:
can't help you there... i refuse to own a pair of the things. some of us have to be sensible you know. ;)

Well we will soon have some warmer weather and I can head out to the park and see if I can get coordinated enough to stay upright while learning the fine art of braking.

In the meantime, I finally managed to hold off crashing my helicopter long enough to finally break 1,000. I attibute that to the exquisite piece of dark chocolate that was so sensuously melting in my mouth. Let's not talk about all the calories I'll now have to burn off! :catroar:

:rose: :rose:
Tathagata said:
george sits in early sunday sunlight
cleaning his face with a crooked paw
Tig crouches and prepares to attack
the giant cat shadow thats washing its face
on the wall

okay, you and Liar could start a compilation of intelligent, interesting, well written children's poetry. I love this.
LeBroz said:
Well we will soon have some warmer weather and I can head out to the park and see if I can get coordinated enough to stay upright while learning the fine art of braking.

In the meantime, I finally managed to hold off crashing my helicopter long enough to finally break 1,000. I attibute that to the exquisite piece of dark chocolate that was so sensuously melting in my mouth. Let's not talk about all the calories I'll now have to burn off! :catroar:

:rose: :rose:

good luck with the breaking! er... i mean with learning how to break whilst wearing deadly weapons on your feet. :D i advise wrapping your body in cushions or something. ;)

you made it over the 1,000???!!! well done. i haven't played it for, oh let's see... near on 48 hours now. i haven't tried it with chocolate. hmm, sensually piqued whilst in charge of a keyboard. sounds like a novelty. sensually piqued whilst behind the stick of a chopper. interesting images there. :D

i might have to keep practising, you're catching up to me. i crashed into this impossible place where the chopper would not fit, last time. 1292.


have you written and read today? :D
wildsweetone said:
good luck with the breaking! er... i mean with learning how to break whilst wearing deadly weapons on your feet. :D i advise wrapping your body in cushions or something. ;)

you made it over the 1,000???!!! well done. i haven't played it for, oh let's see... near on 48 hours now. i haven't tried it with chocolate. hmm, sensually piqued whilst in charge of a keyboard. sounds like a novelty. sensually piqued whilst behind the stick of a chopper. interesting images there. :D

i might have to keep practising, you're catching up to me. i crashed into this impossible place where the chopper would not fit, last time. 1292.


have you written and read today? :D

I'm very familiar with that place where the top drops down, the ground rises and in-between that narrow space is that block. I've met my doom there more than once. :eek:

I missed reading the new poems yesterday, so I've got to go through them today and catch up. And I've a bunch of catching up to do as I missed a few days while my attention was elsewhere.

And then I've got a few of my own I'm working on, my favorites being those with a bit of misdirection. I'll see what develops with these later.

But first, reality calls. I've got to roll up my sleeves and wash some dishes. Won't find much poetry there in the hot water & suds :(

:rose: :rose:
LeBroz said:
I'm very familiar with that place where the top drops down, the ground rises and in-between that narrow space is that block. I've met my doom there more than once. :eek:

I missed reading the new poems yesterday, so I've got to go through them today and catch up. And I've a bunch of catching up to do as I missed a few days while my attention was elsewhere.

And then I've got a few of my own I'm working on, my favorites being those with a bit of misdirection. I'll see what develops with these later.

But first, reality calls. I've got to roll up my sleeves and wash some dishes. Won't find much poetry there in the hot water & suds :(

:rose: :rose:

no poetry in hot water and suds? oh man but that sure demands a thread of its own. :D

i'll go think about hot water and suds while i'm breaking my fast.

Tzara said:
Spinnaker, Unset

My short and pointed tongue,
so sharp sometimes in speech,
idles now in sloth. Asleep

in dulled anticipation
of other conversations,
other topics. Coiled sheet.

I have read this a dozen times. It's a pretty broad reach, but it flies well, really well. ;)
sandspike said:
I have read this a dozen times. It's a pretty broad reach, but it flies well, really well. ;)
I agree. A fun one to poke with a marlinspike.

Great poem, Tz!
My bad!

Tzara said:

I think.

My Bad! It was a port sided compliment. I love your poem.
It took awhile for the analogy to sail into my foggy harbor.
I wish it were longer, the main thing is it got a response
from me. Ain't that part of what this is about? Getting
your thoughts on paper and having them make some reader
think a little. ;)
Sara Crewe said:
After a brief absence due to a visit from the pneumonia fairy, I begin again...

Sink In

When I was younger I walked
in other people’s footsteps
to keep from sinking
in the snow. It worked

and my ankles never felt
the ice strip my skin
of comfort. I didn’t mind
that I followed but soon

I wondered why I went
this way and not by the lake
or down along the field.
My feet no longer fit

inside the path of frozen
prints and each time I tried
to trail others, I slipped
and fell into thought.

Lying against the wings
of silhouette angels
in a quiet that revealed
winter is a librarian

who shushes the world
so we can figure out
it’s easier to stand up,
step into fresh snow

and sink into the banks.
Welcome the depth
and the sweat that comes
with struggles despite the cold.

Lick the salt with a smile
and go our own way.

If anyone sees that particular fairy send her back to me please. I want to pull her wings off and stick her in a jar with no air holes.

Welcome back Ms. Crewe--glad you're feeling well again. That pneumonia fairy is a wily one: I think she may have slipped down to Maine and breathed a few germs on my sweetypie. If he shows up on the forum tonight (I'll be teaching), tell him to drink his orange juice, mmk?

:kiss: (<------ there are no biogerms in cyberspace.)
Thank you much

To bluerains for mentioning my poem, Non-Stick. Also most thanks to Lebroz, MET and 4degrees for their comments. :rose:
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