"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Angeline said:
It's all about the love, I keep tellin ya. ;)

You got twenty-one poems out of me so far--how could I not love you? Okay, so three of them are "good" poems, but still....

Me too, but closer to one good poem out of twenty. I still need to write 1 - 21 :rolleyes:
neonurotic said:
That's not a rash, baby. That's afterglow!
Those bullies are some mean, Neo! I wouldn't say that but I'm a pink belly afficiando and that's about as pink as it gets!
LeBroz said:
Curse you, wso, for showing this site. Shot an hour crashing helicopters instead of finishing my tweaks on M/W-V. :eek:


oh gosh, i just found out it has sound. lol i usually have my speakers turned off. fancy that.


Welcome back ManusNigrumPoet...
Thanks for checking in!
I hope we get to see some more poems from you here.


ManusNigrumPoet said:
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

im just here to read and write poetry. i would like to know how my work has affected you. if any emotions were churned when reading my works. if you liked it or not. what you didnt like and what you did. thats all

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

i have no clue. i will be the wyld random... nephrandio

*How would you describe your writing?

odd and dark. sometimes light hearted. passionate. emotional. IDK

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.


*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work

serpentine and widows blood, suicide on my mind, omega zed century, i have others but they arent on this site... boo hoo

and thats me... okay love to read and share work you folks.
wildsweetone said:
oh gosh, i just found out it has sound. lol i usually have my speakers turned off. fancy that.



Now you're in real trouble! I've always got my sounds on; it's such a blast when I'm IM'ing and my animated icon keeps responding with all sorts of fun sounds. Now I'll see how much luck I have with a little Sangria in me.

Passengers should ensure they have adequate flight insurance. :devil:
wildsweetone said:
why do i get the odd impression that you enjoy crashing???


You should see me in my in-line skates. :eek:
Never got close to any trees, but a belly flop in the grass can't be beat.


Especially when I have to pull all the grass out of my shorts ... both pairs. :catroar:
wildsweetone said:
people wearing inline skates should be licenced.

they're just downright dangerous!


Only to themselves, dear; only to themselves!
Now if I could just get the hang of braking, I could really let myself go! :eek:
can't help you there... i refuse to own a pair of the things. some of us have to be sensible you know. ;)
Tathagata said:
He comes out of his second day of preschool
holding the hand
of a wisp of a blond blue eyed girl
with a " pebbles" hairdo and
the tiniest of a turned up nose
" Shes my new friend" he explains
I remember when it was that simple.

My daughter says he's a " little man"
and I have noticed his face
looks older
at 4 1/2

He can say the "T" in my name now
I am no longer " Pimmy"
he can still sit on my lap to play computer games
and when I pretend to bite his neck
there is still the faint smell
of baby shampoo

I have never watched someone grow up
so closely

and so at 47 I have learned the last pain
I hope
I know the others by rote

now i watch as a child leaves perfection
and wanders out into the world
into questions i cant answer
and pain i can't heal
and I have to let him go

he'll no longer offer me a bite
of everything he eats
he won't make up songs about me
call me " workin boy" computer boy" or " drinking boy"
i wont call him wiggle worm when he sits on my lap
because he can't sit still
when the world calls for so many new things

the hugs will become stiff
the " i love you's" less often
he will roll his eyes at having to go see grandpa
when there are cheeseburgers to be eaten
and girls to kiss
and all the while he will be 4 years old in my heart
my first grandson
perhaps my only one
i will carry his unrealized sorrow with me
until he inherits it
and has to learn to let go also

awwwwww Tath... you made me cry this morning :(

good job :eek:
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