To the Critics....

air2o said:
i was in a bathroom the other day.

there's more,

on the wall someone wrote, "Jesus is Lord"
below that someone wrote, "NO! Buddha is much cooler, get a life mutha fukka!"
I kid you not!

when in doubt, cast doubt

get out, ang


you're right, as usual, but I had my morning coffee and I feel better now, lol. (Why are you up so early? Late? I had to take ee to work or I'd still be snoozy.) :rose:
Re: Hey E~

Hey there MET. It's good to see that you take all of this with a big ol grin on your face. :) Not enough of us do. You sure have a lot to say, and have some good points in there. And most important, you have the balls to say it. For that, I salute you and everyone else in this thread.

Just too bad that you have to litter your own opinions with very incorrect assumptions, and plump, below the belt insults about those of us that doesn't think or act like you do. Come on, you're better than that.

I can't say that your off-the-chart remarks did get to me, or can hurt me (god knows you tried though :rolleyes: ), since they were frankly quite ridiculous. But I do reserve the right to resent them.

"They are drilled in so called workshops or
hang outs for the lonely."

"...the way they have been taught or read that
a poem is suppose to be by some other person.
Instead of reading what some one is trying to say."

"so they shine in the light for their groupies."

"these groupies defending their GAWD"

I mean, really... Sorry, but this is so blatantly out of touch with the real world that I don't even know where to begin replying. So I don't.

"Any way the key to tranquility is exceptance!!!
Therefore I except them for what they are..."

Well, your post shows that you obviously don't.

"One final my poem YDD ia a Ying Yang...
"We all see things differently"...except it..."

Same to you, brother.

p, l & u
Lauren Hynde said:
I promised to be good today, so I'll just shut up.

Yes. As you know, I've declared today a "You Know Who"-free day. :D

And btw, your av reminds me of this album cover:


Who are the groupies and who's Gawd and who is You Know Who?
Oh, that AV does look like the album cover! Cool.
Angeline said:
Yes. As you know, I've declared today a "You Know Who"-free day. :D

And btw, your av reminds me of this album cover:


I wasn't going to say anything but...

...oooh I can't stop myself.

*click* "Now turn left."

*grumble* "Yes, officer"


soooory. it IS cool. I'm just in a weird mood


ps. Can I get some groupies?
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Liar said:
I wasn't going to say anything but...

...oooh I can't stop myself.

*click* "Now turn left."

*grumble* "Yes, officer"


soooory. it IS cool. I'm just in a weird mood


ps. Can I get some groupies?

I'm already Lauren's groupie. :D

uh not really Katers, hehe--my laugh
Let the Games Begin~

Well good morning Poets~

Oh my looks like I step on a few paws last
night...Yes I was tired and normally keep my
tongue more still. But some off the words in
this thread stirred me and this obviously is
a debate thread, It wasn't a love your neighbor
get together, (although that would have been
nice and made budda proud...smiles)

I'll step cautiously and watch out for any paws
I might step on...hehehe


(((Well, that makes two of us--my female
paw is getting a bit sore from hearing things
like "groupies defending their GAWD," a
statement I find both sexist and obnoxious.
Think Buddha would have any thoughts on
letting go of misplaced anger))))

Yes Grasshopper...I see you understand this
and perhaps we both have allowed the blood
to boil a bit more than we should thank you
for reminding me of this and perhaps we BOTH
will try more to be calm and except what is.

There seems to be a line in the sand here and
I see that you have to choose which side you
want to be on...think I'll go back up to the cliff
and sit down and watch ya'll debate all you want.
"BUT" I have befriend Elizabetht and Joseki ko..
them I know as well as jim even though he is
angry with me right now for...well YDD there I
said it...hehehehe..his paw is sore too...

Although I don't know you, jim speaks Highly
of you and echos? His fav's He feels he guides
you through poetic learning, well ya'll have
your way of doing things and I have nothing
against that...

Bows humble and props up your paw...smiles....

(((Who are the groupies and who's Gawd and
who is You Know Who? Oh, that AV does look
like the album cover! Cool.)))

I see the circle of friends here and respect that...
groupies was a very poor choice of words in the
wee hours of the morn !!! "I the circle"

It was hard to distinguish between the defense
of ( the subject of my poem which you created a
thread...looks at Angeline..."I didn't say it..hehe")
And the defense of free speech or critism...I don't
worry about votes or ratings...I'm not trying to build
a perfect score or win the monthly title like jim and
others, but I have a friend who does watch my
scores and since friday when the poem came out
I have been as jim say's "hit with bad votes"
Oh WELL...the right to vote or comment will still
be there. GOOD OR BAD...SMILES..

You show kindness and understanding with
compassion in your words...very admirable...


(((Shut up!
Where is Senna when we need him?))

Probably with (looks at know)

I sense deep tension instilled you...try a hot tub
or a good back massage..mmmmmm the same fire
that Elizabetht shows..."I like that" but...heres a
saying I tell my students...

"When two tigers attack each lays dead
and the other dieing." It does no good, perhaps its
a pride thing...but breath deep and let it all out ...
breath in....breath out...breath in...breath out...


(((I can't say that your off-the-chart remarks
did get to me, or can hurt me (god knows
you tried though ), since they were frankly
quite ridiculous. But I do reserve the right to
resent them.)))

I would say frankly I don't give damn......
but I do...If you resent...then you don't except..
so therefore you will have the hardest time with except these feedbacks!!!!!
is what is except the critism !!!!!!
to except that you resent my words !!!!!! SMILES...

(((I mean, really... Sorry, but this is so blatantly
out of touch with the real world that I don't
even know where to begin replying. So I don't. )))

Aw..the REAL world...hehehehe you meant your seems to become farther from reality
the farther from the earth his feet must
live in a sky scraper...just kidding that is an old
saying from an Indian chief about reality...we
have forgotten we are animals and placed
ourselves above I find you to be
trying...I see on threads your humorous and a bit
witty I repect that...even though your filled with
resentment..a walking ying yang...hummmmmmm


Thank you for allowing me to post on your thread.
keep up the good fight for even though I agree
freedom of speech and the right to comment how
we want...I see the tone of voice in words...they
speek their mind or the way they think...let them

You can't change the stripes on a tiger..just respect
them for them...two more be in the
survivor contest you must turn on your votes and
comments correct so all this turn it off if you want
doesn't apply to those with the task of writing
in every catagorie here on lit.....smiles....

And if you go to any forum...any where you see the
same thing...people chatting about this or that..
and there is always two sides....well some times
more but the line is in the sand and I have to
choose which side to be on?????

Let the games (firing battery of words) begin...hehe


"Oh..hey Jo"~
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Well, with all these sore paws, no wonder we're all stumbling around. :D I was going to erase that post, Art, cause I wrote it shortly after I awoke and I was in a pre-coffee snit, lol. Actually, my only concern with what you've said there and since is that I don't know how one would identify a writer as "new." New in what sense? I know you mean new to exposing one's writing because people who have posted and/or been published at other places but not Lit aren't really new--that is they'd be more likely to shrug off what they disagreed with.

Actually, I'm pretty careful not to say anything that might be interpreted as "criticizing" in a pc unless I know the writer and he or she knows me and understands that my intent is to help, not to shove "flaws" in someone's face or make them feel inferior. Maybe that's the best way to go...
Re: Let the Games Begin~

My Erotic Tail said:
I see the circle of friends here and respect that...
groupies was a very poor choice of words in the
wee hours of the morn !!! "I the circle"
It's more of an oval, which is a problem. I did bring it up at the last friendship meeting. I said, "An oval is freakin' embarrassing! Can't we throw Ange or Lauren out of the oval, so we can get our circle back?" Then I was informed that the lack of Ange and Lauren could cause us to go oblong.
Re: Let the Games Begin~

My Erotic Tail said:
Well good morning Poets~


(((Shut up!
Where is Senna when we need him?))

Probably with (looks at know)

I sense deep tension instilled you...try a hot tub
or a good back massage..mmmmmm the same fire
that Elizabetht shows..."I like that" but...heres a
saying I tell my students...

"When two tigers attack each lays dead
and the other dieing." It does no good, perhaps its
a pride thing...but breath deep and let it all out ...
breath in....breath out...breath in...breath out...
Believe me, you have never seen me remotely tense. ;)

Still being good. (I'm not a tiger)

Compassion...Budda smiles...:)

Yeah I said a lot last night that were as
liar might say "uncalled for" poets are ver
passionate...they write as they feel....sorry

The thing that got me the most about all
this was the girl in question in my poem
that flared up a thread..."Oh God" hehehe

she has many problems...insecureties from
being done very wrong in life and in trying
to get her to open up and flower as you
might say with her beautiful poetry...then
DDY come along saying it was all wrong..
He doesn't know good poetry obviously

So now I sat with this already fragile female
and tryed to get her to cheer up and see
that this opinion in no way means anything.
Only that he finds his fun in life by commenting.

So I got fired up and researched the corners
of lit and showed her she was not the only
one that this person has a bad habit or
pattern they I wrote that poem

The thread was started yesterday about ...
well the comments about him..hehehehehehe
and here I STAND...NAKED before you all and
defend what I've said and done....

to be wise would be to say nothing at all
or as the poem implies teach a lesson by
showing....I haven't done that very well
and will try harder to do so....

Bows humble to the grasshopper...
Re: Hey E~

My Erotic Tail said:
Poets are passionate People~

The comments I've seen are mostly pointing
out grammer or meters (what ever that is)
And the proper guidelines for the way they
have been taught or read that a poem is
suppose to be by some other person.
Instead of reading what some one is trying
to say.

Art, that is the point. I consider what a person is trying to say the most important thing in a poem. In the poems you specifically have asked me to look at and offer suggestions, I worked very hard to make recommendations that did not affect what you were saying.

I think if you look at comments on most of the poetry, you will see grammatical, spelling, metric and structural recommendations. You will also see some people trying to look deep into the nuances of particularly good poems to see the less obvious meaning there. Some recommendations will address ways to enhance the more hidden meaning in the poems. This shows an appreciation of poetry that many people don't understand.

In poetry, what you say is not what makes it poetry, how you say it is what makes it poetry. That a person takes the time to read the poetry and offer suggestions or comments on how you said something is usually a comment. They are saying, how you said what you did affected them is some way, positively or negatively.

For the two poems I sent you a detailed recommendation on, recommendations mind you, that took me an hour or two to complete was done at your request. That you, in your comments in this forum, would ridicule what you asked me to, do leads me to question why you asked me to offer the recommendations.

The sad part of all of this is that a lot of people agree with what you say about poetry, that meter, grammar, alliteration... and all those other poetic tools are unimportant, that those things should be ignored. The sad thing is that when you ignore these things, you miss the true beauty of a truly extraordinary poem. The true beauty is not what they have said, the idea would stand on it's own, the true beauty is how they say it, the deep feeling of the idea is enhanced, often exponentially in how they say that. In reading and writing for just the idea, you get something, a feeling or something, when you can see the rest, the nuance, the meter, the alliteration... this feeling is heightened. Sadly, those of you who ignore these things simply cheat yourself out of something spectacular.

What is unfortunate, I think the majority of people view poetry as either unnessary window dressing or simply read them to get the general idea of the poem. The majority of people, often educated people mind you, numb themselves to truly inspired poetry.

I guess like preachers, a lot of us poets are so taken by this absolute beauty in poetry we want others to see the light. And when we find someone that understands, we are overjoyed. Often we will look at a poem, often an exceptional poem and see something more, a possibility in words that, if enhanced or modified only slightly the poem could aspire to be something more, something that could truly be something special. On a lot of my poetry, someone has offered a recommendation like that and I have elected to listen to what they have to say and try to understand where they are coming from. I may or may not use the advice, but usually the advice will give me an insight into my poem that I had not seen.

I will follow this post with an article by Dana Gioia titled "Can Poetry Matter" it is worth reading.

jim : )
In May 1991:

Dana Gioia's article "Can Poetry Matter" first appeared in Atlantic Monthly. He said a lot of things about the state of poetry. It is interesting, here are a few snippets:

"The divorce of poetry from the educated reader has had another, more pernicious result. Seeing so much mediocre verse not only published but praised, slogging through so many dull anthologies and small magazines, most readers--even sophisticated ones like Joseph Epstein--now assume that no significant new poetry is being written. This public skepticism represents the final isolation of verse as an art form in contemporary society."


"But the rest of society has mostly forgotten the value of poetry. To the general reader, discussions about the state of poetry sound like the debating of foreign politics by emigres in a seedy cafe. Or, as Cyril Connolly more bitterly described it, "Poets arguing about modern poetry: jackals snarling over a dried-up well." Anyone who hopes to broaden poetry's audience--critic, teacher, librarian, poet, or lonely literary amateur--faces a daunting challenge. How does one persuade justly skeptical readers, in terms they can understand and appreciate, that poetry still matters?

A passage in William Carlos Williams's "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower" provides a possible starting point. Written toward the end of the author's life, after he had been partly paralyzed by a stroke, the lines sum up the hard lessons about poetry and audience that Williams had learned over years of dedication to both poetry and medicine. He wrote,

My heart rouses
thinking to bring you news
of something

that concerns you
and concerns many men. Look at
what passes for the new.
You will not find it there but in
despised poems.
It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there."

Read the entire article if you haven't already, though it is now 13 years old, a lot of what he says still rings true.

jim : )
slips in leaving a bowl with ice in it, some bandages and some soothing balm... she scribbles alittle note that says: "For Art's paw" she smiles sets down the note and heads off to read the morning stories and poems
Tangled web~


Takes a deep breath...I haven't said much about
you because you have tried to show me what
you call correct poetry....

So I will step lightly as far as your concerned..
but my eye brows raise since this YDD eposode
get my drift...if not Ill put it like this....

We are seeds that sprout in a garden of poetry
You tend the garden considerably...But as the sun
shines in the wee hours of the morn...I see the
spiders web has attached itself to you as you grow.
Your deep and taught...I will be kind as far as
your patience with me but you know I know.

Plus were neighbors so I tend to not piss in
my neighbors to you I watch and listen
but get a grip...this is lit...not a work shop or
classroom. and these people write from the heart
and they are good stuff just as they are with
out tearingthem all apart and redoing them..

My blood start to boil takes a deep breath..
the dragon of blue...knows you too....AND
your webbing is aluring yet I caution for the
bite of the spider is harsh...isn't it?????

Bows humble
Re: Let the Games Begin~

My Erotic Tail said:
Well good morning Poets~

Although I don't know you, jim speaks Highly
of you and echos? His fav's He feels he guides
you through poetic learning, well ya'll have
your way of doing things and I have nothing
against that...

Bows humble and props up your paw...smiles....

Hey MET...nice to greet you. :rose:
my tired piece... me writing poetry is not about attacking anyone.
Critizisms can be left, taken for a grain of salt, or constructively used, most are meant well and with good heart "in my world".

I consider everyone here friends and maybe that defines my life,
but then writing is my life and has always been.

If someone with the same perspective and feeling, who voices similar reactions and feelings, protective about something or someone they cherish or appreciate is considered a groupie, then this world is divided by just that.

It is with an open mind and heart that said groupies expand and touch each other.

Each and every one of us touch the other and at one time, there will be agreement and caress of space and thought.

I just disagree with personal attacks, lending one to feel smaller or greater than the other.

We all have paths to cross and burdens to bear, a journey ahead perhaps at different check points, to feel the freedom also of helping along the way can be just as good when the muse is dried, or it is to write poetry.

To be able to say with honesty their own opinion, as spoken in poetry. :heart:
I hear what you have said.

And yes, I understand that there are people who chose to write poetry or whatever just to express themselves in whatever way they can. But there are others who want to learn more, who appreciate the feedback, understand the feedback and make good use of the feedback. You have seen comments here from a lot of people like that, I have received emails and PMs from people who have asked me to look at a specific poem, to comment and make recommendations. Art, you were one of these people.

It is quickly apparent who is interested in the feedback and who isn't. What I typically will do is make a recommendation here or there and see what the response is. I did that with a number of people in this thread for whom, it was apparent, were not interested in what I had to say, so I either left their stuff alone or modified how and what I said in my comments.

What frustrates me, is that this thread was started when someone, for whatever reason, took offense to what I said to one of those poets I mentioned above. I made recommendations to a poet who has consistently been very receptive to feedback and recommendation. I have had the joy of watching a comment or two from me take root in this poet and she has produced consistently incredible poetry, poetry I wish I could have written.

I was personally attacked and accused of shyting on people's poetry, in this very thread. I asked for any specific instance when I did this and got no reply.

This thread was started when someone didn't like what I said about a poem to a poet who has subsequently thanked me for the advice. You have thanked the starter of this thread for attacking recommendations I made to a friend, recommendations that were clearly welcomed.

She spoke her mind in a public forum, fine, that's free speech. She also made accusations I asked her to support, she did not support the accusations. Was that what you thanked her for?

I understand there are people not interested in what I have to say. There are also people who want to hear what I have to say. If I stumble upon someone not interested, I will apologize and leave them alone. But please, don't attack me for commenting, workshopping, recommending, or whatever you want to call it, on a poem by someone who is truly interested in hearing from me.

If you don't want me to comment on your work let me know, I will leave it alone. If you know anyone who doesn't want me to comment on their work, let me know. But wow, if the person welcomes the comment, it seems like a reasonable thing to do to let me make the comment without having to worry about retaliation from a third party.

I will now limp off, and count the ones piled up in my vote averages. I now understand why someone would comment on work as anonymous or in a blind name, I guess I am just foolish about it. I tend to think people will try to do the right thing, that they will rate work based upon it's merit. Many will, but I also guess many won't.

Thank you Art for not directly attacking me, thank you for at least discussing these things with me. If you do take some of the recommendations I made on your poetry, please let me see the final product. I aways am intrigued in how a poem comes together and progresses.

jim : )
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Re: Re: Let the Games Begin~

echoes_s said:
Hey MET...nice to greet you. :rose:
my tired piece... me writing poetry is not about attacking anyone.
Critizisms can be left, taken for a grain of salt, or constructively used, most are meant well and with good heart "in my world".

I consider everyone here friends and maybe that defines my life,
but then writing is my life and has always been.

If someone with the same perspective and feeling, who voices similar reactions and feelings, protective about something or someone they cherish or appreciate is considered a groupie, then this world is divided by just that.

It is with an open mind and heart that said groupies expand and touch each other.

Each and every one of us touch the other and at one time, there will be agreement and caress of space and thought.

I just disagree with personal attacks, lending one to feel smaller or greater than the other.

We all have paths to cross and burdens to bear, a journey ahead perhaps at different check points, to feel the freedom also of helping along the way can be just as good when the muse is dried, or it is to write poetry.

To be able to say with honesty their own opinion, as spoken in poetry. :heart: were Budda in another life huh?

This was said with such compassion and peace that
I felt the serenity and the depth of the yin and yang in
your words...the sorrow and the joy...almost like a
journey, I see you could be a very very asteamed
profit or perhaps a classic poet one wonder
jim took a shine to you...

I am proud to meet some one of such peace of mind.

My words are not to be harsh I have been told I'm
head strong but try to teach my students to have an
open mind and an open heart.

I respect this oval as WICKED has called it..a group
of friends is probably a good thing...I seem to be
the lone wolf...but every creature has its place...

I see you as a flower that blooms with poetic reason
a Dove of peace and soft and quenching as a summer
rain...peace and tranquility to you.
I applaud Jim's explanation of poetry. One of the hardest things about learning to read great poetry is discovering it can be read.

What has been said about the qualities of lit poetry is true, but that doesn't mean sprouting seedlings should be fed with soft praise for genuinely feeling only.
Re: I hear what you have said.

jthserra said:
And yes, I understand that there are people who chose to write poetry or whatever just to express themselves in whatever way they can. But there are others who want to learn more, who appreciate the feedback, understand the feedback and make good use of the feedback. You have seen comments here from a lot of people like that, I have received emails and PMs from people who have asked me to look at a specific poem, to comment and make recommendations. Art, you were one of these people.

I don't knock any body
for wanting to become enlightened...or to
learn what scholors call the best way to do
poetry...This is the individuals
choice...And yes I asked you to look at
Eagle's Cry because it was being published
and I wanted it to be the best...I sent my
version first being hasty then your version
in and they prefered the original
intent of the Artist. So its being published
as I wrote it...showing me that WHAT
the Artist creates is sometimes the best
way to read it. Not tear it all
apart. I still thank you for the time
I know you put into it and I am proud
to say it has soared
just as It was...

It is quickly apparent who is interested in the feedback and who isn't. What I typically will do is make a recommendation here or there and see what the response is. I did that with a number of people in this thread for whom, it was apparent, were not interested in what I had to say, so I either left their stuff alone or modified how and what I said in my comments.

This is what you do...
your passion I respect that and by all means
play with the ones
who want to be played with...smiles

What frustrates me, is that this thread was started when someone, for whatever reason, took offense to what I said to one of those poets I mentioned above. I made recommendations to a poet who has consistently been very receptive to feedback and recommendation. I have had the joy of watching a comment or two from me take root in this poet and she has produced consistently incredible poetry, poetry I wish I could have written.

I was personally attacked and accused of shyting on people's poetry, in this very thread. I asked for any specific instance when I did this and got no reply.

This thread was started when someone didn't like what I said about a poem to a poet who has subsequently thanked me for the advice. You have thanked the starter of this thread for attacking recommendations I made to a friend, recommendations that were clearly welcomed.

I beg to differ here I thanked
her for allowing me to speak my mind about
critics...this thread is called to the CRITIC'S plural
and I hold no punches when I have said you
and YDD are the same
to critic a persons work you put your
self and your words out for some onr to
use or reply back and it is a two way street...
not you critic and writer hush.
I feel if I critic comments on a story or
poem they have opened themselves up for
debate not writer Listen and hush...which
is why I'm here I don't hush

She spoke her mind in a public forum, fine, that's free speech. She also made accusations I asked her to support, she did not support the accusations. Was that what you thanked her for?

I understand there are people not interested in what I have to say. There are also people who want to hear what I have to say. If I stumble upon someone not interested, I will apologize and leave them alone. But please, don't attack me for commenting, workshopping, recommending, or whatever you want to call it, on a poem by someone who is truly interested in hearing from me.

This is America land of
the free...please continue doing what
makes you happy with whom you wish...
I am not stopping you or attacking you but
when I asked you to look
at my YDD is a Ying Yang and you took
the action you took I see the web of
your life it nitted way to tight for me..
You didn't open your mind you
got way to on the defensive...and last
you didn't critic I ASKED you swoll
up like a poisoned pup...I dodn't mean any
disrespect but your words
weren't light and I never attack a
persons votes.

If you don't want me to comment on your work let me know, I will leave it alone. If you know anyone who doesn't want me to comment on their work, let me know. But wow, if the person welcomes the comment, it seems like a reasonable thing to do to let me make the comment without having to worry about retaliation from a third party.

I'm gonna take this
spot and thank you for your help that you
have spent time on my stuff
couple poems and we have swapped
reads many times But with Eagle's Cry
being published as is..I think
I can do it with out tearing them into pieces
thanks jim but no thanks...I'll read your
stuff and give you fives I never give less than
a five for a person works hard at
writing and their soul is in it good or bad...
you want to give others 3's go ahead
Im not in it for votes obviously others are
and its so competitive that
writers are giving numbers to make
theirs better...welll I'll leave that alone
cause I ain't here for the #'s

I will now limp off, and count the ones piled up in my vote averages. I now understand why someone would comment on work as anonymous or in a blind name, I guess I am just foolish about it. I tend to think people will try to do the right thing, that they will rate work based upon it's merit. Many will, but I also guess many won't.

Thank you Art for not directly attacking me, thank you for at least discussing these things with me. If you do take some of the recommendations I made on your poetry, please let me see the final product. I aways am intrigued in how a poem comes together and progresses.

Final note...
jim...I believe you believe your heart
is in the right place with your words and
your help.
you mentioned preacher...they help others
cause it makes them feel good ..then so
be it and you continue to...I won't
attack your work in any you
put it...others might..some of your stuff is
damn good....kept it up But your here on
this thread defending your self...
you haven't walked away from the battle
of the poets Cause you feel strongly
about does the starter
of this your heart
and mind to that.

I respect you..."Zen Master of the Pen" Bows...

jim : )
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Re: Re: Let the Games Begin~

WickedEve said:
It's more of an oval, which is a problem. I did bring it up at the last friendship meeting. I said, "An oval is freakin' embarrassing! Can't we throw Ange or Lauren out of the oval, so we can get our circle back?" Then I was informed that the lack of Ange and Lauren could cause us to go oblong.

but never square baby. ;)
Why do some people who are "published" feel that anyone's opinion on their work, differing with the editor of the copy, has to be wrong? Opinion, like taste, is uniquely individual.

Personally, I have a hard time looking beyond spelling and grammar 'errors', as I perceive them, to the meaning of what the author is trying to say. I take the position of: If you have something worth saying, say it well enough that people will want to listen to what you have to say.

I don't judge a person who makes those kinds of mistakes, but I will judge a published piece of art by them. There are no exceptions to this. I guess you'll have to learn to accept it.
Or not,
Do what you like, you won't get rich through my buying it.

Poetry Happens

time to bare
minimalist poetry

I Want to Feel my Heart beaTing
in Rhythmic Metered Measures.

Each syllable of your strophe,
A caress of my tongue.

The play of alliteration through
Lurid, luscious lips;
Liquid, languid language.

Don't deny me poetic devices,
The deception of symplicity,
Like virginal innocence, entices
Poems of perfect prosody.

Ignoring the structures of long ago
Can labour the meaning of words, you know?
So trust in the fun
My poetic one
And let style, rhyme and rhythm flow.

There's more to be said,
I could go on and on,
About the joy in turning
The perfect phrase.
Never forgetting that,
There's a certain satisfaction,
Describing, in magical metaphor,
That last instant before
Poetic birth.