To the Critics....

Can of Worms...

Well there ya ya opened up
a whole nother can o' worms'

Gotta define the difference between editing
and being a critic...hehehehehe

Shadow writers are more common than
writers in some cases as for say...celebrity's
who tell their story but didn't write a word..
then editing....then some one to comes
along and says whats good or bad about it..
guess every one has their place....

even poets...there is a point that goes so
deep into poetry that it can't be read as in
YDD's case well he has withdrawn his work
but his poem...geez...guess ya gotta be a
scholor to get it...some people like that...
I'm from the country I like it simple and from
the heart...but then again theres the...
YING YANG...hehehehehe
Can of Worms...

I had some one PM me and ask me about
jims "couch" poem and ask what was that
all about...I said after readin...I guess a

the depths and lengths are up to the author
but simplicity is best in my book....
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Re: Re: Hey E~

Jim, your explanation why some of us who (on a good day) use the title "poet" believe as we do is eloquent. I love language; I have since I was a child and what's more I respect it, and I've tried to teach my children to experiment with words yes, but respect that using language well is a gift of being human.

When I see a piece of writing that has beautiful words, a beautiful message, but is marred by errors it makes me sad. Why? Because writing is communication and writing that is misspelled or ungrammatical does not communicate as well as writing that is error free. Who can argue this? Yes everyone makes mistakes sometimes--me too; the title in my cinquain is misspelled, but an unintentional *pattern* of misspellings and such makes writing clunk instead of flow. It makes it less good. Would you rather look at a fresh flower or one that is covered with soot? Maybe somebody would take the soot and even find poetry in it, but I'll take a sweet-smelling rose overall.

Art, if you are a teacher you should understand that we cannot shield our students from stumbles. Such experiences are what learning is all about. We need to do exactly what you did--support them when they do stumble and help them learn that understanding--and improvement--accrue and that stasis is stagnation.

Now two last points that I want to make. First, I am offended by the devisiveness of some of the posters in this thread. Debate is one thing, but this is no war and there is simply no need for epithets and nastiness or the equivalent of massaging the prizefighter's shoulders between rounds. Sorry, but I don't get that. Last time I checked this forum was a civilized place, and in many ways it's a family. And to use another metaphor, it's also a big tent--everyone is welcome. Those who suggest otherwise need to take a long look at the actions of the regulars here, the ways they try to help each other and new poets and then look at their own actions. Insults help nothing. And having been at Lit a few years, I can assure the naysayers who want fighting analogies of which attitude triumphs here over time.

Second, I want to publically thank jthserra for all he has done for this board. (And if that makes me a "groupie" in anyone's opinion, fine--I'm a fan of his for sure). In the time I've been here I've seen only one or two others who give as much as he does. He values quality in writing--his own and others'. I personally appreciate his feedback, the time he takes to review new poems, and his willingness to help individuals (myself included). We are very lucky to have someone like him here; he is a key player in having raised the standard of quality in the writing on this forum. To suggest anything less than that is--as a friend of mine sometimes says--both wrong and bad.

We should be writing poetry--not arguing, which is precisely what I intend to do.
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Re: Let the Games Begin~


I would say frankly I don't give damn......
but I do...If you resent...then you don't except..
so therefore you will have the hardest time with except these feedbacks!!!!!
is what is except the critism !!!!!!
to except that you resent my words !!!!!! SMILES...

:rolleyes: What ARE you puffin' my friend? ;) I'm not the one not accepting feedback. I love and cherish all the feedback I get, good or bad.

Please, I accept every opinion and point of view there is. (Do you? Then show a little bit more flexibility) As I said in my post, (but that you conveniently chose to ignore it seems) I salute you for having a different point of view, and for expressing it. All the kudos for that.

The only thing I don't accept is when this is delivered as offensive slander and trigger-happy, disrespectful assumptions about your fellow human beings.

You wrap your arguments in philosophic theory that, albeit I do understand it, neither agrees with nor practice. But believe me, there is not much resentment in my soul. I'm a simple man, I belive in the goodness of my fellow human peers, in common sense, in love, honest work, friendship, decency and three good meals a day. The only thing that can irk me is when people go out on holier-than-thou crusades to attribute me with things that I know, for a fact, is not me.

(((I mean, really... Sorry, but this is so blatantly
out of touch with the real world that I don't
even know where to begin replying. So I don't. )))

Aw..the REAL world...hehehehe you meant your

Hehe. I only know my world, it's a pretty neat place, filled with rocks, trees, houses... and I do believe we live in the same one. Obviously, the semantics of calling it Real, when referring to those small parts of it that I happen to know very well, set of some trigger here. Though I can't for the life of me figure out what.

I'm not trying to build
a perfect score or win the monthly title like jim and

Oh, and here I thought all the time that he and others just liked to write poetry. This is the kind of trigger-happy assumptions I was talking about. :)

Anyway, since you have already stepped back from your most slanderous remarks, I really have no more beef here. :) Let's just accept that we're diametralically different, for better and worse both ways, I guess, and move on.

Enemies of the mind~

Well Liar~

I meant not to come to the poetry forum to
step on been said I take my stand
on the fact:

This thread was geared towards the debate
of critic's

You stand on the line side off those who feed
off it...or want it to better your self...or for what
ever reason...

And puffin my about the verbal
attacks in a nice way or shown
your inner soul and your limitations by putting
your self there which is fine if you choose to.

You seem to shield motives of those you peer.
Open your eyes to understanding...stand on
your own ground. Well if you have the oval
and it is good to you so be it...

I;m not here to argue but learn...

I feel I've stepped where their is a pattern
that you prefer. I don't and can't change that..
You point your finger at the moon cause that
is where your shooting for but keep getting
lost looking at the finger....

I posted this in the wrong place obviously
so maybe this will help ease what I am trying
to say.

"Once upon a time.' look at you and
smile........there once was a shaolin priest
named Da Mo...who ventured out from his
temple in search of enlightenment to carry
back to his fellow brotherin..and share
learnings from the world.....he was traveling
one night when it was raining and getting dark...
he was wet, cold and tired as he found his way
along in the dark. He came to a cave. Well the
gods must be smileing on me he thought as he
made his way into this cave out of the rain. His
feet stepped and crunching sounds came from
stepping on crunchy things but made
his way in farther thinking it must be wood
blown into the entrance cause not to much
farther in his feet felt soft straw that he balled
up and layed down on in this pitch black damp
cave. He fell asleep from his weary
travel thinking that the gods have taken care
of him this evening and gave him shelter.....
in the middle of the night
Da Mo woke up thirsty and listened as he
heard water dripping so he felt his way over
to the sound and felt what he thought was a
gobblet of liquid. The water was
dripping into some container that he quickly
smelled and tasted and quinched his thirst.
the gods have truely blessed me this night he
thought as he went back to
sleep. .................The next morning he awoke to
see that the crunching was bones he had
stepped across, and the straw was hair of long
dead and left. and the container of water was a
skull that he had drank from. well Da Mo got a little
ill and very upset....but he went
back to his temple enlightened from a lesson he
learned. "Know what that lesson was??
......ENEMY'S OF THE MIND..................every thing
was a blessing till his mind had told him that it
was not. The mind rejected its blessings once
the mind knew what was given to him to comfort
him........and his bodies...his needs were met...
but the mind rejected them...

So you except others telling you your wrong...
so be it...I would rather extend my hand and say
"Hey, Liar, No big do it your way ..
I'll do it mine and "Hey, let me read what your
soul has written...than to say I think you should
change your writing all I mean to say

bows humble to you...and the oval
Put me in coach I'm ready to play

I originally put this in the YDD thread. Looks like it should be placed here as well

Public comments can also be commented upon. Any comment you make can be commented on in return. Obviously the rule about turning off the public comments section on your submission works both ways. If you don't want your comment to be commented on us the FEEDBACK option and make it non-public. It will greatly reduce the chance you might have a poem written about you.

The comments I still see coming from the oval indicate that your belief is that any comment that actually has a factual basis is beyond reproach. It doesn't matter how it is said merely that it is correct. That philosophy is obviously not working.

Insert the caustic comment of your choice here. I've rewritten this sentence 14 times and it always comes out as an attack on a previously written post

Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. (Forgot who said that)
Hey Jo~

Good point my friend...

Nice comment on my poem by the way...thanks

Repitition is the way of human nature...
but we still try to learn from it I hope...hehehe
Re: Re: Re: Let the Games Begin~

I am tired and fighting drains me more...don't mind me

almost bed-time
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Re: Put me in coach I'm ready to play

Joseki Ko said:

The comments I still see coming from the oval indicate that your belief is that any comment that actually has a factual basis is beyond reproach. It doesn't matter how it is said merely that it is correct. That philosophy is obviously not working.
I don't know what comments have you been reading, but in my opinion there are some things that are unassailable. typographical errors, poor spelling and questionable grammar are what they are. You can bend these rules purposefully, but you better know what you are doing, because everyone else will too.

That being said, comment on comments all you will. As I said in the other thread, it's all part of life as well... Those comments and diatribe/poems tell a lot about who you are, and nothing at all about the original critic. It's what it says about you that is deplorable, not your right to say it or not.
Re: Re: Put me in coach I'm ready to play

Lauren Hynde said:
I don't know what comments have you been reading, but in my opinion there are some things that are unassailable. typographical errors, poor spelling and questionable grammar are what they are. You can bend these rules purposefully, but you better know what you are doing, because everyone else will too.

That being said, comment on comments all you will. As I said in the other thread, it's all part of life as well... Those comments and diatribe/poems tell a lot about who you are, and nothing at all about the original critic. It's what it says about you that is deplorable, not your right to say it or not.

Very well Lauren lets start with typographical errors.

Which comment would you prefer?

Lauren your spelling sucks, your grammar is pathetic learn how to write before you submit


Lauren, if I might suggest, you might want to try a quick proof read of your submissions to clear up those little typos such as
Spell Czech is for peasants, or may be you grammar might be helped a little by reading
But on the flip side I loved the ideas your story brought out and I thought the ending was great it left me wanting more.

Which comment would you consider constructive and helpful?

Also Lauren your point about comments on comments.

I'm impressed that you would illustrate your own point. It did say alot about you. Thanks
Re: Re: Re: Put me in coach I'm ready to play

Joseki Ko said:
Which comment would you prefer?

Lauren your spelling sucks, your grammar is pathetic learn how to write before you submit


Lauren, if I might suggest, you might want to try a quick proof read of your submissions to clear up those little typos such as Spell Czech is for peasants, or may be you grammar might be helped a little by reading
But on the flip side I loved the ideas your story brought out and I thought the ending was great it left me wanting more.
Actually, they are both pretty funny. :)
Re: Re: Re: Put me in coach I'm ready to play

Joseki Ko said:
Lauren your spelling sucks, your grammar is pathetic learn how to write before you submit


Lauren, if I might suggest, you might want to try a quick proof read of your submissions to clear up those little typos such as
Spell Czech is for peasants, or may be you grammar might be helped a little by reading
But on the flip side I loved the ideas your story brought out and I thought the ending was great it left me wanting more.
Uuh, could you please direct me to some examples of the forst one? Because believe me, I've tried to , but I can't find very many such comments posted. Most of the ones I see are variations of yuor second example. Albeit shorter.

Night Night

I was outside tending my garden
and the thoughts going thru my head..
about all the things that had been said..
the dragon of blue what I should do?

This is what I (he) said.,..
or went thru my head...

I was up late that night..
trying to write...
when she come on the screen..
and she slightly screamed..
after I talked her into posting
poems that should be boasting
some one come along and told
her they were all wrong...

I was just as angry...
for it took months to get her
to post now shes angry...

and her poems are good....
and should be shared
I thought they should...

so I wrote the poem that I did.
and then YDD hid...

I was sent to a thread...
where ya;ll I met I did...
post and defend.....
my self to the end....

For my little circle of friends...
Elizabetht and joseki ko amend

and then with the oval,, thats ya'll
and boy we've had a ball...hehehe

though we didn't see eye to eye...
I think we all will survive...

and now I bow humble....
so that no feelings will tumble...

I extend my hand......
and willing to try again....

I will try with all my might...
and invite you to the "Night Night"

To a gather at my
circle thats been going on long...

Its just a gesture....
of my friendship unmeasured

It's jokes and wisdom I call....(night night)
Bowing Humble to all...
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We were known as the ova oval until some guys joined.

Where is your friend's poem? I don't think I've seen it.
Re: Can of Worms...

My Erotic Tail said:
I had some one PM me and ask me about
jims "couch" poem and ask what was that
all about...I said after readin...I guess a

the depths and lengths are up to the author
but simplicity is best in my book....

lol... Reminds me of when Joseki asked me what one of my poems was about: Chance of You I thought about it (it was a poem I had written about 3 years ago), and I couldn't actually remember. I went back through my notebooks and found my notes when I first wrote the poem... I had vaguely remembered it being about Andrea Yates, who made news in Houston after drowning her five children, but in reading the poem I couldn't find that in the poem. Even reviewing my notes I couldn't work it out. At the time I wrote it I had something, but now it was gone. I couldn't answer.

I wrote a poem about all this... While Explaining One of My Poems to a Reader, I Suddenly Realize I’ve Forgotten What It’s About. So far I have been able to remember what the second poem was about.

Limbo Couch was written of a time when my wife and I went to counseling. It is basically about the images, emotions and discoveries I got while in those sessions. After we finished with it all, I gave the poem to the Counselor.

There are times when a slight obscurity is a tool, sometimes a shield.

jim : )

If you will look in my signature...
deeply deeply...hhehehe

In the TEXAS flag...
At the left center by the star....

funny thing about all this is she edits
my stories...lmao well elizabetht has too
thanks E~

she is sensitive and shy...and just opening
up...but her poems are good fom where i sit.
Not to mention has a literary degree...
which YDD probably didn't take into
consideration.. I see where YDD has given
phraise to those in the oval...but...well
she didn't take it as well as I and you do..
which I can hear it now...turn off your
Comment section which she did...but I
had her turn it back on to face her
fears of rejection..and learn from this...
Re: poem~

My Erotic Tail said:
Not to mention has a literary degree...
which YDD probably didn't take into
Ok, I know I promised to be good today but, uh? :confused:
Hey jim~

Hey jim~

In light of all thats been said...
including the E-mail you've sent..geez
You can comment on my stuff all you want
you know I learn from it and I've never been
known to be SENSITIVE about anything
said on my stuff

Tigers and Cranes don't always mix well
but they both have their GRACE

I thank you for the teachings in
and the well as Eagle's Cry..

I will continue to swap reads with you
for you have some great tales....
your poems well their deep...well some.
As ussual if I don;t like them I leave be,,
but I always give ya a high boost..thats
your deal...smiles...

(((I wrote a poem about all this... While Explaining One of My Poems to a Reader, I Suddenly Realize I’ve Forgotten What It’s About. So far I have been able to remember what the second poem was about.)))

I remember that one and liked it cause I
think we have all been there once or twice.

and the "Mirror Mirror addition to the chain
story was great...joseki ko just sent me
part 7 and wow I was impressed...fine job
no kidding...really good he put some heart
in it...

So once again I stand humble and wish the
best to you and yours...

I was told by the Dragon of blue the problem
was probably like a TIGER waking into a room
I tend to stir emotions....sorry...hehe ROAR...
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Lauren Hynde said:
Can we be elliptic instead of oval? :)
That is more poetic sounding. Besides, I didn't like being part of an oval. Ovals make me look fat.

E. Tail, I looked at some of Lady S's poems and comments. I didn't see anything that would devastate a poet. I commented on one poem that I thought wasn't as good as another one of her poems. And I left feedback for the poem I liked. I saw where YDD said something about one poem working better as a song. We've had poets come to this board looking for feedback on song lyrics. So, I don't think what my Oval Gawd, YDD, said was a bad, bad, naughty thing.

But... I will go and make some very nice and encouraging comments if that would help your friend feel better. I see nothing wrong with simply focusing on the positive if that is all a poet wants.

Cautiously steps back into the elliptic!!!
..(eyes the tense

(Turns to the nicely Wicked)
Well as a (just kiddin..)
if your looking for bad bad naughty your
looking for a perspective...

This was a poem was a first time post
from a sensitive individual and the first
comments she gets on all her stuff was
pickin' she took it wrong...

This pickin' individual rarely has anything
nice to say to any one outside the elliptic.
The pattern says enough for itself along
with the many many...joseki ko said it best
in a comment of mine..this pickin' man picks
but has nothing to substanciate his ability
other than trying to beat jim in the feedback
poratal. with no examples of his own...

wait let me stand corrected...his poetry is
in another

any way thanks for being kind and taking a
look your comments are most welcome for
the way you critc...(eyes the has
been fair and kind..

Thanks again and hope you enjoyed the
nightly tales I offered as an offering to the

I also am told your afamed thanks to me..hehe
poet will return tomorrow for some monday
night ritual ya'll have in the poet section???

You all have a good night...
Re: poem~

My Erotic Tail said:


funny thing about all this is she edits
my stories...lmao well elizabetht has too
thanks E~

she is sensitive and shy...and just opening
up...but her poems are good fom where i sit.
Not to mention has a literary degree...
which YDD probably didn't take into
consideration.. I see where YDD has given
phraise to those in the oval...but...well
she didn't take it as well as I and you do..
which I can hear it now...turn off your
Comment section which she did...but I
had her turn it back on to face her
fears of rejection..and learn from this...
1. Ok, now I've read all the comments on her poems, and I didn't find a single one slamming her writing and/or person. So frankly, what are you talking about?

2. How could YDD take into consideration something that YDD have no possible way of knowing? And what does a literary degree have to do with anything here? (Or in Lauren's words: Uh?)

3. Where is this imfamous oval, ellips, circle thingamajig in which poets do nothing than pat each other's backs and shut other's out? No, really tell me, straight on, because I don't get it. Someone draw me a map.

Not trying to argue here, just throwing out questions trying to understand your reasoning, which I must say is pretty alien to me. You know how it goes, if you don't ask, you will never know.


ps. The puffin' thing? Oh forget it, if you can't recognise a friendly joke littered with :) and ;) I might add, when it jumps up and bite you on the nose, then I won't even try anymore.

pps. All this debating has kept me way too busy. I've got to get back to writing some more poetry...

ppps. And where are my groupies?! I want groupies dammit!