To the Critics....

Re: Re: mismused

WickedEve said:
How did you get a third leg? I had an Uncle Henry with a third nipple. And my cousin has an extra toe.

Circus folk??
Re: Y Ding Dang~

My Erotic Tail said:
I've been zapped...

My poems got hit by the troll~

There's no way in hell some body could
find both those poems a (1) my god...
wait...Budda enlighten me...hehehehe

well there should be a way that if you vote
you comment and your vote be next to your
name and comment and I bet then less (1's)
will be handed out and truer critic be said...

OUCH...wait votes don't bother me what are
they for any way .?? poems are good
and I know it...smiles again...

I have been reading your poems, but haven't voted or commented yet, not through them all yet and not even close to the stories :rose:
Re: Re: mismused

WickedEve said:
How did you get a third leg? I had an Uncle Henry with a third nipple. And my cousin has an extra toe.

I couldn't imagine having a third nipple, uhm, wouldn't really be able to walk. It would require too much concentration...:eek:
Oh my gosh! When did I become a guru? :confused:

limps off for another coffee...

you might be able to say us women do have 3 nipples *wicked wicked grin*

Well thank you echoes...

I will be very honest and say 50%
of them were written in haste to
get my points for the survivor contest...

but a bunch are true to the heart you can
probably tell the difference...

as for the stories...start with Hawk and a Dove
every ones favorites...smiles...and you might
like blue blouses and park bench most woman
do...Crotching Tiger and Ridden Dragon is
one of the best for adventure and wisdom
but there is 8 chapters ...narrow it down for ya
got the green (E) on josh henderson and I
have no idea why it just came out one
little humor..and filling a catagorie

any way I'm still reading poems and wow
you got a way with words..a true word wizard

Oh My~

:eek: ..."OH,MY"..

Now why can't I get that thought out
of both brains....smiles...(~_*)

echoes_s said:
Oh my gosh! When did I become a guru? :confused:

limps off for another coffee...

you might be able to say us women do have 3 nipples *wicked wicked grin*
Re: Oh My~

My Erotic Tail said:
:eek: ..."OH,MY"..

Now why can't I get that thought out
of both brains....smiles...(~_*)

LOL, yeah, one of those...."I said that out loud?" moments
then, an idea for a new poem? :devil:

my silver thoughts are normally those quiet "trying to sneak in" hissed dragon tongue whispers
Re: Echoe's

My Erotic Tail said:

you might
like blue blouses and park bench most woman

well, I am not most women, but "most women" probably say that ;) :kiss:

any way I'm still reading poems and wow
you got a way with words..a true word wizard


thank you, I owe a lot to many people here who have helped me so much :heart:
Re: Re: Oh My~

echoes_s said:
LOL, yeah, one of those...."I said that out loud?" moments
then, an idea for a new poem? :devil:

my silver thoughts are normally those quiet "trying to sneak in" hissed dragon tongue whispers

Oh wow I like that word.....Dragon..hehehe
wait I mean tongue...well both
wow two words together oh my that on top
of three nipples...I better get back to my
Re: Re: Re: Oh My~

My Erotic Tail said:
Oh wow I like that word.....Dragon..hehehe
wait I mean tongue...well both
wow two words together oh my that on top
of three nipples...I better get back to my

ok, so change that to Wickedly Evil...:kiss: :rose:

Originally posted by My Erotic Tail


I've done my homework...
I'm happy with my knowledge I needed
to do my poem...I done work is done..
time to write another...mischievious grin~

echoes_s said:

YOU are SO BAD Met...!!

Re: mismused

My Erotic Tail said:
here are the facts on the shadow critic

He does not post on threads...leaves no
trail...under YDD...he has however a second
identity or should I say YDD is his cloak...

male he asked and was polite to me till he
found out I had a third leg which he then
began scorning my work...

He began his reign in mid march and had
one poem which I found to be confussing
of course most of the great stuff is that way
to spoke of the red woods of the
west coast but his bio says michigan...
which I doubt...

his comment to me when I asked what was
YDD he said....Y Ding Dang !!!

every one in the poet section only knows
him by his one befriends him
I have done my homework and found
similarities to two litites that are well know..
and very competitive in contests and ratings
wanting the glory of monthly statis...

he has been on a quest or competition with
jim to be the feedback portals leader in
comments..???? if you want to hide...
be the opposite..hence my poem
YDD is a ying yang...smiles....

his critic or advice has been simplicity
he is not a scholor such literature
but a want a be by his miss advice
on several comments he has put his
neck in the noose and not a very good
critic in the sense he doesn't go about
it properly showing his mentality...

the reast I'm keeping while I'm hunting..
smiles...which is why I'm here ..his stomping
grounds...want to catch a shadow..look
in the corners...but perhaps he is in
the light which is why he lurks with a
smoke screen name...he is here...

sniff sniff I can smell him...hehehe



Interesting. Cryptic, but interesting. Whatever, I guess he/she's not coming out. I'll let it go for now. There is much that has been interesting, in fact.

Thanks again,
hehe, MET, please do not take this seriously. It is a spontanious thought and poem, based on how quickly your "purred" and became sated at one point, and really really depending on your sense of humor here ;) :devil:

How to tame a Tiger

you know the hunger
scent which he craves
and waves
a delicate draft
his way

a lure quite demur
to hear the rumble
of deep throated purr
see him sated
licking chops

and he stalks…

the thrill kicking in
shivers of chills
and flushed skin
rush and mingle
deep throated thrush
song trills

closer now
his tongue spurred
rasped pleasure
teeth closed over
the feast
prepared for him
then he content
lazily sleeps

tamed for an hour
…at least
this time
for his appetite is carnivorous
requiring constant sporaceous

I would never assume to tame anyone, nor want to even try, but instead, ignite them more...:rose:
Re: champagne

mismused said:


Thank you for your post. Since it is on this thread, and most likely directed at me, I assume (possibly incorrectly), that you are speaking of me.

I have not asked any to give me praise, nor have I said that I am a "laureate."

I have said that the actual vote, a 2, was not in keeping with the comments that were afforded, something like: "a very enjoyable read."

An enjoyable read is at the very least median, wouldn't you think?

As far as any of my other work (which also got a similar vote at about the same time), I have not asked you to say that I am great either. nor am I asking you to look at any "petty" slight.

If I trash your work, and you knew it, and did so publicly, or each time you wrote something worthy (though not necessarily literary), you would take offense too. It's the human way.

Now, you may look at my work, or you may not. That is your choice, loss, or gain, who can say. It is not great, but I guarantee that it is not trash.

Please, you say that one shouldn't expect ordinary conversations from you. If you truly wish to say something salient here, do so, but not in generalities. However, do as you wish.

Still, I'm getting the sense here that this mysterious YDD is well known to some, if not the many. If so, well, you be the judge. I hope my sensing is wrong, what with the way the wagons have been cirled against this one indian.

I do thank you for your words though. You do have a wonderful mind, and I applaud it.

Don't take things so personally. Don't ever presume that YOUR score is important enough to ME that I would even try to understand how other people voted or rated your work.
The way other people perceive the quality of someone else's work has no bearing on the way I look at anyone's writings, including my own. I have expressed my views on ratings and votings and overall scores previously, I still hold to the same opinion.
Yes,it is the human way to take offense at consistently unfavourable reviews that are unmerited and unsubstantiated, however, it's the adult way to get over it and accept that someone out there just doesn't like you. I have lots of people who have nothing constructive to say sending me emails about my work. If they praise or trash it, it doesn't matter, neither opinion will help me to write better poetry.
And yes, you won't get ordinary conversation from me, I try to keep my friends entertained and those people I talk to from day to day appreciate the variety in our exchanges.
Otherwise, when did I mention anything about the quality of conversation in this context, on this particular thread? Don't drag stuff around the board, twisting meaning please. I don't see where your comment is referenced from.
As far as being sucked into the miasma surrounding My Erotic Tail's poetry or YDD's comments and critique, I hate to disappoint you. It's not my place to discuss the person in an open forum with a third party. I am not a gossip, rumour monger or by no means petty (regardless of what you might think).
And about my mind -- thanks, I tend to take it out for exercise once in a while.
Lauren Hynde said:

You must give a rating* to the story to leave a comment. If you have voted on the submission previously, then the vote you leave with the comment will not count toward the submission's total.

*This 'rating' refers to the thermometer. You don't have to vote using the classic system to leave a comment.

Thanks Lauren that's nice to know. I wondered how that was suppossed to work. Care to explain about the green E's. LOL something else I don't know about

The only other time I heard that word used
it was in a tale:

A great sensi was being talked about in town
by a drunk who claimed he could "whip the tar"
out of this sensi !! So the students went to the
wise sensi and told him of the words this drunken
man was spewing...

The sensi did nothing...the students asked "why are
you not going to defend your honor and reply"

The sensi said: "Though the maisma is allureing it
is not worth the risk" the students didn't quite
understand. A student took it upon himself to defend
his teachers honor and fought this man who was
drunk and spewing remarks of the great sensi...
The student won the battle but with a cost, he had
been cut deeply for the drunk was sly and kept a
knife hidden no one knew of.

The sensi said do not let words lure you to harm.
Defend only when need be.

In light of this story before it becomes turned on
myself as I see it could I will say this...I am a hunter
and been on many big game hunts and have been
a guide for years in the wilderness and woods of
the jungle here where I live.

To hunt big game gives no guarantee of capture
or kill. only the thrill of the hunt...hehehehehehe

I only wish for truth and enlightenment. The fear in
this person is obvious if they choose to hide behind
one name and write and collect votes with another...

I believe in honor...guess thats where, they are
my Ying Yang...smiles...
Hey Bear~

Joseki Ko said:
Thanks Lauren that's nice to know. I wondered how that was suppossed to work. Care to explain about the green E's. LOL something else I don't know about


Green (E)'S are Editors choice as is the red (H)
is for hot...and blue (W)'s are winners....smiles

And Echoes...

wow I am honored...great poem....purrrrrr
I have to respond to mismused's comments about voting. Mismused I don't know you; I don't bear you--or anyone else here--any ill will regardless of what you may think, but there's something you need to understand. There is not a person on this forum--in the "oval" (or whatever shape we're supposed to be and whatever that means--inner circle, I guess) who has escaped being lowballed with votes, even when the "public comments" are praiseworthy.

Let me use a few examples from my own poems to illustrate.

PDB has 3 votes and a cumulative score of 4.33. Somebody didm't like it much. But look at an except from public comments--

powerful commentary here. A bloody rhetoric is spoken there, where somewhere else that blood is spilled. The politics of war is so couth, polite for those not dying. This poem looks beyond the sparkling glass of ice water, the educated diction of positions and swing, and pierces the heart of the matter.

What planet is YDD from?Politics from ANY side lead to innocent lives being lost.It is up to everyone of conscience to protest whether they are poet or peasant.This poem says it all.

Oh yeah. My "god" YDD didn't like the poem for the record. The gods are fickle, I guess. Here's what he (or she) said--

PDB - Please Don't Blend
04/11/04 by YDD
Poitics and poetry

As always you have some marvelous phrases.
From this one I would choose:

"or caught on some distant sand
with only a helmet and gun
to protect from the hand
of someone's god. "

However, I tend to find almost all poet voices weakened when the speak to poetic polemics.
Politics from either side costs one half of an audience at best.
The poet has a right to write and point out the wrong; some would claim a duty. But beware, it is a seductive and dangerous right.
Muse does not like invective.
A first step can be hard to take back.

Seems like--at least from the first two comments posted, my score should be higher. But it's not, is it? I really don't care--and never have--what score my poems get or whether I make the "Top List." I appreciate votes and comments, but I certainly don't consider myself mistreated because YDD or anyone else doesn't like it.

I have been told via feedback that I have no talent, I can't write, etc. I got over it, if I even cared to start. Frankly, I don't know why I'm even trying to explain this. I already have numerous times--as have others here. And the "side" (since there are those here who insist there are "sides") I'm purported to be on is not the one using terms like "groupie," "crap all over," "meanspirited," and so on. Go read some more real public comments--read the ones from those you imply think YDD is "God," and see if those comments are all praiseworthy. Many of mine are, but by no means all. That's not an opinion; it's a fact (as in irrefutable that it was said). Think about it.
Re: Thank you, Eve

mismused said:
If YDD voted a 2, as I suspicioned he did, then it does not correlate to the comment. "a very enjoyable read," is not commensurate with a 2 vote. 3, yes, if you so wish to see it that way.
As you imply, it doesn't make sense to give "a very enjoyable read" a 2 vote. I suspect he didn't vote at all, and that the 2 vote was given by someone else. It has happened on several of my poems, that I have a higher count of comments then of votes.. I tend to forget to vote quite often when I post a public comment too.

And really. I asked this in another post when you took this thread over to the Authors Hangout, but I'll have to say it again:

What's :rose: the :rose: big :rose: deal? :confused:

(that is to everyone, those for and against YDD, critics in general, and also to myself, I guess)

It is not the coming of Damien and the riders of the apocalypse. It is not a madman stealing your kids for medical experiments. It's just a guy (could be a girl, but I call "him" a guy to simplify this) writing stuff and posting it on a website. It could be petty slander (which I don't agree with that it is) and petty low vote slamming (which I don't think is the case either), or it could be a poetry lover (someone who reads every songle poem on Lit must be either that or deranged IMO) with a slightly off-beat wit.

Either way, why care so goddamn much?

I for one is done wating my time on discussing this. It has gone beyond ridiculous, and I will henceforth do something better with my energy than this: Write poems and try as I might to spread a little love.

Last edited:
Re: Re: Hey Bear~

Joseki Ko said:
Ah yes but what are the criteria for getting one?

Well now theres the million dollar question...
when I first figured out what they were
I spent one saturday reading all the green (E)
stories to find out what makes a story an Editors
choice...see what they like....

welll my friend spare your self..I have no Idea
some of them I couldn't even finish for the variation
and styles and just plain no way to pick out what
they like....

then one day I sat down in about 2 hours wrote
a tale that just spewed out..edited it and submit
and filled a catagorie....

then bamm.....It got a green (E)...some thing
in the story tickled their fancy...but what I have
no Idea...I would have chose hawk and a Dove

But any way they just seem to like different
things just like you and me,,read a story and
like it for it fit their taste that day...I guess

perhaps one of these enlightened ones
can help ya better there
Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

Liar said:
It is not the coming of Damien and the riders of the apocalypse. It is not a madman stealing your kids for medical experiments. It's just a guy (could be a girl, but I call "him" a guy to simplify this) writing stuff and posting it on a website.
Oh, Liar, Liar, Liar. For poets, this is bigger than anything apocalyptic.
A rose~

I could think of a bunch of
I'll go with the nicest...hehehe

It must be like a want to walk
by it and pass it up but it is to allureing...
you just can't you have to stop and
gaze upon it...then thats not enough
you ahve to reach and pull it to your
nose and take a whiff...then BAM ...
you get pricked and up set at the beauty
that allured you here in first place...smiles...

every rose has it's thorns.......
Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

Liar said:
As you imply, it doesn't make sense to give "a very enjoyable read" a 2 vote. I suspect he didn't vote at all, and that the 2 vote was given by someone else. It has happened on several of my poems, that I have a higher count of comments then of votes.. I tend to forget to vote quite often when I post a public comment too.

And really. I asked this in another post when you took this thread over to the Authors Hangout, but I'll have to say it again:

What's :rose: the :rose: big :rose: deal? :confused:

(that is to everyone, those for and against YDD, critics in general, and also to myself, I guess)

It is not the coming of Damien and the riders of the apocalypse. It is not a madman stealing your kids for medical experiments. It's just a guy (could be a girl, but I call "him" a guy to simplify this) writing stuff and posting it on a website. It could be petty slander (which I don't agree with that it is) and petty low vote slamming (which I don't think is the case either), or it could be a poetry lover (someone who reads every songle poem on Lit must be either that or deranged IMO) with a slightly off-beat wit.

Either way, why care so goddamn much?

I for one is done wating my time on discussing this. It has gone beyond ridiculous, and I will henceforth do something better with my energy than this: Write poems and try as I might to spread a little love.




Okay, so what's the big deal. Let's see, you took the time to put up colors, a rose, etc. How come? I mean, what's the big deal?

In my case, I spent eight hours putting that story in as a submission, not to mention the work of writing it, then editing it several times.

No big deal? Not if you don't think so. Whatever currency you had before is being depreciated with such as this, however, since you're giving it up (these postings on this issue), I expect I won't hear from you again.

Then again, if you're sincere in not wanting to waste energy, you could have saved much by not posting. Just a thought on a comment.

Spreading love is nice if it is wanted by the others to whom you spread it. It beats spite any time.

See my sig line comment on love. I have no problem with love.
