To the Critics....

Re: Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

mismused said:


Okay, so what's the big deal. Let's see, you took the time to put up colors, a rose, etc. How come? I mean, what's the big deal?

In my case, I spent eight hours putting that story in as a submission, not to mention the work of writing it, then editing it several times.

No big deal? Not if you don't think so. Whatever currency you had before is being depreciated with such as this, however, since you're giving it up (these postings on this issue), I expect I won't hear from you again.

Then again, if you're sincere in not wanting to waste energy, you could have saved much by not posting. Just a thought on a comment.

Spreading love is nice if it is wanted by the others to whom you spread it. It beats spite any time.

See my sig line comment on love. I have no problem with love.


So in other words, you judge the value of your story not by the effort YOU put into it, but by the opinions of strangers? If some stranger's comments are so important that you need them to be positive to validate what you wrote, you probably should not try to publish where there are criteria other than just submitting it. I don't say this to be rude, but it is the way the publishing world works. But maybe you don't care to publish elsewhere. That's fine, too--but aren't you being kind of hard on yourself putting so much into a stranger's opinion?

I'm gonna take Liar's advice and go spread love now. ee? Honey? :D
DO NOT lay back and listen to every one of Van Morrison's cd's and tapes and records....what have you, in one setting! :heart:
Re: Re: champagne

champagne1982 said:
Don't take things so personally. Don't ever presume that YOUR score is important enough to ME that I would even try to understand how other people voted or rated your work.
The way other people perceive the quality of someone else's work has no bearing on the way I look at anyone's writings, including my own. I have expressed my views on ratings and votings and overall scores previously, I still hold to the same opinion.
Yes,it is the human way to take offense at consistently unfavourable reviews that are unmerited and unsubstantiated, however, it's the adult way to get over it and accept that someone out there just doesn't like you. I have lots of people who have nothing constructive to say sending me emails about my work. If they praise or trash it, it doesn't matter, neither opinion will help me to write better poetry.
And yes, you won't get ordinary conversation from me, I try to keep my friends entertained and those people I talk to from day to day appreciate the variety in our exchanges.
Otherwise, when did I mention anything about the quality of conversation in this context, on this particular thread? Don't drag stuff around the board, twisting meaning please. I don't see where your comment is referenced from.
As far as being sucked into the miasma surrounding My Erotic Tail's poetry or YDD's comments and critique, I hate to disappoint you. It's not my place to discuss the person in an open forum with a third party. I am not a gossip, rumour monger or by no means petty (regardless of what you might think).
And about my mind -- thanks, I tend to take it out for exercise once in a while.



I'm sorry, I haven't seen your comments on voting, etc., before.

I don't presume that you care about anything. All I know about you is that if the info on your bio is correct, you are a young female, and have a very good mind.

I never specified anyone, other than YDD. If you wish to come to the aid of YDD, that is your privilege. If you just wish to add your input, that is also your privilege.

My intent here is not to disparage any one person, but to ask if any are concerned. If not, drop it. You won't hurt my feelings.

I have not dragged anything around twisting anything. As far as the adult way, well, there are over 4 billion adults out there, and each is certainly an individual having their own way.

Whatever miasma about erotic tails poetry goes, well, I'm completely lost on that one. I've never mentioned his poetry, nor him, for that matter.

Please have a nice day.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

Angeline said:
So in other words, you judge the value of your story not by the effort YOU put into it, but by the opinions of strangers? If some stranger's comments are so important that you need them to be positive to validate what you wrote, you probably should not try to publish where there are criteria other than just submitting it. I don't say this to be rude, but it is the way the publishing world works. But maybe you don't care to publish elsewhere. That's fine, too--but aren't you being kind of hard on yourself putting so much into a stranger's opinion?

I'm gonna take Liar's advice and go spread love now. ee? Honey? :D



Your post says absolutely nothing about what I have been posting about.

It is full of a higher than thou attitude. Condesending, and platitudinous. I'm sorry, but you seem to think yourself the arbiter of all that is wrong with others. Really, really wrong. Gee, how wonderful of you to be here just when I need you, Dr. Angeline.

I've seen some of your work. It's not my bag, but it's good. That's a delightful picture (your AV), but does it belie what is really there? What is the real reason for your post? It's certainly not for any concern about me, since you don't know me, and it doesn't address what I have written about.

This is very different. Are you the head attack beast? The really, really big power behind whatever consortium you fashion yourself to be the head of?

Your comments are easily seen for what they are, an attack in one of the most insidious ways, full of guile, as well as obviously snide, however artfully crafted.

You are the only one who has done this. Not one word about what I have posted about. Why? Never mind, I don't have time to listen to major psycological issues. Unlike you, I'm not a doctor.

Please go see a qualified psychologist for your problems.

This is for certain: I will ignore any further posts by you. You are full of yourself.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

mismused said:


Your post says absolutely nothing about what I have been posting about.

It is full of a higher than thou attitude. Condesending, and platitudinous. I'm sorry, but you seem to think yourself the arbiter of all that is wrong with others. Really, really wrong. Gee, how wonderful of you to be here just when I need you, Dr. Angeline.

I've seen some of your work. It's not my bag, but it's good. That's a delightful picture (your AV), but does it belie what is really there? What is the real reason for your post? It's certainly not for any concern about me, since you don't know me, and it doesn't address what I have written about.

This is very different. Are you the head attack beast? The really, really big power behind whatever consortium you fashion yourself to be the head of?

Your comments are easily seen for what they are, an attack in one of the most insidious ways, full of guile, as well as obviously snide, however artfully crafted.

You are the only one who has done this. Not one word about what I have posted about. Why? Never mind, I don't have time to listen to major psycological issues. Unlike you, I'm not a doctor.

Please go see a qualified psychologist for your problems.

This is for certain: I will ignore any further posts by you. You are full of yourself.



What the fuck??? What the hell has happened here?


We have two schools of thought:

Only praise should be posted in public comments

If you choose to accept public comments, you take the criticism with the praise


First off, neither of these has anything to do with voting. Everyone here recognizes that there are those who troll the stories and the poems. Shit happens. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it's a fucked up thing to do. That's about the extent of it.

What I abso-fucking-lutely cannot fathom is how we go from debating the pros and cons of criticims to such fucking vitriol???

Everybody back to your corners and don't come out until you can play nice! (or something like that ;) )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

minsue said:

What the fuck??? What the hell has happened here?


We have two schools of thought:

Only praise should be posted in public comments

If you choose to accept public comments, you take the criticism with the praise


First off, neither of these has anything to do with voting. Everyone here recognizes that there are those who troll the stories and the poems. Shit happens. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it's a fucked up thing to do. That's about the extent of it.

What I abso-fucking-lutely cannot fathom is how we go from debating the pros and cons of criticims to such fucking vitriol???

Everybody back to your corners and don't come out until you can play nice! (or something like that ;) )



I agree with one addition: "or until you can stay on the subject."

Sorry, mine was a response to a personal attack that I have no idea where it came from, or why, nor do I really care.

I'd rather be making love too, but that can only be tended to for so long, else how would we have time to cook, eat, sleep, or write?

what minsue said...back off Ange or Carrie...or anyone else! damn!
It's those of who appreciated what he was doing, (our loss, sucks to be us...but that is not your concern, right? As long as he was chased away because a few did not like him ) no longer bullying to what other's believed...your intent has been complete and acomplished, your purpose clearly stated over and over. All this fucking mud slinging is getting on my nerves.
Mismused, if you are the one who is sensitive, felt blown away from his comments, and you are supposed to be so full of love, my god your words are slicing and belittling to others.

This whole post keeps going in circles, one person being slammed after another...


and I promised my children I would count before getting grumpy, but this is getting way out of hand...christ
I'm starting to lose track of what's going on. And there are so many new people all of the sudden. I thought tathagata and my erotic tail were women, but now I know they're guys. (I can add two new guys to my flirt list) And we have echoes and minsue and mismused. Right? What else do we have? Oh, the public comment thingy. Well, that's going to be a trouble maker for a long time to come. So, what do we do about it? If you turn the damn thing on, then take what you get or delete it. YDDs will come and go. There will always be someone around to piss someone off.
By the way, we poets are doing pretty darn good. Have you seen comments for stories? Some of them are brutal! The prose writers would laugh at us and our gentle ways. lol I suggested that My erotic tail drop an "a" in one of his poems. Just one little "a", and someone commented for him not to do it because then the poem wouldn't be his. Yeah, I know, it was a harsh critique. lol We are seriously getting bent out of shape over this.
Re: Re: Re: champagne

mismused said:



Please have a nice day.

Please leave me alone. I haven't defended anyone but myself. I'm trying to back off and not fall into the same miasma that keeps choking the good will out of people. I will have a wonderful evening and I hope you do too.

Now quit it.

I went to a poetry reading tonight and FINALLY someone gave me some criticism for my reading. Yeah! I took it as a compliment that they were actually listening.

One man who sounds just like Morpheous said I would be more effective if I slowed down and allowed myself to be more centered in the poem

another told me to change the title because he was afraid the whole time I was going to get hit because of the mention of knuckles (oh my knuckles can do so many other things)

SO I was SO excited I said Thank you so Much!

I think they were a little surprised at my gratitude.

But then again, they were not voting on my reading or if they were and gave me anything but perfect I would have popped a cap in their ass.

ha ha kidding

I can't believe I got into this fucking crazy thread just when all the fun is over.


jesus it is not even a full moon

does this happen every springtime?
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WickedEve said:
I'm starting to lose track of what's going on. And there are so many new people all of the sudden. I thought tathagata and my erotic tail were women, but now I know they're guys. (I can add two new guys to my flirt list) And we have echoes and minsue and mismused. Right?

We need a sign in sheet or something :D
WickedEve said:
I'm starting to lose track of what's going on. And there are so many new people all of the sudden. I thought tathagata and my erotic tail were women, but now I know they're guys. (I can add two new guys to my flirt list) And we have echoes and minsue and mismused. Right? What else do we have? Oh, the public comment thingy. Well, that's going to be a trouble maker for a long time to come. So, what do we do about it? If you turn the damn thing on, then take what you get or delete it. YDDs will come and go. There will always be someone around to piss someone off.
By the way, we poets are doing pretty darn good. Have you seen comments for stories? Some of them are brutal! The prose writers would laugh at us and our gentle ways. lol I suggested that My erotic tail drop an "a" in one of his poems. Just one little "a", and someone commented for him not to do it because then the poem wouldn't be his. Yeah, I know, it was a harsh critique. lol We are seriously getting bent out of shape over this.

You know if you just give the girls another chance, you would have so many more to flirt with! And you would not have to worry about checkin between any tails to determine gender before such flirting began.

What is the ratio around here anyway?

I rate your post a 5
got a good beat
and I am dancing in my chair as we speak

but Eve, do not take this wrong, I think you have an extra A in there somewhere

(ducking from the shoe that may or may not be somewhere in that tub)


where the hell is Pablo Nerudo in this discussion???

Damn, all he does is post his poems and then never participates in these games.

We could really use his sexy voice to lure us all to our happy places.

(I wonder what his score was before Laurel pulled the poem)
I bet somebody

gave him a one... all the good poems have those.

jim : )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank you, Eve

mismused said:


Your post says absolutely nothing about what I have been posting about.

It is full of a higher than thou attitude. Condesending, and platitudinous. I'm sorry, but you seem to think yourself the arbiter of all that is wrong with others. Really, really wrong. Gee, how wonderful of you to be here just when I need you, Dr. Angeline.

I've seen some of your work. It's not my bag, but it's good. That's a delightful picture (your AV), but does it belie what is really there? What is the real reason for your post? It's certainly not for any concern about me, since you don't know me, and it doesn't address what I have written about.

This is very different. Are you the head attack beast? The really, really big power behind whatever consortium you fashion yourself to be the head of?

Your comments are easily seen for what they are, an attack in one of the most insidious ways, full of guile, as well as obviously snide, however artfully crafted.

You are the only one who has done this. Not one word about what I have posted about. Why? Never mind, I don't have time to listen to major psycological issues. Unlike you, I'm not a doctor.

Please go see a qualified psychologist for your problems.

This is for certain: I will ignore any further posts by you. You are full of yourself.


Yes, that's me--a killer. Just ask anyone here. Also I own the site. And don't worry about ignoring me--I'm done with this thread, something I should have stuck to the first time I said I was just going to write poems. Attacking me is a pretty flimsy defense for not answering questions that get to the heart of the matter, but peace and good luck in poetic and other endeavors. I'm tired of all this bullshit; I certainly won't be reading, voting on, or commenting on your stuff--I'm sticking with "the consortium" and writing poems.

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I thought tathagata and my erotic tail were women, but now I know they're guys. (I can add two new guys to my flirt list)


Why do people think I'm a woman??
Now I'm getting a complex
Tathagata said:

Why do people think I'm a woman??
Now I'm getting a complex

I never thought you were female! Never! (Cause I looked at your page and knew no woman would use that picture in her profile--it's a very "guy" picture). :D

Angeline said:
I never thought you were female! Never! (Cause I looked at your page and knew no woman would use that picture in her profile--it's a very "guy" picture). :D


Thanks sweetie....I think

minsue said:
We need a sign in sheet or something :D
It would help! I was getting my minsue and mismused all mixed up. lol Hey, it takes me awhile to sort things out. :eek: