To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Seems I remember Sonny putting conditions on sending that email, saying "Ken" could stop it, and began counting down the time. Remember? So Sonny was demanding something in return for not sending that email, sounds like blackmail to me. You actually having sent the email, tells me you were in cahoots with Sonny, hence conspiracy.

Yeah, because Sonny had to walk down to the mailbox to send an email. :rolleyes:
Seems I remember Sonny putting conditions on sending that email, saying "Ken" could stop it, and began counting down the time. Remember? So Sonny was demanding something in return for not sending that email, sounds like blackmail to me. You actually having sent the email, tells me you were in cahoots with Sonny, hence conspiracy.

You really DO need to read for comprehension.

Sonny was talking about MAIL. And a mailbox. Nothing to do with email or KRC.
You should always wipe front to back.

I LO-fucking-L'd.

Seems I remember Sonny putting conditions on sending that email, saying "Ken" could stop it, and began counting down the time. Remember? So Sonny was demanding something in return for not sending that email, sounds like blackmail to me. You actually having sent the email, tells me you were in cahoots with Sonny, hence conspiracy.

No, you remember me talking about sending packages out in the mail.

Or rather, you don't. But if you remembered, that's what you'd be remembering.
Blackmail for what? Some fucking tomato seeds?
There's nothing deep here. Shits and giggles at the expense of a scumbag.

So if you've managed to put strain on their marriage, that is just shits and giggles for you? Do you have definitive proof that KK is this guy? Nope, you sure don't. But you stuck your nose in there for "shits and giggles" anyways. Whoever KK is may be a scumbag, but you're a scumbag too.
Trouble with you is you've left yourself completely shit stained KR, you should have had no part in this low down bullshit to start with. What would you lead you to presume the right to involve yourself into any member's real life?
Did you ask Karen that when she was contacting young women here who had been raped in real life, to 'trade' stories about their rapes?
I think the "If you give it up yourself" part covers those instances. A mistake or oversight is not giving it up yourself.

One would normally think so.

Except she also seems to believe that it’s “OK” to post information here that has accidental been exposed by a third party and has been used to research completely innocent and indirectly involved family members including children.

I'd feel concerned for my children's safety, since I haven't given anyone here her name. But in terms of any potential content of that email, you'd be telling her less than she already knows.

I hope no one would. But that doesn't mean I can expect that no one would.

You'd is the wrong word. That's not how I roll.

Seriously, I'd watch all of this bullshit doesn't come back and bite you in the arse.

Same goes for anyone who tries to pull this shit.
You need to make better excuses for your friends. On the Internet nobody automatically assumes snail mail, dummy. Christ.:rolleyes:


When's the last time you WALKED TO THE MAILBOX to send an email? :rolleyes:
Fuck you shitbag, I must have assumed right as your message apparently did arrive by email, or is ken going to get your demand next week? Fucking dummy.

Jesus. Just admit you were mistaken, you fucking cretin.
I have no problem with Sonny outing KK/ken on here - even if it involved posting personal information as I don't think anyone would have believed the evidence without that. The truth is that KK/kenwas soliciting personal information from people under the guise of a false identity. The fact that it was a 62 year old man doing it to women to try and extract their rape experiences makes it a public service in my mind.

However, contacting KK/ken's family is crossing a line and is a total scumbag move.
vetteman, you aren't normally this dense. Are you on medication or something that is causing you to not think clearly? That would explain it.
I have no problem with Sonny outing KK/ken on here - even if it involved posting personal information as I don't think anyone would have believed the evidence without that. The truth is that KK/kenwas soliciting personal information from people under the guise of a false identity. The fact that it was a 62 year old man doing it to women to try and extract their rape experiences makes it a public service in my mind.

However, contacting KK/ken's family is crossing a line and is a total scumbag move.

Clearest summation so far.
Now that is fucking creepy

Agreed. It was one of the few threads I've seen since I've been here that had over 50 or so replies that Laurel completely deleted.

"Gosh, I knew better than to accept a drink from a stranger at a frat party and gee it tasted really awful but I drank it anyway and they...they....had their way with me but I'm made of strong stuff and I'll survive, I will use this as a 'life lesson' and this will make me stronger. Can some of you other women who have been in a horrible situation like mine share the details? In PM of course, we don't want to provide masturbation fantasies for some of the sick guys I've seen here...." (paraphrase from memory)