To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

How about if the info becomes available when a site gets upgraded, leading to previously hidden rl info becoming visible? As happened to Rob.

In other cases there’s also a lot of naivety/stupidity. There’s another poster here, who from her profile page I can, with 3 clicks, find her full real name and address. Beyond that I could find out all manner of things if I wanted.

Could be oversight, as in my case, when making a FB account for the first few weeks I didn’t realize that the default wasn’t to lock the account to all but my friends.

In any case I don’t see how that makes it ok to post that information here without the individuals express consent.

I think the "If you give it up yourself" part covers those instances. A mistake or oversight is not giving it up yourself.
OR, and this is probably the option I'm gonna go with, I could not shut up, and continue to be exactly who I am while you continue to be exactly who you are.

Yeah, I've typed "Sonny" in the last few days. Newsflash, so has everyone else. Get over yourself, you creepy fuck.

Please don't presume to speak for "everyone" here.

That's AJ's job.
OR, and this is probably the option I'm gonna go with, I could not shut up, and continue to be exactly who I am while you continue to be exactly who you are.

Yeah, I've typed "Sonny" in the last few days. Newsflash, so has everyone else. Get over yourself, you creepy fuck.
Yes, you can be as tired of me as you wish. But it's stupid to expect it to matter to me--expecially if it's self-inflicted.

I'm smart enough to see a drama addict coming from ten miles away, I'll go back to not noticing you again now. All the remaining shots you may wish to take, you may take for free.
Yes, you can be as tired of me as you wish. But it's stupid to expect it to matter to me--expecially if it's self-inflicted.

I'm smart enough to see a drama addict coming from ten miles away, I'll go back to not noticing you again now. All the remaining shots you may wish to take, you may take for free.

Oh, I have permission to take shots at you now, gosh thanks! :rolleyes:

Who said I expected anything I thought or said to matter to you? In fact I think that is your biggest flaw, that other people's feelings or thoughts don't matter to you enough. It's what makes you a prick instead of the intelligent, witty guy you could naturally be.

I think it's hilarious you and Luke keep trying to make me out to be this big drama addict as though it's some terrible character flaw. Is there a big drama thread in the last three years that you and Luke have zero posts in? How about Perg, Seanh, Nipples, KRC just to name a few regular posters? You just know their names along with yours pop up in every drama thread too. Don't play like you're Mr. Innocent over there, if I'm a drama addict, then so are you.

I've never said I didn't enjoy the drama, in fact I've said multiple times over the years that the workings of human nature fascinate me, that I enjoy the drama and figuring out what makes the players tick.
Ellie DID call her out on it. Did you really read the thread or only the posts Sonny linked?

I read the whole thread, I saw what Ellie posted, but assumed it was directed at whomever sent the email in general, not directly at KRC.

Perspective. Often times, people see things differently, which is why clarification is needed. Your PM clarified for me.

So now I'll ask it publicly; Where is the outrage over KRC sending a meddling email to someone who has nothing to do with this mess or this site?
So now I'll ask it publicly; Where is the outrage over KRC sending a meddling email to someone who has nothing to do with this mess or this site?

I read KRC's post about the email three times and could not figure out if she sent the original email to Kevin's wife or was responding to the email. Then I decided I had enough drama in my life right now and didn't pursue it further.

If KRC sent an unsolicited email to the spouse of someone who posts here, I think it's a pretty dick move, regardless of the motivation. Yes, even if that slimy shitbag Karen/Kevin is involved.
No, what is wrong is that it doesn't look at all to me like KRC was seriously admitting to sending that email, due to the fact that she first states what KRC believes about her being an alt, and then answers to your name.

I would hate to add this to the long list of reasons the bitch is a waste of skin if it weren't true. An admission without the sarcasm may have been more definitive proof, but honestly we all know KRC doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of her, she would be perfectly happy to have never written any such email but take credit for it anyways.

And yes, I am tired of you.
For fucks sake! I sent the fucking email! Damn.
If KRC sent an unsolicited email to the spouse of someone who posts here, I think it's a pretty dick move, regardless of the motivation. Yes, even if that slimy shitbag Karen/Kevin is involved.

Now, how many people will conveniently gloss over her sending that email and continue on posting with KRC as though it was no biggie? How many of those people will jump on other people at any chance they get for lesser offenses?
For fucks sake! I sent the fucking email! Damn.

Thanks, Chey already confirmed that for me.

Why is it that you thought you had the right to do that? What reason did you have to butt your huge nose into it and involve his wife when you couldn't possibly have all of the facts straight to begin with?
I read the whole thread, I saw what Ellie posted, but assumed it was directed at whomever sent the email in general, not directly at KRC.

Perspective. Often times, people see things differently, which is why clarification is needed. Your PM clarified for me.

So now I'll ask it publicly; Where is the outrage over KRC sending a meddling email to someone who has nothing to do with this mess or this site?

I would think that a wife would want to know that her husband is leading a double life. It was a service. And really the email is no different than sending links to Lit out to some friends. I don't think I ever actually mentioned names.
Now, how many people will conveniently gloss over her sending that email and continue on posting with KRC as though it was no biggie? How many of those people will jump on other people at any chance they get for lesser offenses?

This is Lit. "Situational Outrage" is the norm.
Yes, maybe she'll come back and post some pictures of good times in the garden where she works with her tomato dad :D


they should make a kraft family reunion video.

Also, am I nuts or did KK's OP say it was a female who put together all the links and brought it to the board? A female who was pissed off about KK calling her fat years ago? I'd like to know why KK thinks it was a female and not Sonny. Or maybe KK thinks Sonny is an alt for said female? I dunno, it's all very confusing. I'm really not sure what is actually the truth, but I don't think the real truth is what people are certain is the truth at this time.

That is the way of the GB though, the trolls here will latch on to something perceived and repeat it so often it becomes truth in the memories of everyone else reading their posts.

what's up with the fat thing?

Interesting, since you're the one doing all the talking about me. I haven't said a thing to you since your big return (which was, in fact, a thread about me).

If you're that tired of me, maybe you should simply shut up.

Here, lookie:

i hate to break it to you, sonny, but she talks about nipples way more than you.
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I would think that a wife would want to know that her husband is leading a double life. It was a service. And really the email is no different than sending links to Lit out to some friends. I don't think I ever actually mentioned names.

I got one of those emails (not from you, obviously) once. It was from D8RAPE, who told me it was his sad duty to inform me that my wife Vermillion Skye was whorin' it up on

Needless to say, I was devastated.

I mean, I married Vermillion Skye when I wasn't looking? And never even got a chance to consummate our marriage? :(
If people don't like that I sent the email then too bad. They don't need to talk to me. It's less than some have done, more than others. Rob and December don't really have a lot of moral high ground to stand on.
I would think that a wife would want to know that her husband is leading a double life. It was a service. And really the email is no different than sending links to Lit out to some friends. I don't think I ever actually mentioned names.

Yeah, no. That is bullshit. You had no right to send a damn thing to that woman, because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING PROOF of any of this bullshit. She is a grown ass woman, not some child that needed protecting, there was even less reason to send something to his wife than there was to send something to the actress who people felt maybe needed to be warned about her image being used inappropriately.

You and Sonny and everyone else here have a lot of conjecture, a lot of assumed ideas, some of which are probably correct, but there is no way in hell you have all of the facts, and even if you did, it wasn't your job.

What if you sent the email, less than half of it was true, and it lead that woman to believe something about her husband that may not have been true at all, which lead to them being divorced? That is extreme but entirely possible, I've witnessed a similar set of consecutive events that culminated in the same end game personally. Then what? You could end up destroying their lives, and all over fucking what? Some misguided sense of fucking duty to inform this perfect stranger of what you think her husband is doing online?

Fuck you, you're an even bigger waste of skin than I originally thought you were.
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Yeah, no. That is bullshit. You had no right to send a damn thing to that woman, because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING PROOF of any of this bullshit. She is a grown ass woman, not some child that needed protecting, there was even less reason to send something to his wife than there was to send something to the actress who people felt maybe needed to be warned about her image being used inappropriately.

You and Sonny and everyone else here has a lot of conjecture, a lot of assumed ideas, some of which are probably correct, but there is no way in hell you have all of the facts, and even if you did, it wasn't your job.

What if you sent the email, less than half of it was true, and it lead that woman to believe something about her husband that may not have been true at all, which lead to them being divorced? That is extreme but entirely possible, I've witnessed a similar set of consecutive events that culminated in the same end game personally. Then what? You could end up destroying their lives, and all over fucking what? Some misguided sense of fucking duty to inform this perfect stranger of what you thinkher husband is doing online?

Fuck you, you're an even bigger waste of skin than I originally thought you were.

You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what someone like you thinks. Glass houses and all that.
If people don't like that I sent the email then too bad. They don't need to talk to me. It's less than some have done, more than others. Rob and December don't really have a lot of moral high ground to stand on.

You are correct, I really don't have a lot of moral high ground to stand on.
You'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what someone like you thinks. Glass houses and all that.

No, I won't excuse you.

I know you think you have something above me because I posted those chat logs years and years ago. But hey, you know what? I was very young, just off the streets, and very angry with the world at the time. You on the other hand are a grown woman, with kids and a husband. Even worse, you've worn a uniform to serve your country, you should fucking know better by now. You think you have the right to sit on a high horse over me? Fuck that. I learned my lesson, I am genuinely sorry for bringing personal info to this board, because I can very clearly see now how bringing RL here has the potential to very easily destroy innocent people.
No, I won't excuse you.

I know you think you have something above me because I posted those chat logs years and years ago. But hey, you know what? I was very young, just off the streets, and very angry with the world at the time. You on the other hand are a grown woman, with kids and a husband. Even worse, you've worn a uniform to serve your country, you should fucking know better by now. You think you have the right to sit on a high horse over me? Fuck that. I learned my lesson, I am genuinely sorry for bringing personal info to this board, because I can very clearly see now how bringing RL here has the potential to very easily destroy innocent people.

Yeah, I don't really care if you excuse me. It's an expression. Kind of like go fuck yourself.