To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

She looked like a very nice woman, completely unpretentious, and probably doesn't deserve the hell she's going to go through...
I have no problem with Sonny outing KK/ken on here - even if it involved posting personal information as I don't think anyone would have believed the evidence without that. The truth is that KK/kenwas soliciting personal information from people under the guise of a false identity. The fact that it was a 62 year old man doing it to women to try and extract their rape experiences makes it a public service in my mind.

However, contacting KK/ken's family is crossing a line and is a total scumbag move.

Of course it's a scumbag move. It was obviously meant to be one. But if you are risky enough for long enough, you also risk meeting the one scumbag who is willing to cross the line.
Of course it's a scumbag move. It was obviously meant to be one. But if you are risky enough for long enough, you also risk meeting the one scumbag who is willing to cross the line.
Oh, but I thought it was a service to that poor, poor innocent woman?
Just guessing, but I have a feeling Mr. T's marriages are always strained. His wife might not even be all that surprised by any of this.
I'd feel concerned for my children's safety, since I haven't given anyone here her name. But in terms of any potential content of that email, you'd be telling her less than she already knows.

I hope no one would. But that doesn't mean I can expect that no one would.

Take the children out of this statement and it's more or less where I'm at, too. If I had kids, I'd have been very, very careful about letting personal info out. As it stands, yeah. Lady P could get an email and we'd both laugh about it. "Hey, Hon? One of those website people thinks I should know that you had SheRem's panties on your head in a picture. *sigh* I miss her."
You're not even sure who you're arguing with at this point, are you?
Uh, what? KRC said her sending the email was a service, I was just reminding you that it was meant to be a service, not meant to be a scumbag move as you suggested. We wouldn't want you two to get your wires crossed or anything, best to keep your excuses and stories straight.
Uh, what? KRC said her sending the email was a service, I was just reminding you that it was meant to be a service, not meant to be a scumbag move as you suggested. We wouldn't want you two to get your wires crossed or anything, best to keep your excuses and stories straight.

Which part of her telling you that she sent it for shits and giggles did you not understand?
Oh, but I thought it was a service to that poor, poor innocent woman?
( I guess I missed this drama because I never seem to be sure if I have KRC dialed in on the sincerity-sarcasm meter )

Hell if I know, because all of your "we don't have all of the facts" arguments certainly apply in this situation.

I certainly don't want to see e-mails and chat logs on here ever again to prove anything.

For all we know KRCummings was handing out hugs , kindly informing his wife that KK was off his meds, and sharing support group info.

That being said, I'm in general agreemnet with Zip on this one, and I'm terribly disapointed in KRC for crossing that line. It's one I never considered crossing the first time this KK stuff came up, it's not one I would have considerd crossing in my rage at the heights of the Lance or Bratcath wars.

This makes me very sad:( I think KRC is big enough to own her own crap.

I don't think I can really express how sad this makes me feel at this time.

So I'll probably just take a break from the GB for a while.
I hate that thread.
How come?
Just guessing, but I have a feeling Mr. T's marriages are always strained. His wife might not even be all that surprised by any of this.

Well, if you had kids who looked like this, you might feel some strain also:

Which part of her telling you that she sent it for shits and giggles did you not understand?

The part where she also said it was a service to his wife. You know, to inform her that she had 100% proof that her husband was leading a double life. Or how about the part where she said it was no big deal, akin to sending out links to Lit to some friends, even though it's nothing at all like that, not even close. Or the part where she said it's really too bad who doesn't like the fact that she sent it because what she did was less than some have done and more than others.

Or how about the part where Sonny said "meh" about the whole thing, and passed it off as no big deal because he of course was 100% certain that it would all come back on KK one way or another at some point. How about the part where Sonny informed us all that it was "highly unlikely to be the first time Mrs. Ken had the inkling that her husband was a creep." Because he knows all about their relationship, and the likelihood of anything at all. Mhm.

"shits and giggles" may be the only excuse you took away from the last few pages, but I have a different opinion.
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How come?

Well, if you had kids who looked like this, you might feel some strain also:


ET terrified me when I was little! I remember being kept up at night scared that ET was hiding among my stuffed animals. I can't even look at pictures now without feeling uneasy. I'll never forgive my dad for making me watch it.
You all realize that by keeping this shit going, you're giving Ken the biggest, fattest boner ever by continuing to pay him attention, yes?

Just checking.
You all realize that by keeping this shit going, you're giving Ken the biggest, fattest boner ever by continuing to pay him attention, yes?

Just checking.

If that is the case then you just contributed to a dirty old man's boner as well. :rolleyes: