To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

I don't deny that I went into douche-nozzle territory. I've actually been pretty forthcoming about all this. I could have kept my mouth shut. It's not like I didn't know what the reaction would be.
I did what I did and I admitted it and I don't make excuses for it.
I don't get why you, as someone who seems to frequently take the moral high ground, would do something like this, though. I'm well aware that you don't give a fuck what anyone on here thinks about you, but admitting you did it and agreeing it was a shitty action notwithstanding, it seems to run counter to a lot of the kind of behaviour you find wrong. I never would have pegged you as a hypocrite.
put your thinking caps on

As the exciting drama of the KK outing degenerates into the same old boring Lit squabble, let's apply a bit of deductive logic to the original puzzle.

What do I, as a bystander who wants to believe that KK is a female, have in fact to believe? What is "Karen" asking me to believe?

KK wants us to believe that the person in the library video with the watermelon is her.

She's very cagey about whether or not this person is the actress with the "genius level IQ". On one hand, she dismisses it when it starts to point at the real culprit: "why would "dad" keep an actress on retainer for ten years, yadda yadda".

On the other hand, her birthdate matches the actresses' birthdate, and masses of other circumstantial evidence which were lying about in plain sight also work to suggest that "Karen as female" and "the actress" are the same person.

Then of course one can compare the videos of the watermelon girl with those of the actress and draw their own conclusions: the two women look and sound extremely similar.

My deduction is that K(ar)en wants us to believe that we have a semi-celebrity in our midst, playing a sort of "look at me/don't look at me", coy, hiding in plain sight game.

The least plausible concept is that the KK game, taken on its own terms, leads to some random chick who just happens to look exactly like an actress, coincidentally lists the same birthday, etc etc.

Thus, KK is either the actress, or the dad pretending to be the actress, or (as I believe) some type of collusion between them.
I don't deny that I went into douche-nozzle territory. I've actually been pretty forthcoming about all this. I could have kept my mouth shut. It's not like I didn't know what the reaction would be.
I did what I did and I admitted it and I don't make excuses for it.

And I agree with this, too.
So, I don't think we'd be breaking any Lit rules, not that that matters at this point, if KRC posted a copy of the email. Right? Just so we eliminate the "I believe it said"s.

Paedophile or just impersonator, big difference...

Image, have I ever told you I want to empty that glass of wine, then pleasure you......:)
As the exciting drama of the KK outing degenerates into the same old boring Lit squabble, let's apply a bit of deductive logic to the original puzzle.

What do I, as a bystander who wants to believe that KK is a female, have in fact to believe? What is "Karen" asking me to believe?

KK wants us to believe that the person in the library video with the watermelon is her.

She's very cagey about whether or not this person is the actress with the "genius level IQ". On one hand, she dismisses it when it starts to point at the real culprit: "why would "dad" keep an actress on retainer for ten years, yadda yadda".

On the other hand, her birthdate matches the actresses' birthdate, and masses of other circumstantial evidence which were lying about in plain sight also work to suggest that "Karen as female" and "the actress" are the same person.

Then of course one can compare the videos of the watermelon girl with those of the actress and draw their own conclusions: the two women look and sound extremely similar.

My deduction is that K(ar)en wants us to believe that we have a semi-celebrity in our midst, playing a sort of "look at me/don't look at me", coy, hiding in plain sight game.

The least plausible concept is that the KK game, taken on its own terms, leads to some random chick who just happens to look exactly like an actress, coincidentally lists the same birthday, etc etc.

Thus, KK is either the actress, or the dad pretending to be the actress, or (as I believe) some type of collusion between them.

This is almost precisely my thinking. I got there by a slightly different path, but your conclusion is exactly my position.
Two or three times a day for several years now.

No. Sonny can claim to have sent it. Only whoever reads Ken's mail can claim to have received/not received it.

Unless whatever it was, was sent with a receipt notification.
Do you have those over there?
Two or three times a day for several years now.

No. Sonny can claim to have sent it. Only whoever reads Ken's mail can claim to have received/not received it.

Unless Sonny says he didn't send anything, then that guarantees nothing would have been received.
I wouldn't have done it.

It's hard to feel sorry for Ken, though, given his words and actions here.

Fuck Ken he deserved all he got.

It’s a shame there was some un-necessary collateral damage.

Involving the wife was a shitty thing to do, though. Then again she married the arsehole so I guess she’s figured it out by now anyway.

If you'll allow me to indulge an Eyer-class conspiracy theory, imagine the following nightmare scenario:

Junior had the KK id for the most part from 2003ish to 2006? He got his ass in a sling and Daddy got involved cleaning up Junior's shitfest once again and persuaded Daddy's Special Friend to cut that Very Special Video.

Junior's ass is out of the proverbial sling now, Daddy goes back to whatever he was doing with Daddy's Special Friend, and a chastened Junior (NOT Daddy) continues to stir up shit in political threads.

Reasoning in favor:

  • Junior has a documented history of enjoying this sort of shit-stirring
  • Daddy was here as Kevin for a while, but got scared and deleted literally every single post he ever made.
  • The constant stream of "Fatty! Fatty!" juvenile banter seems more age-appropriate to a 20-something with zero accomplishments in life than a 60-something man
  • Karen's bizarre legal theories seem to show an absolute ignorance of the fundamental principles of American law (remember "ONLY the Supreme Court can declare something unconstitutional"?)
  • This would give Junior the "Ultimate Last Laugh" if it ever came to light ("Haw Haw You Fuckers Thought This Was My DAD!")

Reasoning Against:
  • Too complex. Junior simply isn't that smart
  • Too much of a change in posting styles. It went from I'm-so-pretty to Obama-is-a-fucking-Kenyan virtually overnight.
  • Virtually the only other poster on the General Board who continually uses someone's weight to denigrate them is Vettefag, a 60-something assclown. So maybe 60 year olds can act that childish.
If it IS the actress then I don't get why she would be so cagy about proving it
Could have stopped this whole drama by simply skyping with people.
If it IS the actress then I don't get why she would be so cagy about proving it
Could have stopped this whole drama by simply skyping with people.

I want to at least see a pic, wit KK, the actress, the pseudo-daddy and possibly junior - all in the same shot.
Background could be the tomato garden, with each of them holding a perfect tomato.
And a sign. That says 'Haha lit - we fucked with your collective heads!'

Or something like that :D
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This is fucking hilarious!

I can't believe KRC let girlsmiley (whoever the fuck that is) and December (a long winded hypocrite) down like this.

I hope you are happy with yourself now, KRC, you fucking cunt!

As for was it right or was it wrong?

Was it right to solicit addresses under false pretenses?

Hes Ken ever played the same game as KRC or is she the first?

Who gives a flying fuck what happens in Ken's life? Not me. I saw the evidence and I am sure that our slender angel is a fat fuck named Ken. If any of you fucks were among the women that shared their rape story with someone who they believed to be a female with a similar experience, only to later find out it was a twisted old pervert looking for jerking material...yeah, you'd sing a different tune.

No matter what any of you self righteous assholes say, the fact of the matter is that even you are feeding off this 'very personal and hurtful drama'. When the proper thing for you to do, for the sake of that man's poor wife, would be to stop stirring the shit for your own attention-whoredom.

Fuck Ken.

Fuck him in his hairy ass for all I care.
Lol @long winded. :rolleyes:

I'm more surprised than anything.

I didn't think KRC was the type do something so...

I was wrong.

Not the first time, and probably not the last.
All I can say is that some of you people here on GB are really mentally fucked in the head.

KRC - what the fuck? You contacted someone outside of "Literotica"?

Some of you need a vacation in a mental hospital and prescriptions for some serious and powerful psychotic drugs

What was a way to blow off steam, and a little escape; well you people fucked that up.

This is fucking hilarious!

I can't believe KRC let girlsmiley (whoever the fuck that is) and December (a long winded hypocrite) down like this.

I hope you are happy with yourself now, KRC, you fucking cunt!

As for was it right or was it wrong?

Was it right to solicit addresses under false pretenses?

Hes Ken ever played the same game as KRC or is she the first?

Who gives a flying fuck what happens in Ken's life? Not me. I saw the evidence and I am sure that our slender angel is a fat fuck named Ken. If any of you fucks were among the women that shared their rape story with someone who they believed to be a female with a similar experience, only to later find out it was a twisted old pervert looking for jerking material...yeah, you'd sing a different tune.

No matter what any of you self righteous assholes say, the fact of the matter is that even you are feeding off this 'very personal and hurtful drama'. When the proper thing for you to do, for the sake of that man's poor wife, would be to stop stirring the shit for your own attention-whoredom.

Fuck Ken.

Fuck him in his hairy ass for all I care.