To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

That's a strange thing. For some reason I was sure she had said that she was NM.

In rejecting the 'hiring of an actress,' he meant to be rejecting the idea that KK is Natasha Melnicck. He just did it too gimmicky here, and left it ambiguous. It wasn't intentional, though. He tried it differently in her PM, and left no room for that interpretation.
If she admitted to being NM
then if would be fairly easy to check up on things she says

as NM is semi-famous you could always follow her
on twitter or FB

Did anyone contact the actress?
Just curious....
In rejecting the 'hiring of an actress,' he meant to be rejecting the idea that KK is Natasha Melnicck. He just did it too gimmicky here, and left it ambiguous. It wasn't intentional, though. He tried it differently in her PM, and left no room for that interpretation.

I'd be interested to see that PM, actually. I'm still confused about the whole business.
If she admitted to being NM
then if would be fairly easy to check up on things she says

as NM is semi-famous you could always follow her
on twitter or FB

Did anyone contact the actress?
Just curious....
Some reminders. KK has said to be, variously, a law student/clerk, a screenwriter, a writer and editor. She's said other things as well, but let's stop there. She's said she lived in California and Las Vegas and Austin, Texas, as well as studying overseas. She's said she's conservative.

With the exception of living in California, literally none of those things matches Natasha Melnicck, and literally all of them match Ken (and son).

So either Natasha is lying about virtually everything except her birthday, all day, every day, every post, ever, or Ken is lying about one thing.

Guess which is right?

By the way, for those who missed the original thread, it bears saying: if KK is Natasha, then Natasha is also writing Ken's Facebook posts. I can repost the side-by-side facebook/Lit entries, if anyone wishes...
I'd be interested to see that PM, actually. I'm still confused about the whole business.
I'm not going to forward it. I'll simply say, it removes any ability for KK to claim that she is Natasha Melnicck, by giving contradictory biographical information intended instead to square KK with Ken's posts here.
I'm not going to forward it. I'll simply say, it removes any ability for KK to claim that she is Natasha Melnicck, by giving contradictory biographical information intended instead to square KK with Ken's posts here.

I understand.

One hypothesis that keeps floating around for me is that the KK acct was primarily used by NM, but that dad and brothers also occasionally used it. Is there anything you know that makes that impossible?
Some reminders. KK has said to be, variously, a law student/clerk, a screenwriter, a writer and editor. She's said other things as well, but let's stop there. She's said she lived in California and Las Vegas and Austin, Texas, as well as studying overseas. She's said she's conservative.

With the exception of living in California, literally none of those things matches Natasha Melnicck, and literally all of them match Ken (and son).

So either Natasha is lying about virtually everything except her birthday, all day, every day, every post, ever, or Ken is lying about one thing.

Guess which is right?

By the way, for those who missed the original thread, it bears saying: if KK is Natasha, then Natasha is also writing Ken's Facebook posts. I can repost the side-by-side facebook/Lit entries, if anyone wishes...

I understand.

One hypothesis that keeps floating around for me is that the KK acct was primarily used by NM, but that dad and brothers also occasionally used it. Is there anything you know that makes that impossible?
So which is the lie in this scenario? Tomato-dad is the lie? How are these two clods even getting access to the account in that case?

Which posts match the 27-year-old woman? Yay!! is dad. I can show you. Twins is dad's book. Rape was dad's legal specialty. Austin is sons' college. Overseas is dad's law school. Tomatoes are dad's garden

Find me Natasha Melnicck the actress here. Find a single post that matches her.

Dad used her pictures. That's all. You know it. Stop helping the dummies.
So which is the lie in this scenario? Tomato-dad is the lie? How are these two clods even getting access to the account in that case?

Which posts match the 27-year-old woman? Yay!! is dad. I can show you. Twins is dad's book. Rape was dad's legal specialty. Austin is sons' college. Overseas is dad's law school. Tomatoes are dad's garden

Find me Natasha Melnicck the actress here. Find a single post that matches her.

Dad used her pictures. That's all. You know it. Stop helping the dummies.

Dad hired NM to do all the video and audio recordings? It's hard for me to believe anyone is that...I don't even know the word for it. Dedicated to an online fiction? For what possible reason would someone do that?
Lady P and her dad work in the garden together all the time.

Yes but does Lady P refer to men who are not her father as "dad"?

Unless a man has adopted me, married my mother, or is actually my father, I'm not going to call him dad. That was Naughtycakes point, I believe.
Dad hired NM to do all the video and audio recordings? It's hard for me to believe anyone is that...I don't even know the word for it. Dedicated to an online fiction? For what possible reason would someone do that?
No idea about audio. It was years ago. It could have been anyone.

Natasha was being paid by dad to act in a movie he was producing during the time the videos were made. "Help me with a quick pitch and if it hits, the part is yours. It won't take more than 15 minutes" is nothing. People say and do it all the time.

Recall that Natasha was reading, and fumbles for names and legal concepts. If she's KK, she would know the names. If she's Ken's like-a-daughter who went to law school, she would know the law.

She read it from a script. It's right there in front of her.

Stop being played.
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Yes but does Lady P refer to men who are not her father as "dad"?

Unless a man has adopted me, married my mother, or is actually my father, I'm not going to call him dad. That was Naughtycakes point, I believe.

Well...there are posts here, I believe, about how Lady P's dad's oldest friend died in September. Said guy was known to Lady P as "Uncle ****."

I'm convinced by other stuff that Sonny has said. I just don't see the "dad" thing as definitive.
i have a lot of uncles that aren't really my uncles that i call uncle. but i don't have a lot of dads who aren't my dad that i call dad. i see your point, but i think NCs makes sense. you don't call someone who hasn't either adopted you in some way or married your mom dad. it just doesn't happen - dad is not uncle. you only have one dad, you can have 153 uncles.

if the dude adopted kk or raised her and fed her and clothed her then he's basically her dad. i dunno if that's what's being claimed but in any case the whole wall of text is a pile of crap with a lot of blathering none of which actually addresses any of the important parts of the accusations.
i have a lot of uncles that aren't really my uncles that i call uncle. but i don't have a lot of dads who aren't my dad that i call dad. i see your point, but i think NCs makes sense. you don't call someone who hasn't either adopted you in some way or married your mom dad. it just doesn't happen - dad is not uncle. you only have one dad, you can have 153 uncles.

if the dude adopted kk or raised her and fed her and clothed her then he's basically her dad. i dunno if that's what's being claimed but in any case the whole wall of text is a pile of crap with a lot of blathering none of which actually addresses any of the important parts of the accusations.

Right. I agree about uncles. I think the claim is as you say, which is why Sonny refers to a "not-a-dad."

It's fairly moot for me now in any case.
May I just point out that Karen Kraft has claimed she was raped by her mother and father. The rape had occurred already by the time 18-year-old Karen Kraft joined Lit.

That means that the man she is calling like-a-dad is also a man who raped his own underage like-a-daughter.

How do we like him now?
May I just point out that Karen Kraft has claimed she was raped by her mother and father. The rape had occurred already by the time 18-year-old Karen Kraft joined Lit.

That means that the man she is calling like-a-dad is also a man who raped his own underage like-a-daughter.

How do we like him now?

1. You have no idea if KK is telling the truth, nor even who KK really is.

2. Now you're going to leave some "he's a rapist" breadcrumbs on top of the other labels you've slapped on this dude? :rolleyes:

3. If you were really so concerned that this man had raped someone, you should have contacted the authorities, or asked Laurel to contact them, NOT brought KK's personal life to the boards where hundreds of angry little people can decide your conjecture is enough cause for them to warrant taking the battle off the boards.

4. You decided who KK was, without definitive proof. Don't tell me the "evidence" is overwhelming, it doesn't matter how much coincidence there is, the fact is you don't have 100% proof. You decided to bring KK's personal life to these public boards and feed KK to the wolves. You threatened to send packages KK may not want sent to people who have nothing to do with the board. You backed your friends when they chose to send emails to the older guy and the actress. You did all of this because of an ick factor. Because you thought it was creepy that this KK person had solicited rape stories from some women here.

5. It doesn't matter how much you think your moral outrage counts, it doesn't. It wasn't your fucking job. Who the fuck made you judge and jury over this person? How was it your right or your business at all to decide what was and was not fact and to punish KK for it? You arrogant prick.

6. If you were really in it to stop KK from soliciting rape stories from the women here, you should have contacted Laurel with your suspicions and let her deal with it, there is no way she would let something like that continue here once she got wind of it. If you were even more worried or suspicious of foul play of some sort re: KK, then you should have called the authorities and asked to be directed to someone who deals with cyber crimes and asked them where to go from there. The last thing you and your pack of raging lunatic friends should have done is exactly what you did.
Lady P and her dad work in the garden together all the time.

That's a strange thing. For some reason I was sure she had said that she was NM.

When was that again?

You completely missed my point, which bg explained perfectly.

Yes but does Lady P refer to men who are not her father as "dad"?

Unless a man has adopted me, married my mother, or is actually my father, I'm not going to call him dad. That was Naughtycakes point, I believe.

Exactly, honorary "uncles" are one thing, most people don't go around calling multiple men "dad," even if they may be a father figure.
See, I interpreted this from the OP:

As more or less a confession that she and the actress are the same person, just not hired by Ken. Otherwise, how to explain the eerie similarity between the Karen vidos and videos of the actress? I think Karen is telling us that she and actress are the same person.
Or he is actually saying the truth which is that he got some dumb actress to 'read' for the part and figures that few people would concieve he would go that far. I'm pretty sure that when Pete told people that the thing he was crafting was an asshook, they didn't believe him.
Well...there are posts here, I believe, about how Lady P's dad's oldest friend died in September. Said guy was known to Lady P as "Uncle ****."

I'm convinced by other stuff that Sonny has said. I just don't see the "dad" thing as definitive.
Let me put it this way, the man I think of as my father I still tend to refer to as "step-dad". Unless you have been raised by a non-biological father figure since being very young, then you tend not to call people by biological role names.
May I just point out that Karen Kraft has claimed she was raped by her mother and father. The rape had occurred already by the time 18-year-old Karen Kraft joined Lit.

That means that the man she is calling like-a-dad is also a man who raped his own underage like-a-daughter.

How do we like him now?

I think that's stretching it. 1) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist. 2) ken doesn't have daughters. 3) if there was an incestuous rape it could be Ken was raped as a boy. It doesn't automatically follow that Ken is the rapist. 4) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist.
Or he is actually saying the truth which is that he got some dumb actress to 'read' for the part and figures that few people would concieve he would go that far. I'm pretty sure that when Pete told people that the thing he was crafting was an asshook, they didn't believe him.

Let me put it this way, the man I think of as my father I still tend to refer to as "step-dad". Unless you have been raised by a non-biological father figure since being very young, then you tend not to call people by biological role names.

I think that's stretching it. 1) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist. 2) ken doesn't have daughters. 3) if there was an incestuous rape it could be Ken was raped as a boy. It doesn't automatically follow that Ken is the rapist. 4) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist.

I agree with all of this.
Or he is actually saying the truth which is that he got some dumb actress to 'read' for the part and figures that few people would concieve he would go that far. I'm pretty sure that when Pete told people that the thing he was crafting was an asshook, they didn't believe him.

Let me put it this way, the man I think of as my father I still tend to refer to as "step-dad". Unless you have been raised by a non-biological father figure since being very young, then you tend not to call people by biological role names.

I think that's stretching it. 1) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist. 2) ken doesn't have daughters. 3) if there was an incestuous rape it could be Ken was raped as a boy. It doesn't automatically follow that Ken is the rapist. 4) we know Ken is a liar and fantasist.
I know. I simply meant that if the manifesto was correct, we were left with something unintentionally unsavory as a result.

I know the manifesto is a lie. I was just making a point.
I can repost the side-by-side facebook/Lit entries, if anyone wishes...

I’d be interested.

I just caught the end of the original shit storm and just had time for a glimpse at the FB page before it was locked. Even so the tomato rant there was enough to convince me. What else did I miss?

The reaction has always been more than enough evidence for me. Even before Sonny it was enough. Nobody flips out over stuff like that if it's not true.
The reaction has always been more than enough evidence for me. Even before Sonny it was enough. Nobody flips out over stuff like that if it's not true.

Sure, I felt the same way, just too many little things that didn’t add up.

It’s nice to have something tangible to confirm it now though.

May I just point out that Karen Kraft has claimed she was raped by her mother and father. The rape had occurred already by the time 18-year-old Karen Kraft joined Lit.

That means that the man she is calling like-a-dad is also a man who raped his own underage like-a-daughter.

How do we like him now?

Sonny, I'd like to clarify something here. To my knowledge, "Karen" never claimed to be raped by her father. The "original" Karen story involved a fraternity party rohypnol-laced drink rape. It had a ton of inconsistencies every time it was re-told by "Karen".

Ishmael came along and patiently explained to us that in his vast experience with women, inconsistent "gang bang" rape fantasies were the result of being sexually assaulted by one's father at an early age.

THAT, and that alone, was the genesis of the "Karen fucked her father" storyline. It also resulted in one of the very first absolute Karen hissy-fit meltdowns "I DID NOT FUCK MY FATHER!"

God damn it all, you've put me in a position where I'm defending that shitbag "Karen". I need a fucking shower to get this filth off of me.