To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Jesus, RDS do you have a mental form of rabies?

Put some of that toxic energy of yours towards doing something good!

If you'll allow me to indulge an Eyer-class conspiracy theory, imagine the following nightmare scenario:

Junior had the KK id for the most part from 2003ish to 2006? He got his ass in a sling and Daddy got involved cleaning up Junior's shitfest once again and persuaded Daddy's Special Friend to cut that Very Special Video.

Junior's ass is out of the proverbial sling now, Daddy goes back to whatever he was doing with Daddy's Special Friend, and a chastened Junior (NOT Daddy) continues to stir up shit in political threads.

Reasoning in favor:

  • Junior has a documented history of enjoying this sort of shit-stirring
  • Daddy was here as Kevin for a while, but got scared and deleted literally every single post he ever made.
  • The constant stream of "Fatty! Fatty!" juvenile banter seems more age-appropriate to a 20-something with zero accomplishments in life than a 60-something man
  • Karen's bizarre legal theories seem to show an absolute ignorance of the fundamental principles of American law (remember "ONLY the Supreme Court can declare something unconstitutional"?)
  • This would give Junior the "Ultimate Last Laugh" if it ever came to light ("Haw Haw You Fuckers Thought This Was My DAD!")

Reasoning Against:
  • Too complex. Junior simply isn't that smart
  • Too much of a change in posting styles. It went from I'm-so-pretty to Obama-is-a-fucking-Kenyan virtually overnight.
  • Virtually the only other poster on the General Board who continually uses someone's weight to denigrate them is Vettefag, a 60-something assclown. So maybe 60 year olds can act that childish.
All of this bullshit hinges on there being no Karen kraft, that Karen is really Ken. What if it isn't so? If all of this meddling in their real life is based on a false premise... Well it's way too late to say your sorry.
If it's not Ken, there would be no reason to say you're sorry.

But I think you know that.
All of this bullshit hinges on there being no Karen kraft, that Karen is really Ken. What if it isn't so? If all of this meddling in their real life is based on a false premise... Well it's way too late to say your sorry.

I didn't do anything to have to apologize for.

But based on what I saw I don't think there's a KK.
All of this bullshit hinges on there being no Karen kraft, that Karen is really Ken. What if it isn't so? If all of this meddling in their real life is based on a false premise... Well it's way too late to say your sorry.

Still clinging to hope that you cybered with a woman, huh?
All of this bullshit hinges on there being no Karen kraft, that Karen is really Ken. What if it isn't so? If all of this meddling in their real life is based on a false premise... Well it's way too late to say your sorry.

There's been so much crap floating around in the last few days, but didn't Karen itself say it's not Karen and it is the actress?
There's been so much crap floating around in the last few days, but didn't Karen itself say it's not Karen and it is the actress?
No. She explicitly said she is not some actress her 'father' hired, she's just her.

Same as she's always said, except that now Ken is "like" her father, instead of being her father (since now everyone knows he was no daughters).
No. She explicitly said she is not some actress her 'father' hired, she's just her.

Same as she's always said, except that now Ken is "like" her father, instead of being her father (since now everyone knows he was no daughters).

See, I interpreted this from the OP:

Karen said:
“Well, what about those recordings of some strange person, clearly not the older guy, reading my writing and appearing in my videos?” To the Truthers, the answer is simple: “It’s a professional actress, hired by the older guy to play the role of Karen Kraft,” in order to pursue his perverted tomato seed stalking and evil ends. This is the point at which all but the truly dedicated Truther-Troll Club members cancel their membership to the obviously silly and contrived conspiracy theory. No, folks, it’s me on the recordings and me on the videos. My Dad has not kept an actress on a ten-year retainer.

As more or less a confession that she and the actress are the same person, just not hired by Ken. Otherwise, how to explain the eerie similarity between the Karen vidos and videos of the actress? I think Karen is telling us that she and actress are the same person.
As more or less a confession that she and the actress are the same person, just not hired by Ken. Otherwise, how to explain the eerie similarity between the Karen vidos and videos of the actress? I think Karen is telling us that she and actress are the same person.

That is what KK is saying and I don't believe it.

Why does she so readily refer to a man with whom she allegedly worked on a garden as "dad?"


I don't care how "like" a dad somebody you work with is to you, do you refer to him as "dad" when you talk about him to others?
See, I interpreted this from the OP:

As more or less a confession that she and the actress are the same person, just not hired by Ken. Otherwise, how to explain the eerie similarity between the Karen vidos and videos of the actress? I think Karen is telling us that she and actress are the same person.
No, she's saying rather than the (obvious) conclusion that she's Natasha Melnicck, she's not, she's Karen, Ken's almost-daughter. She just did it clumsily.

She said it differently in a PM to me; I know the position she's taking.
That is what KK is saying and I don't believe it.

Why does she so readily refer to a man with whom she allegedly worked on a garden as "dad?"


I don't care how "like" a dad somebody you work with is to you, do you refer to him as "dad" when you talk about him to others?
Lady P and her dad work in the garden together all the time.
No, she's saying rather than the (obvious) conclusion that she's Natasha Melnicck, she's not, she's Karen, Ken's almost-daughter. She just did it clumsily.

She said it differently in a PM to me; I know the position she's taking.
That's a strange thing. For some reason I was sure she had said that she was NM.
That would mean that she isn't Ken, and you were full of shit when you thought she was.

When was that again?