To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Sonny, I'd like to clarify something here. To my knowledge, "Karen" never claimed to be raped by her father. The "original" Karen story involved a fraternity party rohypnol-laced drink rape. It had a ton of inconsistencies every time it was re-told by "Karen".

Ishmael came along and patiently explained to us that in his vast experience with women, inconsistent "gang bang" rape fantasies were the result of being sexually assaulted by one's father at an early age.

THAT, and that alone, was the genesis of the "Karen fucked her father" storyline. It also resulted in one of the very first absolute Karen hissy-fit meltdowns "I DID NOT FUCK MY FATHER!"

God damn it all, you've put me in a position where I'm defending that shitbag "Karen". I need a fucking shower to get this filth off of me.
So you're saying Sonny perpetuated a rumor that was initially started by Ish? Nah, doesn't sound like Sonny at all.
You people have waaaaay too much time on your hands.

You just live for this shit!
Sonny, I'd like to clarify something here. To my knowledge, "Karen" never claimed to be raped by her father. The "original" Karen story involved a fraternity party rohypnol-laced drink rape. It had a ton of inconsistencies every time it was re-told by "Karen".

Ishmael came along and patiently explained to us that in his vast experience with women, inconsistent "gang bang" rape fantasies were the result of being sexually assaulted by one's father at an early age.

THAT, and that alone, was the genesis of the "Karen fucked her father" storyline. It also resulted in one of the very first absolute Karen hissy-fit meltdowns "I DID NOT FUCK MY FATHER!"

God damn it all, you've put me in a position where I'm defending that shitbag "Karen". I need a fucking shower to get this filth off of me.
Boz Scaggs's guitar teacher.
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I’d be interested.

I just caught the end of the original shit storm and just had time for a glimpse at the FB page before it was locked. Even so the tomato rant there was enough to convince me. What else did I miss?

Ok. Will do it in a bit.
I'll be in LA for a week over the summer. Should I finally have that cup of coffee with Karen and settle this?

Except I think she's in Vegas now.

Or Moscow.

Not sure.
I'll be in LA for a week over the summer. Should I finally have that cup of coffee with Karen and settle this?

Except I think she's in Vegas now.

Or Moscow.

Not sure.
Oh, we should so do this.

I'll be there.

This place is right off the 710. It'll be fun.
I'll be in LA for a week over the summer. Should I finally have that cup of coffee with Karen and settle this?

Except I think she's in Vegas now.

Or Moscow.

Not sure.
If she doesn't want to, I will. I should warn you though, I've got smaller tits (than Ken).
How about if she just sends me a video drinking a cup of coffee? While masturbating and screaming out Obama's name? Is that what's needed? Okay then.
I guess it's just down to Perg, Sonny, "Karen," and me, in LA in the summertime.

Still sounds like tons of fun.
The next issue is also fairly simple: “What’s the deal with the tomato seeds?” As has been often discussed, my Dad and I have developed some tomato plants that produce a lot of large and good tasting tomatoes. He does the selecting and propagating; I do the caring and weeding, etc. Several years ago, I offered to provide free tomato seeds from our crop, as the same seeds are not available at the hardware store or nursery. Of course, to the Truthers, that meant that what was really happening was that the perv was sending out pedophilia-laced tomato seeds to get addresses of unsuspecting people – so he could go there and eat their kids or some such thing, etc. No, it’s just me sending out seeds to anybody who sent me a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE). None of the people who, over the years, have received free tomato seeds have been accosted, contacted, injured, or perverted by their receipt of said seeds.

This is so laughably far-fetched. The guy's a hobby gardner, of COURSE "Karen" has to be all into "tomato seeds" too.

Interesting to hear that he has a degree in rape from some sketchy offshore diploma mill. That's the kind of creepy second career I've fantasized about, but going through with it demonstrates intiative.

How long are you people going to continue beating this dead horse?
This is so laughably far-fetched. The guy's a hobby gardner, of COURSE "Karen" has to be all into "tomato seeds" too.

Interesting to hear that he has a degree in rape from some sketchy offshore diploma mill. That's the kind of creepy second career I've fantasized about, but going through with it demonstrates intiative.
Have I mentioned that Ken posted pictures from their weeding sessions?

No like-a-daughter to be seen. Mom, pop, and numba-one-son.

No one mentioned how weird it was that their usual weeder/caretaker was missing.

In fact, numba-one-son said something along the lines of, "this is what tomato harvesting season looks like in the 10en household."

They're so mean to her! It's like she doesn't exist.
Have I mentioned that Ken posted pictures from their weeding sessions?

No like-a-daughter to be seen. Mom, pop, and numba-one-son.

No one mentioned how weird it was that their usual weeder/caretaker was missing.

In fact, numba-one-son said something along the lines of, "this is what tomato harvesting season looks like in the 10en household."

They're so mean to her! It's like she doesn't exist.

I haven't been following Karen's story as it unfolded here over the last decade all that closely, but it seems like her OP here is as close to an admission of guilt as we are going to get. Did she ever talk about this "dad" before? Every other sentence in the OP is dad this, older guy that.
Blast from the past.

I wonder if Ken will make good. Bolding mine.

Ok, Poker Players, The Hand Is Being CALLED

But before the big prove-up, please state your position clearly, so that there cannot be any back-peddling later about your opinion.

Saying that you are bored with the topic doesn't count. Either you think that Karen Kraft and Call Me Kevin are the same person, which will count the same as Karen is Ken or Karen is Dixon, or Karen is Hanns or Karen is Skyler or Karen is anybody other than the 19-year-old girl you saw in my AV and heard on my audio tapes.

If I am shown to be a fake, I will never post again on the General Board and I will be gracious in defeat.

If I am the above described girl, short black hair, nice slender body, and the same voice you all heard in my audio tapes, you should admit that you were wrong and undertake not to bring up this "identity" crap again.

Toward that end, here is the showdown Poll. Funny comments or sideways non-votes will put you in the "She's a Fake" category. Either you are a believer or you are not. No agnostics need vote, for you will be considered non-believers.

I am pushing ALL the chips into the center of the table. There will be a public restaurant chosen somewhere in L.A. and around noon on some Saturday I will be there with Kevin. You are all free to show up, chat with me about life, love, my writings, my new religion, politics, and find out what role Kevin plays in my life. You might be surprised.

Oh, one last thing -- and this is not part of the poker hand, but merely a suggestion: If it turns out that I am not a fake, I would ask those of you who spent so much time on this stupid topic to please stop that sort of thing on Lit., as it really does make the GB boring to so many. I, of course, love every minute of it because I am the drama queen, as has been observed before by nearly everyone.

When we decide on a good restaurant, you don't have to come up and identify yourself if you don't want. You can sit at a different table and just check us out. Look for balloons over our table saying something like "Karen Kraft and Kevin"
02-08-2004, 04:33 AM
Blast from the past.

I wonder if Ken will make good. Bolding mine.

Ok, Poker Players, The Hand Is Being CALLED

But before the big prove-up, please state your position clearly, so that there cannot be any back-peddling later about your opinion.

Saying that you are bored with the topic doesn't count. Either you think that Karen Kraft and Call Me Kevin are the same person, which will count the same as Karen is Ken or Karen is Dixon, or Karen is Hanns or Karen is Skyler or Karen is anybody other than the 19-year-old girl you saw in my AV and heard on my audio tapes.

If I am shown to be a fake, I will never post again on the General Board and I will be gracious in defeat.

If I am the above described girl, short black hair, nice slender body, and the same voice you all heard in my audio tapes, you should admit that you were wrong and undertake not to bring up this "identity" crap again.

Toward that end, here is the showdown Poll. Funny comments or sideways non-votes will put you in the "She's a Fake" category. Either you are a believer or you are not. No agnostics need vote, for you will be considered non-believers.

I am pushing ALL the chips into the center of the table. There will be a public restaurant chosen somewhere in L.A. and around noon on some Saturday I will be there with Kevin. You are all free to show up, chat with me about life, love, my writings, my new religion, politics, and find out what role Kevin plays in my life. You might be surprised.

Oh, one last thing -- and this is not part of the poker hand, but merely a suggestion: If it turns out that I am not a fake, I would ask those of you who spent so much time on this stupid topic to please stop that sort of thing on Lit., as it really does make the GB boring to so many. I, of course, love every minute of it because I am the drama queen, as has been observed before by nearly everyone.

When we decide on a good restaurant, you don't have to come up and identify yourself if you don't want. You can sit at a different table and just check us out. Look for balloons over our table saying something like "Karen Kraft and Kevin"
02-08-2004, 04:33 AM

You think Ken will somehow become honorable and actually leave Lit? Nope.
Do not feel like reading this whole thread so please provide a recap....Is karen the actress or is she Ken?