To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Will there be an A list of who you cybered with. Let's not be funny and say me cause The JAJ don't cyber, ask me stable.:cool:

While such a list might be entertaining, I wouldn't believe any list that Ken put together. The motivation would be to cause as much chaos on the GB as possible if he did post such a list.

I don't really care if someone cybered with Ken thinking he was a she.
While such a list might be entertaining, I wouldn't believe any list that Ken put together. The motivation would be to cause as much chaos on the GB as possible if he did post such a list.

I don't really care if someone cybered with Ken thinking he was a she.

Ken/Karen/PYL's future credibility is pretty much shot. At this point, anyone who says they believe the story, can't be believed.

There are plenty of men who put on garters and pretend to be a woman while a man pounds them into the headboard. The idea of a man cybering with a man who he knows is pretending to be a woman is not that far fetched.
There are plenty of men who put on garters and pretend to be a woman while a man pounds them into the headboard. The idea of a man cybering with a man who he knows is pretending to be a woman is not that far fetched.

Well, when you put it that way... Plenty of women who think that sounds hot!
Ken/Karen/PYL's future credibility is pretty much shot. At this point, anyone who says they believe the story, can't be believed.

There are plenty of men who put on garters and pretend to be a woman while a man pounds them into the headboard. The idea of a man cybering with a man who he knows is pretending to be a woman is not that far fetched.

Damn bro can you be anymore creepy? lol;)

You live on porn sites and have that Jeffrey Dahmer thing going on dude.

How long are you people going to continue beating this dead horse?

How long are people going to continue pointing out that a topic is lasting longer than their last dry hump session?
Every good women is a great actress. If not most of you guys would never give a woman an orgasm.
Damn bro can you be anymore creepy? lol;)

You live on porn sites and have that Jeffrey Dahmer thing going on dude.

I was thinking of you when I made that post.

No one believes anything you post and you have enough alts that one of them has to be a cross dresser who takes it up the ass.
I was thinking of you when I made that post.

No one believes anything you post and you have enough alts that one of them has to be a cross dresser who takes it up the ass.

I can think of at least three female Cades without even stretching my memory.
Does Cade ever actually post as Cade?

Less and less. There was a big cull of his alts a while back that necessitated a flurry of Cade posts but he's been building up a new squadron since then.
Sonny, I'd like to clarify something here. To my knowledge, "Karen" never claimed to be raped by her father. The "original" Karen story involved a fraternity party rohypnol-laced drink rape. It had a ton of inconsistencies every time it was re-told by "Karen".

Ishmael came along and patiently explained to us that in his vast experience with women, inconsistent "gang bang" rape fantasies were the result of being sexually assaulted by one's father at an early age.

THAT, and that alone, was the genesis of the "Karen fucked her father" storyline. It also resulted in one of the very first absolute Karen hissy-fit meltdowns "I DID NOT FUCK MY FATHER!"

God damn it all, you've put me in a position where I'm defending that shitbag "Karen". I need a fucking shower to get this filth off of me.

well it's not really defending, but it is funny that the right wing's favourite gal has been slandered by ishy.

You people have waaaaay too much time on your hands.

You just live for this shit!
^ cybered with Ken
So many fish in one small barrel.
^ cybered with Ken

Will there be an A list of who you cybered with. Let's not be funny and say me cause The JAJ don't cyber, ask me stable.:cool:

I think Miles is most likely on the list.