To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

There's a first generation Cade? If so, I imagine him sitting in a cave somewhere, not unlike JabatheHut...

I have a "Cade is Here" on my ignore list. I think he's been there for a long long time.

I really don't know who else here is Cade. That's the only one I remember.
I have a "Cade is Here" on my ignore list. I think he's been there for a long long time.

I really don't know who else here is Cade. That's the only one I remember.

That's the only one I don't have on actual ignore. I generally scroll right past its posts, but I let it have a seat in the room.
Bumpity bump.

I'm going to do a pseudo scientific experiment on the sociology of beliefs on anonymous online forums by watching how long it takes for the "Kraft is a man" meme to sink into the ambient background noise here, helped along by the water-muddying behaviour of various ne er do wells.
I'm going to do a pseudo scientific experiment on the sociology of beliefs on anonymous online forums by watching how long it takes for the "Kraft is a man" meme to sink into the ambient background noise here, helped along by the water-muddying behaviour of various ne er do wells.

Gonna take a generational shift, methinks.
The plan is obviously to re-emerge slowly after building credibility with n00bs, alts and playgrounders. This can be used to bootstrap credibility with GB regulars.
The plan is obviously to re-emerge slowly after building credibility with n00bs, alts and playgrounders. This can be used to bootstrap credibility with GB regulars.

But this thread will always be here, ready to be brought back to light.
The plan is obviously to re-emerge slowly after building credibility with n00bs, alts and playgrounders. This can be used to bootstrap credibility with GB regulars.
I think you're completely right, but...Ken's going to have to settle on who KK is first. If she's just some like-a-daughter, the video and photos are toast. If she's the actress, she can essentially never really post again, since in theory everyone would know who she is. If she's the latter, though, the law thing is toast.

And there's the small problem of why no one in that family--mother, father, sons--shows any evidence anywhere of being aware that they have a like-a-daughter/like-a-sister, famous or otherwise.

Someone suggested (quite humorously) in PM that it's about time for another long-lost family member or childhood friend to emerge and tie up all the pesky loose ends.

It will certainly become muddy (progressing to real) for those who never check or think. But it's going to be a little harder to throw the video up (for example) as a way to shut up the durned detractors.
Is this Lt or LadyF or are they both the same?

So, I'm guessing Karen Kraft hasn't agreed to Skype with any of the volunteers yet?
how do you idiots not see you've become the trolls you supposedly have so much of a problem with in the first place? you're all like schoolyard bullies waiting every recess to gang up on the weird kid. the fact that some of you have children yourselves makes me feel sorry for those children.
how do you idiots not see you've become the trolls you supposedly have so much of a problem with in the first place? you're all like schoolyard bullies waiting every recess to gang up on the weird kid. the fact that some of you have children yourselves makes me feel sorry for those children.

As a n00b, you don't have the long term sense of how this war developed.
I predict that Kraft will settle in to one of the alts he is using and ultimately abandon the Kraft identity altogether.
As a n00b, you don't have the long term sense of how this war developed.

i see a bunch of adults acting like kids. snot-nosed, self righteous, narrow minded overgrown kids. i don't need to have been here for it all. i get the gist. KK acted funny, people have always suspected KK was a dude not a woman. KK trolled and may or may not have posted personal info here. Sonny went digging for gold in her sig, and unearthed what still hasn't been proven. you've all taken it for factual evidence and now you're trolling the troll, even going so far as emailing innocent people off the board.

bunch of dirty hypocrites.
i see a bunch of adults acting like kids. snot-nosed, self righteous, narrow minded overgrown kids. i don't need to have been here for it all. i get the gist. KK acted funny, people have always suspected KK was a dude not a woman. KK trolled and may or may not have posted personal info here. Sonny went digging for gold in her sig, and unearthed what still hasn't been proven. you've all taken it for factual evidence and now you're trolling the troll, even going so far as emailing innocent people off the board.

bunch of dirty hypocrites.

Another moron.