To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

i see a bunch of adults acting like kids. snot-nosed, self righteous, narrow minded overgrown kids. i don't need to have been here for it all. i get the gist. KK acted funny, people have always suspected KK was a dude not a woman. KK trolled and may or may not have posted personal info here. Sonny went digging for gold in her sig, and unearthed what still hasn't been proven. you've all taken it for factual evidence and now you're trolling the troll, even going so far as emailing innocent people off the board.

bunch of dirty hypocrites.

Getting the gist isn't enough. We've been putting up with K(ar)en's antics for many years now.
i see a bunch of adults acting like kids. snot-nosed, self righteous, narrow minded overgrown kids. i don't need to have been here for it all. i get the gist. KK acted funny, people have always suspected KK was a dude not a woman. KK trolled and may or may not have posted personal info here. Sonny went digging for gold in her sig, and unearthed what still hasn't been proven. you've all taken it for factual evidence and now you're trolling the troll, even going so far as emailing innocent people off the board.

bunch of dirty hypocrites.

You know shit.

Ken would be found guilty by any jury.

His story has too many holes in it companied with his quick photo edits, he is busted.

Send him your cock pics.
Getting the gist isn't enough. We've been putting up with K(ar)en's antics for many years now.

putting up with? you mean you were not aware of the ignore button? what? there is no excuse to use in this scenario that makes this behavior ok.
putting up with? you mean you were not aware of the ignore button? what? there is no excuse to use in this scenario that makes this behavior ok.

Your version of Literotica doesn't have one of those too?
putting up with? you mean you were not aware of the ignore button? what? there is no excuse to use in this scenario that makes this behavior ok.
Lit is a community. Part of community life is dealing with people we don't like, suffering their antics, and yes, occasionally enjoying justice as it is done.

As a n00b you don't know what we've been through with K(ar)en in anything but the most cursory, abbreviated sense and thus, your comments are nugatory.
how do you idiots not see you've become the trolls you supposedly have so much of a problem with in the first place? you're all like schoolyard bullies waiting every recess to gang up on the weird kid. the fact that some of you have children yourselves makes me feel sorry for those children.

Start a new thread. One where the regulars of the GB can vote.

1. Noobs slash alts cannot vote. We all know who the noobs and alts are.
Anyone under, say, 1000 posts.

2. The poll must be public.

3. Options will include

* No more Karen Kraft threads

* More Karen Kraft threads

Let the GB decide as a whole.
Rosco says we're a community.
I'd like to see how much of a community the GB really is.

Sonny, since you started this whole "investigation" I think you should be the one to close the book.
Start a new thread. One where the regulars of the GB can vote.

1. Noobs slash alts cannot vote. We all know who the noobs and alts are.
Anyone under, say, 1000 posts.

2. The poll must be public.

3. Options will include

* No more Karen Kraft threads

* More Karen Kraft threads

Let the GB decide as a whole.
Rosco says we're a community.
I'd like to see how much of a community the GB really is.

Sonny, since you started this whole "investigation" I think you should be the one to close the book.
First we're going to have to take a poll to decide who is a GB litizen in good standing, but before that, another meta poll to decide who would should be able to have say in that determination, etc...
First we're going to have to take a poll to decide who is a GB litizen in good standing, but before that, another meta poll to decide who would should be able to have say in that determination, etc...

Bullshit. Drag it out?

A thread to see who can post in a thread?

Like I said, we all know who the "locals" are

Noobs under 1000 posts cannot vote.

Simple really.
Start a new thread. One where the regulars of the GB can vote.

1. Noobs slash alts cannot vote. We all know who the noobs and alts are.
Anyone under, say, 1000 posts.

2. The poll must be public.

3. Options will include

* No more Karen Kraft threads

* More Karen Kraft threads

Let the GB decide as a whole.
Rosco says we're a community.
I'd like to see how much of a community the GB really is.

Sonny, since you started this whole "investigation" I think you should be the one to close the book.

Do whatever poll you want because I don't give a fuck what it says.

I'll post whatever the hell I want to post. If you don't like it, put me on ignore. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Do whatever poll you want because I don't give a fuck what it says.

I'll post whatever the hell I want to post. If you don't like it, put me on ignore. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Where's your community spirit? :D
I'm with Cheyenne on this. As i heard daffy duck say back when i was 8, he who laughs last laughs best. And the Kraft saga is still making me laugh quite heartily.
Where's your community spirit? :D

I've been part of this community many more years than you have. I'm playing the senority card, newbie. Us geezers will do whatever the hell we feel like doing here. Don't like it? Don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.
I've been part of this community many more years than you have. I'm playing the senority card, newbie. Us geezers will do whatever the hell we feel like doing here. Don't like it? Don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.

It was a suggestion.

Don't go getting your twat in a knot!

Start a new thread. One where the regulars of the GB can vote.

1. Noobs slash alts cannot vote. We all know who the noobs and alts are.
Anyone under, say, 1000 posts.

2. The poll must be public.

3. Options will include

* No more Karen Kraft threads

* More Karen Kraft threads

Let the GB decide as a whole.
Rosco says we're a community.
I'd like to see how much of a community the GB really is.

Sonny, since you started this whole "investigation" I think you should be the one to close the book.
No interest. People can post whatever they want.

I have an ignore list of 0. I skip what I don't like. It works out fine.

I offer that by way of advice, you realize.
No interest. People can post whatever they want.

I have an ignore list of 0. I skip what I don't like. It works out fine.

I offer that by way of advice, you realize.

True, the community will vote with their feet.

As of now, the mood still seems to be Ken must be stopped.
The lit site is big, the internet bigger and the world far bigger than that.

Don’t like the topic or those who post on it, don’t click on the fucking link.
