To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

So much for damage control.

Just the same rhetoric he's used in the past.

Perhaps a new video is in order.
oh yeah i already did him. and perg. and that garbage guy too, i did them all. i'm working on girlsmiley right now.
To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

First things first – I want to thank you for all the vanity threads. It’s been entertaining.

Usually, complex and implausible conspiracy theories emanate from those on the political far right: 911 Truthers, the ChemTrail folks, Area 51, Roselyn, New Mexico Aliens, NASA never went to the moon folks, and so on. But once in a while, something similar erupts from the left. That’s what we find with the rather bizarre conspiracy theory we call the Karen Kraft Truthers. My first impulse was to ignore the array of vanity threads, but friends have asked me not to remain silent, but to address the situation.

Wow there’s such a big frame around that Karl Rove could’ve written it.

I don't care who you are
Man ... woman ... father/son ... whatever

But this whole "drama" was only funny on day 1
now its just annoying.

Father/daughter apparently, except not the biological father; whose wife isn’t the biological mother of the daughter who looks and sounds a lot like the woman who’s worked for the non-biological father. The daughter and the father (who’s not actually the father) post/posted on lit and grow tomato’s in his garden which is also her garden.

Tune in for next week’s exciting episode where we find out if the garden is also the biological son’s garden and also whether the son is the biological son of the wife.

But one good thing that we got out of this is finding out that Cheyenne is really a guy that is a troll.

If you've been here since 9/11 you know better, don't be silly.

We had a Litizen attend our wedding, although more were invited.

I've attended three Litogethers and Cheyenne and I have dined together with at least five different regulars here, as well as going to another's business on numerous occassions.

I'm real, she's real, we're not the same people.
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If you've been here since 9/11 you know better, don't be silly.

We had a Litizen attend our wedding, although more were invited.

I've attended three Litogethers and Cheyenne and I have dined together with at least five different regulars here, as well as going to another's business on numerous occassions.

I'm real, she's real, we're not the same people.

:kiss: I can count at least 7 litsters that you/I have had dinner with.

Many no longer post here though. (Raindancer, where are you???)

And some I keep trying to have dinner with but they never got their timing right to be in town! (Zander!)
And then there is Glamorilla, who has even met my MOTHER! He made my wedding dress and I took mom with me to NYC to see it while it was being made.
Haven't seen him here in ages, hope he is doing well.

And patient1 just reminded me that at least two businessmen from Lit have my credit card info! One ran a liquor store in Minneapolis and one has a jewelry business (he helped me get an industrial strength cleaner that I wanted.)

I guess I'm more trusting than I thought.
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I think this is something you can enjoy only if you've spent
years trading barbs with KK.

Or if you've cybered with "her"

.... if you dont have a dog in the fight( like me)
you could give a rats ass either way....

No one can remember the last time a dog won, but every dog remembers the last time he lost.
Karen/Ken? You see, I would believe what you've written. It's always been what you've said, there's no difference. I've always been in your court due to this and the videos were the "evidence" all these years.

However, I think for many, as well as myself, we cannot reconcile the actress named Natasha and you, KK. Is she an identical long lost twin or what?

And Cheyenne, are you kidding me? Glamorilla is/was one of the most unstable posters EVER on this board!
Karen/Ken? You see, I would believe what you've written. It's always been what you've said, there's no difference. I've always been in your court due to this and the videos were the "evidence" all these years.

However, I think for many, as well as myself, we cannot reconcile the actress named Natasha and you, KK. Is she an identical long lost twin or what?

And Cheyenne, are you kidding me? Glamorilla is/was one of the most unstable posters EVER on this board!

KK's twin sister died from cancer, remember? :rolleyes:

As for Glamorilla, he had/has his quirks. But he saved my ass when I needed a wedding dress FAST. And I'll never forget him for that.
KK's twin sister died from cancer, remember? :rolleyes:

As for Glamorilla, he had/has his quirks. But he saved my ass when I needed a wedding dress FAST. And I'll never forget him for that.

Refresh my memory? Did you WANT to get married or HAVE to get married? ;)
However, I think for many, as well as myself, we cannot reconcile the actress named Natasha and you, KK. Is she an identical long lost twin or what?

The twin died, so it would've had to of been triplets.

That was in last season’s episode 4.

(Unless it's one of those coming out of the shower moments)

Refresh my memory? Did you WANT to get married or HAVE to get married? ;)

My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer just as we got engaged. We put together a wedding for family only in about 5 weeks time. Nothing fancy, but in church where my dad could walk me down the aisle. His last really good meal was our wedding supper. He went downhill soon after the wedding and died a few months later.

Glamorilla was the one who made it possible for me to have a wedding dress that fast and that made it possible for me to have my dad walk me down the aisle.
KK's twin sister died from cancer, remember? :rolleyes:

As for Glamorilla, he had/has his quirks. But he saved my ass when I needed a wedding dress FAST. And I'll never forget him for that.

Ha! I did forget the twin~ that was just a joke. I was mostly referring to the same birthdates on the KK profile and Natasha's fb.

But, quirks? He was a nutcase AND not so innocent of revealing personal info here as well, as I recall. I may be mistaken. It may have just been death threats to someone's family :rolleyes: