To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Ha! I did forget the twin~ that was just a joke. I was mostly referring to the same birthdates on the KK profile and Natasha's fb.

But, quirks? He was a nutcase AND not so innocent of revealing personal info here as well, as I recall. I may be mistaken. It may have just been death threats to someone's family :rolleyes:

Wasn't Glamorilla the one who had threats made against him? Something about his dad? Now we're going WAY back.
Wasn't Glamorilla the one who had threats made against him? Something about his dad? Now we're going WAY back.

I think Killswitch made some "disparaging" remarks about his dad after he died. I wasn't really paying attention to the GB drama at the time, as I was newb.

But I do recall his driving Freaky Girl off the board with personal info of some kind. And I surely remember him "wishing dead animals in my future path". That's actually the first time I ever shivered from a post I saw on Lit...
My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer just as we got engaged. We put together a wedding for family only in about 5 weeks time. Nothing fancy, but in church where my dad could walk me down the aisle. His last really good meal was our wedding supper. He went downhill soon after the wedding and died a few months later.

Glamorilla was the one who made it possible for me to have a wedding dress that fast and that made it possible for me to have my dad walk me down the aisle.

How very sad. I had a good friend in a similar situation, the father of the bride was determined to walk his youngest down the aisle....he had the time of his life at the wedding and passed away 3 weeks later.

I'm glad your dad got to make a "respectable woman" outta you. ;)
KK's twin sister died from cancer, remember? :rolleyes:

And said twin was a cheerleader, no less, stricken with breast cancer at age ten. After all, the death happened eight years before KK joined Lit when (s)he was 18. :rolleyes:

Unbeliever in Utopia,
How very sad. I had a good friend in a similar situation, the father of the bride was determined to walk his youngest down the aisle....he had the time of his life at the wedding and passed away 3 weeks later.

I'm glad your dad got to make a "respectable woman" outta you. ;)

Me, too. And you know, it really was a happy event. No tears, only joy.
I wish he'd have been around longer but at least Patient1 got to meet and know my dad. I know my dad approved of me marrying him and that was important to me, too.
To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

First things first – I want to thank you for all the vanity threads. It’s been entertaining.

Usually, complex and implausible conspiracy theories emanate from those on the political far right: 911 Truthers, the ChemTrail folks, Area 51, Roselyn, New Mexico Aliens, NASA never went to the moon folks, and so on. But once in a while, something similar erupts from the left. That’s what we find with the rather bizarre conspiracy theory we call the Karen Kraft Truthers. My first impulse was to ignore the array of vanity threads, but friends have asked me not to remain silent, but to address the situation.

A poster here who, it turns out, has been irritated about the way I used to make fun of overweight women, spent many of the last ten years referring to me using the masculine pronoun and stomping her virtual foot with that same repetitive taunt. From time to time, when she would forward her nonsense, I would respond by creating or bumping an “Obama’s not an American” thread, thus drawing a parallel between “Karen’s not a woman” and “Obama’s not an American.” Childish? Yeah. But it is what it is.

So anyway, eventually either this poster stopped or I put her on Iggy; I’m not really sure which, and it doesn’t matter. As some of you may know, I often reduce my Iggy list at Christmas, and this year was no exception. In any event, this poster, who also posts under a different screen name, followed my and links and found my writing presence outside Literotica. This was not all that hard, of course, since I had the Smashwords links in my sig line since July or August last year. Clicking on those links revealed the fact that one of the books on which I received credit, there were several other names. One of the names was an older guy. The poster the seized on the idea that perhaps the person posting here and the older guy were the very same person! Wow! There was no evidence of that, but the announcement was made that it was true, since that person and I both work in the same tomato garden, etc. That sort of thing sort of falls in line with the notion that, since Bush was unpopular before 911 and was very popular after 911, he must have somehow been involved in 911… etc.

As the identities of people outside Literotica is nobody’s business, it was unfortunate, based on that erroneous assumption, to have bolted forward, building on that base of misinformation, to create the seething monster the Truther-Troll army created, as Karen Kraft. Seamlessly, those with whom I have argued in the past signed on and chimed in, as is expected here. That seems to be normal for the place, and I suppose it’s like most other discussion boards where sides are drawn.

Then, the poster, using an email account associated with another name here, sent an email to my Dad’s wife (not my mother), as will be discussed below. The email was given to me. Essentially, it took great issue with my being mean to fat women, my being a racist and a pedophile, etc., the usual Literotica snarking many of us, including myself, have done here. The difference, of course, was that the poster had gone outside the confines of our own Literotica primordial pond and into real life. The justification for that breach was simple: Karen Kraft had done the same thing, so it was fair to do it as well! There are some problems with that, as will be discussed below:

The first issue is easy: “Who is the older guy?” Years before I came to Literotica, my father had passed from the scene (not dead, but not involved anymore). The older guy is the guy I always refer to as “my Dad” whenever I am discussing the tomato cultivation projects and here and there other places in my posts. No, his is not my biological father, but I see him as my Dad. When I first began posting here, he started to do so as well, but quickly found it to be a waste of time for him and quit posting some time ago. He did not give up his business to spend his days and nights posting on Literotica.

The next issue is also fairly simple: “What’s the deal with the tomato seeds?” As has been often discussed, my Dad and I have developed some tomato plants that produce a lot of large and good tasting tomatoes. He does the selecting and propagating; I do the caring and weeding, etc. Several years ago, I offered to provide free tomato seeds from our crop, as the same seeds are not available at the hardware store or nursery. Of course, to the Truthers, that meant that what was really happening was that the perv was sending out pedophilia-laced tomato seeds to get addresses of unsuspecting people – so he could go there and eat their kids or some such thing, etc. No, it’s just me sending out seeds to anybody who sent me a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE). None of the people who, over the years, have received free tomato seeds have been accosted, contacted, injured, or perverted by their receipt of said seeds.

“Well, what about those recordings of some strange person, clearly not the older guy, reading my writing and appearing in my videos?” To the Truthers, the answer is simple: “It’s a professional actress, hired by the older guy to play the role of Karen Kraft,” in order to pursue his perverted tomato seed stalking and evil ends. This is the point at which all but the truly dedicated Truther-Troll Club members cancel their membership to the obviously silly and contrived conspiracy theory. No, folks, it’s me on the recordings and me on the videos. My Dad has not kept an actress on a ten-year retainer.

“But what about all those pictures of that other poster’s kids Karen Kraft posted on here? What about that?!” It never happened. That other poster and I have been ribbing each other in subtle and not so subtle ways for years on here. Both he and I have acted childishly, but neither of us has posted pictures of anybody’s family members on here. He, however, claims that I have done this. It is not true. What is true, however, is that another person, famous for creating more alternative posting identity personas or “Alts” than the remaining population of the General Board combined (an exaggeration, but you get the point), created a bunch of Alts including but not limited to “Karen-Kraft” and “Karen_Kraft” and a few others with bizarre names. Then, these Alts began communicating back and forth, “admitting” the posting of kids’ pictures, etc. The other poster continues to claim that I am the person who created the offending Alts, but the evidence is to the contrary. For the record: I have never, ever, posted a picture of anybody’s family members here on Literotica. Not once, not ever. Of course, the same cannot be said about the person who posted pictures of my Dad and his family. Again, that was not done by the guy with whom I have been trading childish shots for years, but by a different person entirely.

“But you and the poster with the allegedly offended son say extremely vile things to each other, including references to my sister, my breasts, his son, and so on! What’s up with that?” Again, he tells me I should cut off my boobs to avoid the allegedly non-existent cancer my allegedly non-existent sister had, and I tell him to go have sex with his non-existent son.

“Wait! ‘Non-existent son’? What if he actually has a son? What then?” When he invented the theory that I had posted pictures of his son, who remained unnamed, of course, and only had conjecture and guesswork to support that theory, I "invented" the son he never had, and named him using diminutive of the poster’s screen name here. This invented, fictional son, is the one I rib him about when he ribs me about my sister and my boobs. No real son, no postings of family pictures. All that said, to his credit, said poster has not, to my knowledge, ever posted any pictures of my family, although we both know each other’s real life identities, as I said above. Just want to be clear about that. While he enjoys my being roasted currently, to my knowledge he has never gone outside the Literotica rules.

The Truther-Leader, however, who sent the hate mail to my Dad’s wife, mentioned my teasing of fat women (failing to note that that was almost ten years ago – seems s/he holds a grudge). To demonstrate my taunting ways, s/he sent a link to the Slender Angels thread. The comment was made that I posted pictures of naked underage kids. Now, there are more than 200,000 views of the Slender Angels thread, and the monitors and moderators here keep an eye out for child pornography, not only in the graphic postings, but in the text / story postings as well. It is strictly against the rules to engage in any of that and, were there any kiddie porn pictures posted by anybody here, they would be removed by the management upon notification of the violation. Indeed, when I have posted a picture of a young slender model in the thread, I also put in a link to the 18 U.S.C. §2257 Records Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement. Remember, this is a porn site, and non-child porn is part of what one finds here. Not only was it my intention to honor and extol the virtues of being slender and fit, my creating the Slender Angels thread was an answer to the chiding I received when people were posting that I was bulimic, anorexic, and so on. Also, the General Board is not limited to political discussion. It may include picture threads, joke threads, gardening and cooking threads, etc. In addition to posting on political subjects, I post in and have created threads in those other areas as well. If ever there were a question regarding the age of a model, I would refer the inquiry to the 2257 statement holder. As all of the pictures are of adult models, it says much about the Truther-Trollers’ capacity for rational thought to be outraged to find nudity at a porn site. To them, this place is strictly about trolling, snarking, and hatred.

I’ve been here almost ten years now, having begun posting just a couple months after my 18th birthday. I’ve made my share of friends and enemies, which is not surprising, considering my stir-the-fat-in-the-fire political posting style. I tried to deal with the Truther-Leader earlier in the week, and even apologized for saying “fuck you” in a couple of private messages. But it never was really about “the truth.” It was about “getting even” for being called fat many years ago and for what the Truther-Leader sees as obesity-taunting with the Slender Angels thread.

In summary, I’m not expecting the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army to stop their trolling – at least not in an election year. They are free to call me “Kevin” or “Ken” or “Skylar” and so on, if that’s what gets them through the day. But having spent much of the decade showing, time and time again, exactly who I am… more than anybody else here, so I’m finished with that. Indeed, one of the people who has become hysterical recently over this topic is someone I actually named in my video. So, this is my last statement on the subject of identity. I will put the members of the Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army on Iggy and, as is my style, I will note, from time to time, after their troll-posting, that their trolling comment, whatever it was, has been Ignored.

Lastly, “Why are there no names in this statement?” I have decided not to name people described in this statement, either by their real life names or by their screen/member names here. Please remember that this is a place for us to enjoy reading and posting. There’s no point in extending and exacerbating a situation that has already consumed much too much of the General Board and has spilled from the confines of Literotica to touch people, family members, and others, who are not associated with this web site.

Just to test whether the transformation from rational poster to mindless troll is complete, I posted a simple comment in a Tim Tebow thread. Yup! The transformation is complete. The Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army members have now been reduced to common trolls. To verify this, check out the comments that will no doubt follow this post.

too long, didn't read.

Ooh. :)

Just go for a soda? :D

oh yeah i already did him. and perg. and that garbage guy too, i did them all. i'm working on girlsmiley right now.

Wait, what?!

Don't even joke about cybering with the garbage guy before me!

omg ahahaha! :D

*bites lip*

I can't resist! I just can't!

No, stop Ellie. That would be trollish.

But I really, really want to!


Oh, shut up. I'm posting it, you freakin' pest.

"Sometimes I think that you never understand me..."

Dual in Dubai,

Fuck. We have a winner!

Bahahahaha! Oh shit. Oh.
Usually, complex and implausible conspiracy theories emanate from those on the political far right: 911 Truthers, the ChemTrail folks, Area 51, Roselyn, New Mexico Aliens, NASA never went to the moon folks, and so on...

So, you're one of those who believe that its not possible for there to ever be a conspiracy, regardless of how much evidence there is?

Bilderberg was real. The populist right (and some on the left) worked tirelessly for decades to prove it, and they finally did. That was one of the biggest conspiracies proven thus far. Those who buy the lie that everything that happens in the world is on the up and up and there is nothing shady going on behind the scenes are just been good little ostriches.
too long, didn't read.

I didn't get past the attack on people who are open minded enough to believe there may possibly be an occasional conspiracy in the world.

Maybe someone could do the favor of summarizing the key points?
So, you're one of those who believe that its not possible for there to ever be a conspiracy, regardless of how much evidence there is?

Bilderberg was real. The populist right (and some on the left) worked tirelessly for decades to prove it, and they finally did. That was one of the biggest conspiracies proven thus far. Those who buy the lie that everything that happens in the world is on the up and up and there is nothing shady going on behind the scenes are just been good little ostriches.

The problem with conspiracy theories is they all required the conspirators to be geniuses who never make a mistake and the rest of the world to be as stupid as the people who believe conspiracy theories.
The problem with conspiracy theories is they all required the conspirators to be geniuses who never make a mistake and the rest of the world to be as stupid as the people who believe conspiracy theories.

No, it doesn't require them to be geniuses if they can use the media to brainwash people.

If you think the radical social change over the past half century just materialized from nowhere you are sadly naive my friend. It was all orchestrated.
The problem with conspiracy theories is they all required the conspirators to be geniuses who never make a mistake and the rest of the world to be as stupid as the people who believe conspiracy theories.

Nobody is talking about "theories," only about facts. The fact that the media has programmed people to think that conspiracies are always mere "theories" is in fact proof of a conspiracy in itself.