To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

She made one video, in a period during which she was being paid by Ken to appear in a movie he was producing. If you watch the video, you can see her reading the notes in front of her.

There are no holes. It is what it is.
there was more than one, but they were all pretty much the same so could well have been made around the same time. And yeah, she does appear to be reading. She certain ally is far less articulate on vid than s/he is on here, which is doubly odd
Yes, I got that explanation as well, from other people, but it still doesn't sit well. I can totally see reading a script and acting out some scene, but that video was just talking about various things, naming a website, giving a shout to some screen names, saying hey this is really me. It doesn't seem like that video would be the norm for a reading. What the hell would he tell her? That the part was for some insane internet prowling political nutcase? She just rambles on and on in that video, like she is either a person that is just being herself, or a person that is too drunk to notice she isn't reading for a part properly and is instead just rambling on.

I am betting on it being a person that is just being herself. The huge Hollywood glasses are odd too. Like she was trying to both prove she was a slender female, as well as hide her actress self from Literotica members.

The more I think about it, the more I think KK is the actress. Even in KK's big speech here she mentions absolutely nothing about the actress. She tries to clear everything else up, but mentions nothing about the actress.

nah. I'm going with sonny on it being a set up. The fit between video and her text stuff here is too big. Plus her steadfast refusal to Skype, even with someone like me who was at the time friendly to her and believed she was female.
Yes, I got that explanation as well, from other people, but it still doesn't sit well. I can totally see reading a script and acting out some scene, but that video was just talking about various things, naming a website, giving a shout to some screen names, saying hey this is really me. It doesn't seem like that video would be the norm for a reading. What the hell would he tell her? That the part was for some insane internet prowling political nutcase? She just rambles on and on in that video, like she is either a person that is just being herself, or a person that is too drunk to notice she isn't reading for a part properly and is instead just rambling on.

I am betting on it being a person that is just being herself. The huge Hollywood glasses are odd too. Like she was trying to both prove she was a slender female, as well as hide her actress self from Literotica members.

The more I think about it, the more I think KK is the actress. Even in KK's big speech here she mentions absolutely nothing about the actress. She tries to clear everything else up, but mentions nothing about the actress.
this has been going on for 10 years. a family friend, a neighbour they get along well with and who thinks it's all pretty funny...? who knows what KK told the woman, or how much she might be happily involved with any of this stuff? whatever the reality is, the KK persona fluctuated wildly and was prone to posting stuff that made my skin crawl. i believe sonny has the rights of it.

there was more than one, but they were all pretty much the same so could well have been made around the same time. And yeah, she does appear to be reading. She certain is far less articulate on vid than s/he is on here, which is doubly odd

nah. I'm going with sonny on it being a set up. The fit between video and her text stuff here is too big. Plus her steadfast refusal to Skype, even with someone like me who was at the time friendly to her and believed she was female.

why is it? actors are good speaking the words others place in their mouths via scripts - frequently far less forthcoming, witty, clever, articulate, insightful (whatever) when they're required to ad lib. just look at keeanu reeves :rolleyes:
there was more than one, but they were all pretty much the same so could well have been made around the same time. And yeah, she does appear to be reading. She certain ally is far less articulate on vid than s/he is on here, which is doubly odd

nah. I'm going with sonny on it being a set up. The fit between video and her text stuff here is too big. Plus her steadfast refusal to Skype, even with someone like me who was at the time friendly to her and believed she was female.
...And especially weak when it got to the part that was supposed to be talking about law.

The candid photos of Karen have been of Natasha as well. When I found the picture of them together, I didn't know anything about Natasha. I just saw Lit's Karen Kraft.

Natasha's birthday is April 10, 1984.

Virtually nothing in her biography, from event to geography, matches Karen's Lit persona. Virtually everything of Ken's does.

I know some fantasies die hard, but this one's so dead it's got flies.
this has been going on for 10 years. a family friend, a neighbour they get along well with and who thinks it's all pretty funny...? who knows what KK told the woman, or how much she might be happily involved with any of this stuff? whatever the reality is, the KK persona fluctuated wildly and was prone to posting stuff that made my skin crawl. i believe sonny has the rights of it.

why is it? actors are good speaking the words others place in their mouths via scripts - frequently far less forthcoming, witty, clever, articulate, insightful (whatever) when they're required to ad lib. just look at keeanu reeves :rolleyes:
Again, it's simple, for anyone who knows anyone who makes movies: "When you have a couple of minutes, I want you to help me with a pitch for a new web series. I think it's going to be big. If it hits, the part is yours."

Ok that isn't an admission then, right? That is her saying what KK believes, that KRC is an alt and also the one who sent the email.

I'd like to know who really did send that email. I'm willing to bet whoever it was is a well liked poster here. Only the regular posters here have any reason to be invested in this whole charade, it had to have been a regular poster at the very least.
Ok that isn't an admission then, right? That is her saying what KK believes, that KRC is an alt and also the one who sent the email.

I'd like to know who really did send that email. I'm willing to bet whoever it was is a well liked poster here. Only the regular posters here have any reason to be invested in this whole charade, it had to have been a regular poster at the very least.
Jesus Christ.
Ok that isn't an admission then, right? That is her saying what KK believes, that KRC is an alt and also the one who sent the email.

I'd like to know who really did send that email. I'm willing to bet whoever it was is a well liked poster here. Only the regular posters here have any reason to be invested in this whole charade, it had to have been a regular poster at the very least.

I have no idea what KK believes.

But KRC says there that she sent the email. Read the rest of the thread where she discusses that she didn't get a response, etc.

edit: I see Sonny already linked you to the posts...
Jesus Christ.


is this starting to feel like an uphill slog now, sonny?

they can be hard work. and yes, of course i saw your point about an actress - but if they have lots of photographs etc going back a few years, there's nothing to say she doesn't know the family well anyway.

Uh, yeah. KRC talks about how KK thinks she is an alt of yours etc, Nipples asks her about the email and calls her Sonny, and then KRC says it was a nice email, that she wished his wife well and that the wife never responded.

I'm not sure why you're Jesus Christing me, am I supposed to believe she sent the email after she admitted to doing so while also answering to the name Sonny? The fact that she answered to the name Sonny sort of implies sarcasm, yes?

Also, fuck off.
I have no idea what KK believes.

But KRC says there that she sent the email. Read the rest of the thread where she discusses that she didn't get a response, etc.

edit: I see Sonny already linked you to the posts...
If I follow the manifesto correctly, KK believes that you, me, and KRC are all one poster. As KRC, I got upset 10 years ago that KK called someone fat. Then I posted for awhile as you calling KK a male. Then I lay dormant until I came back as me, and cleverly posted without any interaction with KK for five years until the day I finally got my payback for that long-ago insult I didn't like.
Uh, yeah. KRC talks about how KK thinks she is an alt of yours etc, Nipples asks her about the email and calls her Sonny, and then KRC says it was a nice email, that she wished his wife well and that the wife never responded.

I'm not sure why you're Jesus Christing me, am I supposed to believe she sent the email after she admitted to doing so while also answering to the name Sonny? The fact that she answered to the name Sonny sort of implies sarcasm, yes?

Also, fuck off.
What's wrong, December--invoking my name 100 or so times in the last couple of days has you tired of me?

You asked the question, you got the answer. If being skeptical is the only way you can keep it being about you instead of someone else, feel free. But don't expect not to get Jesus Christed when you're being a dolt.
Yes, I got that explanation as well, from other people, but it still doesn't sit well. I can totally see reading a script and acting out some scene, but that video was just talking about various things, naming a website, giving a shout to some screen names, saying hey this is really me. It doesn't seem like that video would be the norm for a reading. What the hell would he tell her? That the part was for some insane internet prowling political nutcase? She just rambles on and on in that video, like she is either a person that is just being herself, or a person that is too drunk to notice she isn't reading for a part properly and is instead just rambling on.

I am betting on it being a person that is just being herself. The huge Hollywood glasses are odd too. Like she was trying to both prove she was a slender female, as well as hide her actress self from Literotica members.

The more I think about it, the more I think KK is the actress. Even in KK's big speech here she mentions absolutely nothing about the actress. She tries to clear everything else up, but mentions nothing about the actress.
There's some connection between K(ar)en and the actress in question. They have acted together in small budget indie movies in addition to their relationship as producer and actress in other productions. They've been photographed together. I don't rule out her conscious participation in the scheme at some level. Perhaps she has even posted some as Kraft. Her "genius level IQ" might explain some of KK's remarkable flights of fancy.
is this starting to feel like an uphill slog now, sonny?

they can be hard work. and yes, of course i saw your point about an actress - but if they have lots of photographs etc going back a few years, there's nothing to say she doesn't know the family well anyway.

Based on the nature of some of those photos, they almost certainly do know each other outside of professional endeavors.
Uh, yeah. KRC talks about how KK thinks she is an alt of yours etc, Nipples asks her about the email and calls her Sonny, and then KRC says it was a nice email, that she wished his wife well and that the wife never responded.

I'm not sure why you're Jesus Christing me, am I supposed to believe she sent the email after she admitted to doing so while also answering to the name Sonny? The fact that she answered to the name Sonny sort of implies sarcasm, yes?

Also, fuck off.
Read it again. She DID send the email and has no trouble admitting that she did.
Also, am I nuts or did KK's OP say it was a female who put together all the links and brought it to the board? A female who was pissed off about KK calling her fat years ago? I'd like to know why KK thinks it was a female and not Sonny. Or maybe KK thinks Sonny is an alt for said female? I dunno, it's all very confusing. I'm really not sure what is actually the truth, but I don't think the real truth is what people are certain is the truth at this time.

That is the way of the GB though, the trolls here will latch on to something perceived and repeat it so often it becomes truth in the memories of everyone else reading their posts.

For what it's worth, as I clearly recall, KK was busted for being a boy, and he retaliated with the you're -just-jealous- because -you're-fat approach, which gained traction with some of the slender angel fans. Then, as you say, it get's repeated and accepted as fact.

I think KKetc. believe they are being attacked by alts, because that's how they roll.

Originally he was discovered and busted by Marxist, Honeylick and Cheyenne. Then KK/CallMeKevin changed posters, added alts, and was busted again by Sonny ( whoever else he may be ) a week or so ago.

If you wish to get into the details it's pretty complex, and it's easier to believe KK is the actress than to believe anybody is crazy enough to go to that much trouble...unless you've had dealings with KKetc.

Beware of honey sweet PMs from KKetc. to make you doubt yourself and gain your confidence.

Obviously, KKetc. have been covering their tracks since the feces hit the fan, and Laurel has deleted some threads, so the proof is not complete anymore. KKetc. is still trying to spin a story that will fit the facts, but has so far failed.

Perhaps you should take it up with Perigrinator. He wanted to believe in KK, but the proof was overwhelming and he changed his mind.

(edited because I can't spell)
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What's wrong, December--invoking my name 100 or so times in the last couple of days has you tired of me?

You asked the question, you got the answer. If being skeptical is the only way you can keep it being about you instead of someone else, feel free. But don't expect not to get Jesus Christed when you're being a dolt.

No, what is wrong is that it doesn't look at all to me like KRC was seriously admitting to sending that email, due to the fact that she first states what KRC believes about her being an alt, and then answers to your name.

I would hate to add this to the long list of reasons the bitch is a waste of skin if it weren't true. An admission without the sarcasm may have been more definitive proof, but honestly we all know KRC doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of her, she would be perfectly happy to have never written any such email but take credit for it anyways.

And yes, I am tired of you.
Read it again. She DID send the email and has no trouble admitting that she did.

I DID read it, several times. I saw that she admitted to sending it, flippantly. I also saw that she had just answered Nipples when he called her Sonny.

"Ha ha yes I am Sonny and I sent the email." Put them both together and it's a little confusing. I'm supposed to believe she was being sarcastic about one thing but not the other?

Edited to add: If she did in fat send it, I'd like to know why nobody is outraged about it. When Killswitch sent an email to Blacksnake's workplace the whole site went into a frenzy and he was black sheeped for life. KRC does it and nothing? Everyone still kisses her ass and laughs along with her?
No, it doesn't require them to be geniuses if they can use the media to brainwash people.

If you think the radical social change over the past half century just materialized from nowhere you are sadly naive my friend. It was all orchestrated.

Nobody is talking about "theories," only about facts. The fact that the media has programmed people to think that conspiracies are always mere "theories" is in fact proof of a conspiracy in itself.

You cant honestly be this ignorant.
I DID read it, several times. I saw that she admitted to sending it, flippantly. I also saw that she had just answered Nipples when he called her Sonny.

"Ha ha yes I am Sonny and I sent the email." Put them both together and it's a little confusing. I'm supposed to believe she was being sarcastic about one thing but not the other?

Edited to add: If she did in fat send it, I'd like to know why nobody is outraged about it. When Killswitch sent an email to Blacksnake's workplace the whole site went into a frenzy and he was black sheeped for life. KRC does it and nothing? Everyone still kisses her ass and laughs along with her?

Ellie DID call her out on it. Did you really read the thread or only the posts Sonny linked?
If all of this is true, then ten years? Ten fucking years this went on? Ten years telling the same life stories and maintaining the same personality traits? All of it lies? That isn't a sane person, to me. That isn't a well person.

And there you hit on the problem. Ten years and nothing happened.

There’s no nanny here at lit GB, for it to work in an acceptable way it requires some degree of personal responsibility and self-regulation.

Ken/Karen exhibited neither of these traits and suffered no consequences for his actions.

Perhaps now, that the tables have been turned, he will reflect and realise that they were wrong; but I doubt it.

Same goes for miles really. Individually Miles couldn't figure out that it wasn't ok to post, not only, a members personal detail but also those of child family members. May-be now it has happened to a friend of his he might have learnt that lesson. But, I doubt that too.

The line is drawn at "Don't put your information out there if you don't want people to know."
There is no right to privacy if you give it up yourself.

How about if the info becomes available when a site gets upgraded, leading to previously hidden rl info becoming visible? As happened to Rob.

In other cases there’s also a lot of naivety/stupidity. There’s another poster here, who from her profile page I can, with 3 clicks, find her full real name and address. Beyond that I could find out all manner of things if I wanted.

Could be oversight, as in my case, when making a FB account for the first few weeks I didn’t realize that the default wasn’t to lock the account to all but my friends.

In any case I don’t see how that makes it ok to post that information here without the individuals express consent.

Interesting, since you're the one doing all the talking about me. I haven't said a thing to you since your big return (which was, in fact, a thread about me).

If you're that tired of me, maybe you should simply shut up.

Here, lookie:

OR, and this is probably the option I'm gonna go with, I could not shut up, and continue to be exactly who I am while you continue to be exactly who you are.

Yeah, I've typed "Sonny" in the last few days. Newsflash, so has everyone else. Get over yourself, you creepy fuck.