Troll Hunting

Liar said:
I love the "my Jesus" (your Jesus?) and "even if you are Jew". (Um...huh?)
Hey. I think that one was the same guy that was hassling Maria.

I guess he has multiple obsessions. :rolleyes:
Tzara said:
Hey. I think that one was the same guy that was hassling Maria.

I guess he has multiple obsessions. :rolleyes:

yep, the same one. I feel sorry for anyone who has a heart filled with so much hate and bitterness. and I feel sorry for his poor little asian wife, I was tempted ask him if he broke her tiny feet and bound them, or if he made her walk behind him...but I didnt.
hey yeah!

\I DID get one like that-- from a poem I wrote "beg your confession" which had nothing to do with Catholicism!

I think I just block the psychos from my memory

Maria2394 said:
trolls scare me and come across as psychotic and probably dangerous---like this email I got today---
Which poem upset this person?
WickedEve said:
Which poem upset this person?

it was How to love ( a married man)

he left a PC that blasted me, saying I had lumped all men together as being untrustowrthy, then he went into a sort of tirade about how maybe the man is working hard to change things so he can be with his wone he really wanted and then he he got racial...

I sent him a litle note thanking him for reading my work, assured him I wasnt judging all men, that he misunderstood the poem, then I asked him not to be ignorant with such language again, that I didnt appreciate it, then he sent me that email.

I since got another one where he tells me what I need is a big fat black one up my.... that would teach me a lesson, or maybe thats what I wanted?

people with minds like that scare me, they are whats wrong with the world, in my opinion..Im just glad he isnt a southerner, we have enough stereotypes just like him to have to be ashamed of..

~~~ okay, its probably wrong to do this, but I just feel it a public service to expose ignorance such as this, lol. I reread the thing and it seems he wanted to draw me into a debate on the use of his beloved pronouns that have been discarded since the advent decency, tolerance, of civil liberties and rights for ALL people... I aint fighting with the jackass, he is blocked.


Hmmmm.....Interesting. I note that you did not address the instances and
items that I mentioned. That is about par for a "liberal" that fails to
understand the full meaning of decency and intelligence.
I am not bitter or unhappy, just a well-educated realist. My major field of
study is Social Science and my claims are fully justified in that field of
study. Perhaps it is you that needs to get off the porn site is
you that is writing on it, so you must be a very unhappy woman...perhaps in
need for a juicy, stiff cock and repeated fucking, even with a big ole Nigga
one that is about 12 inches long.

god that man is pathetic :( I cant believe my little poem caused him to do that, he must be serioulsy fucked up
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Maria2394 said:
it was How to love ( a married man)

he left a PC that blasted me, saying I had lumped all men together as being untrustowrthy, then he went into a sort of tirade about how maybe the man is working hard to change things so he can be with his wone he really wanted and then he he got racial...

I sent him a litle note thanking him for reading my work, assured him I wasnt judging all men, that he misunderstood the poem, then I asked him not to be ignorant with such language again, that I didnt appreciate it, then he sent me that email.

I since got another one where he tells me what I need is a big fat black one up my.... that would teach me a lesson, or maybe thats what I wanted?

people with minds like that scare me, they are whats wrong with the world, in my opinion..Im just glad he isnt a southerner, we have enough stereotypes just like him to have to be ashamed of..
I rarely read lit stories, but I've heard some outrageous things about those who comment on stories in the loving wives section. This guy sounds the same way. He's worked up and probably living in some little world he's created online. Best to ignore these people and never respond to them.
WickedEve said:
I rarely read lit stories, but I've heard some outrageous things about those who comment on stories in the loving wives section. This guy sounds the same way. He's worked up and probably living in some little world he's created online. Best to ignore these people and never respond to them.

He is one of those, who reads the LW stories and then rasises hell about them. I know he's sick...and I will let it be


it just kinda freaked me out to get the comment first, and then an email like that,. I was polite to him. I didnt want to be, but I was... I didnt respond to the second one. I blocked my email :rolleyes:
Maria2394 said:
trolls scare me and come across as psychotic and probably dangerous---like this email I got today---

Dear Maria,....
The utter lack of logic in this letter suggests that a logical response will serve no purpose.

Tell him you are forming a secret society of like-minded individuals to hide off-shore during amageddon with the intent of repopulating the earth after radiation levels decline. Tell him to pack hemp-fiber clothing and fetish amulets and wait at the Port of Los Angelas for a ship headed for Skull Island.

The Port Authorities should handle it from there.
I think Literotica needs Trolls like hyenas and blue bottle flies or someone with a stick to poke at us every now then. Necessary/unnecessary evils to make sure we are still breathing.
WickedEve said:
That's not my sofa!
That's the hotel room at VA Beach last week. :cathappy:
I want a photo montage of you on a sofa tour.

How about in my dorm at Western Mailorder?

I ain't been gone that long and the trolls run rampant? <grin
I have been here long enough now that I have seen them come and go, it seems to be a personality explosion in a negative vent. Perhaps they just got off the phone with their ex's new lover and just happen to read your poem. You wound up with the anger they really meant to relay to their ex. I see a negative comment I try and counter it with a positive remark to balance out the trolls action. Of course when a poem has three great comments and one negative it stands to reason that person has a problem deeper than you and I can repair. So, as maria did, it is best to not scoop to that level BY trying to converse/argue with someone that does not see it the same way you do.

I like what neo said, I don't know if there is a need for such negative remarks as much as they are like flys at a picnic, you can expect them to show up <grin Then there are the ones that can not leave a comment without adding 'adjectives' in their verbal excitement that shows their negative views of life in general.

I saw one of these trolls the other day. I was driving to the hospital down towards the big shitty/city and this moron crossed three lanes of freeway with out looking, damn near causeing several collisions while flipping every one the middle finger while weaving in and out of traffic. I got a look at this person and the word 'TROLL' is the only way I can describe them <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
I got a look at this person and the word 'TROLL' is the only way I can describe them <grin
You saw my ex?
Everyone in my family calls him troll. :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
You saw my ex?
Everyone in my family calls him troll. :rolleyes:

bless your heart...

you really are wicked... huh? <grinin'

Funny thing is I think Houston has its fair share of trolls, I was astonished to see one in the day light. :D
my biggest problem with that guy is ...I cant figure out how he went from me lumping all men together as untrustworty and then he went straight into the racial name calling and stuff.

I live is south carolina, most here know that, and we font even have peopl elike that here, I have nevr met one and i have lived here for 32 years...just baffles me

I think secretly, that guy wants a big black man to put hiim in his obnoxious little place, lol.


smile!! have a happay friday niece is here and my youngest daughter, we are gonna watch movies and go get ice cream:D

:rose: to all

and kisses and hugs

My Erotic Trail said:

I ain't been gone that long and the trolls run rampant? <grin
I have been here long enough now that I have seen them come and go, it seems to be a personality explosion in a negative vent. Perhaps they just got off the phone with their ex's new lover and just happen to read your poem. You wound up with the anger they really meant to relay to their ex. I see a negative comment I try and counter it with a positive remark to balance out the trolls action. Of course when a poem has three great comments and one negative it stands to reason that person has a problem deeper than you and I can repair. So, as maria did, it is best to not scoop to that level BY trying to converse/argue with someone that does not see it the same way you do.

I like what neo said, I don't know if there is a need for such negative remarks as much as they are like flys at a picnic, you can expect them to show up <grin Then there are the ones that can not leave a comment without adding 'adjectives' in their verbal excitement that shows their negative views of life in general.

I saw one of these trolls the other day. I was driving to the hospital down towards the big shitty/city and this moron crossed three lanes of freeway with out looking, damn near causeing several collisions while flipping every one the middle finger while weaving in and out of traffic. I got a look at this person and the word 'TROLL' is the only way I can describe them <grin

soap box alert

get off of it, your consant deliberate confusion of terms has served you well, you know it. This post of yours is a LOAD.

"I ain't been gone that long and the trolls run rampant?" = WTF, beyond mentioning
"negative remarks" = anything you don't like
"negative views of life" = anything that can be improved
"Of course when a poem has three great comments and one negative it stands to reason that person has a problem deeper than you and I can repair."
<bullshit. excesssssive generalization, used when convenient for your purposes.
flys at a picnic = I even have to wonder about this one, with your well known use of codes, like "RAIN"

"I see a negative comment I try and counter it with a positive remark to balance out the trolls action." - does this mean you will go back and balance the negative comments left on MyNecroticSnail's?

This thread was about comments that are not about the poem, but about the poet. Your muddying of the two in the past has been noted.
And as a warning, I have a whole bunch of stuff just waiting to be trolled. You behave, I will, leave it.
ParrotDee said:

soap box alert

get off of it, your consant deliberate confusion of terms has served you well, you know it. This post of yours is a LOAD.

"I ain't been gone that long and the trolls run rampant?" = WTF, beyond mentioning
"negative remarks" = anything you don't like
"negative views of life" = anything that can be improved
"Of course when a poem has three great comments and one negative it stands to reason that person has a problem deeper than you and I can repair."
<bullshit. excesssssive generalization, used when convenient for your purposes.
flys at a picnic = I even have to wonder about this one, with your well known use of codes, like "RAIN"

"I see a negative comment I try and counter it with a positive remark to balance out the trolls action." - does this mean you will go back and balance the negative comments left on MyNecroticSnail's?

This thread was about comments that are not about the poem, but about the poet. Your muddying of the two in the past has been noted.

<grinin' are you saying that you disagree with being a positive person? :D
cypher this; Bana'na split
My Erotic Trail said:
<grinin' are you saying that you disagree with being a positive person? :D
cypher this; Bana'na split
pos·i·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pz-tv)

1. Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation: a positive answer; positive criticism.
2. Measured or moving forward or in a direction of increase or progress.
3. Explicitly or openly expressed or laid down: a positive demand.
4. Admitting of no doubt; irrefutable: positive proof.
1. Very sure; confident: I'm positive he's right. See Synonyms at sure.
2. Overconfident; dogmatic.
6. Formally or arbitrarily determined; prescribed.

7. Concerned with practical rather than theoretical matters.
8. Composed of or characterized by the presence of particular qualities or attributes; real.
9. Philosophy.
1. Of or relating to positivism.
2. Of or relating to laws imposed by human authority rather than by nature or reason alone: “the glaring discrepancy between American positive law and natural rights” (David Brion Davis).
3. Of or relating to religion based on revelation rather than on nature or reason alone.
10. Informal. Utter; absolute: a positive darling.
11. Mathematics.
1. Relating to or designating a quantity greater than zero.
2. Relating to or designating the sign (+).
3. Relating to or designating a quantity, number, angle, or direction opposite to another designated as negative.
12. Physics. Relating to or designating an electric charge of a sign opposite to that of an electron.
13. Medicine. Indicating the presence of a particular disease, condition, or organism: a positive test for pregnancy.
14. Biology. Indicating or characterized by response or motion toward the source of a stimulus, such as light: positive tropism.
15. Having the areas of light and dark in their original and normal relationship, as in a photographic print made from a negative.
16. Grammar. Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.
17. Driven by or generating power directly through intermediate machine parts having little or no play: positive drive.

#12 can get a little scary, also
I am positive "positive" is a misappropiated code word, a drum beat for your fans.
I decipher very well, thank you.
I have no problem with #2

"The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us."
Paul Valery
My Erotic Trail said:
<grinin' are you saying that you disagree with being a positive person? :D
cypher this; Bana'na split
<winkz, is like asking "Have you quit beating your wife?" :D

There is a distiction between this:
Tzara said:
[/i][/indent]Second: Speaking for myself, I actually don't mind trolls. Means someone has looked at my work. They don't like it, that's OK. I don't always like it in retrospect. My all-time favorite comments have been negative. These were not from trolls, but they certainly thunked me in the head about my writing, and were always sheer dead on.

Writing. It's a hard thing.

and what is talked about in the rest of the thread, you in the past have persistently tried to link the two, for you to but in, with your code words, well I have to question.

Writing good, that is the hard thing.

I think I will write something with the word positive.... :rolleyes: