Troll Hunting

ParrotDee said:
<winkz, is like asking "Have you quit beating your wife?" :D

There is a distiction between this:

and what is talked about in the rest of the thread, you in the past have persistently tried to link the two, for you to but in, with your code words, well I have to question.

Writing good, that is the hard thing.

I think I will write something with the word positive.... :rolleyes:

well, now that will be a positive NOTE:
(There is a ying yang in you after all)
My Erotic Trail said:
well, now that will be a positive NOTE:
(There is a ying yang in you after all)
I've been wondering for a long time about this ying you often mention. I know what yin and yang means, but what about ying? I know you're into this sort of thing, and I'm hoping you can tell me. I'm using yin in a poem, but maybe I should use ying? What is ying? :confused:
I have heard that

WickedEve said:
I've been wondering for a long time about this ying you often mention. I know what yin and yang means, but what about ying? I know you're into this sort of thing, and I'm hoping you can tell me. I'm using yin in a poem, but maybe I should use ying? What is ying? :confused:

ying yang
2 up, 21 down
Vagina. aka female reproductive organ.

She went to a gynocologist to have her ying yang checked out :D
bluerains said:
ying yang
2 up, 21 down
Vagina. aka female reproductive organ.

She went to a gynocologist to have her ying yang checked out :D
Are you kidding or is that slang for vagina? And why--according to MET--is there a vagina in this new guy, parrot? Or is he just calling him a pussy? :) you haven't noticed

WickedEve said:
Are you kidding or is that slang for vagina? And why--according to MET--is there a vagina in this new guy, parrot? Or is he just calling him a pussy? :)

MET is always twisting the ways of words...and think about it...if a troll had balls he wouldn't have to hide under the skirt tails of anonymity ;)
WickedEve said:
I've been wondering for a long time about this ying you often mention. I know what yin and yang means, but what about ying? I know you're into this sort of thing, and I'm hoping you can tell me. I'm using yin in a poem, but maybe I should use ying? What is ying? :confused:

This Simbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.
While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.

Ying: A person, generally a blood line name (Last Name) but often enough used as a first name in assorted asian countrys. It is thought of as a good sign for buisness partners, friends and even marriages for a Ying and Yang to bond. Curiously <grin if a Ying and Yang produce an child wouldn't it be a Ying Yang or a Yin Yang?

good luck with your poem (~_~)

bluerains said:
MET is always twisting the ways of words...and think about it...if a troll had balls he wouldn't have to hide under the skirt tails of anonymity

clever <grin

I was curious how a parrot with only five posts, knows how I THINK... and knew so much about TheSnails's poems and comments?

...does this mean you will go back and balance the negative comments left on MyNecroticSnail's?

I probably would have if I had read them. (~_~)
I've actually never read much about yin-yang, but I was reading wikipedia earlier, and there was some poetry there.

cold water (yin) can be boiled and eventually turn into steam (yang)
sunrise is yin turning to yang

Of course, I need to read further than wikipedia to come up with a good poem. lol

My Erotic Trail said:
This Simbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.
While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.

Ying: A person, generally a blood line name (Last Name) but often enough used as a first name in assorted asian countrys. It is thought of as a good sign for buisness partners, friends and even marriages for a Ying and Yang to bond. Curiously <grin if a Ying and Yang produce an child wouldn't it be a Ying Yang or a Yin Yang?

good luck with your poem (~_~)

clever <grin

I was curious how a parrot with only five posts, knows how I THINK... and knew so much about TheSnails's poems and comments?

...does this mean you will go back and balance the negative comments left on MyNecroticSnail's?

I probably would have if I had read them. (~_~)
WickedEve said:
Are you kidding or is that slang for vagina? And why--according to MET--is there a vagina in this new guy, parrot? Or is he just calling him a pussy? :)

LOL< thats funny, the bird at ethe cat, for a change

saw the most interesting thread on th AH, about the word CUNT, seems German is muschi, means cat also

I dont like the thought of my pusssy being muschi, sounds like sushi and thats gross too
bluerains said:
MET is always twisting the ways of words...and think about it...if a troll had balls he wouldn't have to hide under the skirt tails of anonymity ;)

00 04/03/06 By: Anonymous
April Fools joke played on Lit's poets///////////////////

00 04/03/06 By: Anonymous
Another April Fools prank played on Lit's poets

this one was a real laugher

what a load..
00 04/24/06 By: Anonymous
of crap. mocking all Lit poems with another nothing submission / comments that diminish all other comments

nothing comments that diminish all other comments :nana:
My Erotic Trail said:
I was curious how a parrot with only five posts, knows how I THINK... and knew so much about TheSnails's poems and comments?

...does this mean you will go back and balance the negative comments left on MyNecroticSnail's?

I probably would have if I had read them. (~_~)


My guess it would it would have been obvious to most

I was curious how a person with only five posts would have nominated you for being a "great teacher"

Well maybe ParrotDee will do the same for me :D