Trump's pre- inauguration accomplishment list:

First, on Day 1 of his second term, Trump must fire via his Reduction in Force authority 200,000 federal employees, preferably at the GS-12 and 13 levels. Of course the federal employee unions, which should cease to exist, will sue for a stay. That case will likely wind its way through the courts for 18 months or so (unless the Supreme Court fast tracks it). But once it reaches the SCOTUS, the fundamental question to be asked is: can the head of the Executive Branch, the duly elected President of the US, hire or fire whoever he pleases as per the Constitution? Or do the extra Constitutional statutes and regulations protecting the civil servants supersede the Constitution? With this SCOTUS, the odds are they will side with the originalism of the Constitution and give the President the right to hire and fire whoever he pleases inside the Executive Branch, where most of the Administrative State resides.
First, on Day 1 of his second term, Trump must fire via his Reduction in Force authority 200,000 federal employees, preferably at the GS-12 and 13 levels. Of course the federal employee unions, which should cease to exist, will sue for a stay. That case will likely wind its way through the courts for 18 months or so (unless the Supreme Court fast tracks it). But once it reaches the SCOTUS, the fundamental question to be asked is: can the head of the Executive Branch, the duly elected President of the US, hire or fire whoever he pleases as per the Constitution? Or do the extra Constitutional statutes and regulations protecting the civil servants supersede the Constitution? With this SCOTUS, the odds are they will side with the originalism of the Constitution and give the President the right to hire and fire whoever he pleases inside the Executive Branch, where most of the Administrative State resides.
It took a long struggle in American history to replace the spoils system of patronage jobs in the federal civil service, as post-election rewards for the winner's supporters, with a professional, job-protected, politically independent civil service. Achieved by the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883.

Project 2025 would roll that back significantly -- vastly reducing the number of civil-service jobs and increasing the number of patronage jobs filled by the president's choice.

I've often heard it said RWs want turn back the clock to 1955.

But to 1882?!
Project 2025 is a mythical Golem.

It should be avoided in adult conversations, but, at least, this time, you have made the attempt, but still, you want a "debate" or some such nonsense and I am just not a worthy opponent; just a conversationalist.

Ever seen the Maltese Falcon?

No. The drink is not drugged...
Yes and of very extreme importance to the conspiratorial hunters of conspiracy.

Not so much for anybody else. Ever...
Yes and of very extreme importance to the conspiratorial hunters of conspiracy.

Not so much for anybody else. Ever...
Right at 60% of it was extreme pie in the sky crap, 20% is worth looking at with some modification, and 20% is on pretty solid ground. The "progressives" pull the worst of the 60% to focus on and to paint over the parts that are interesting and worth looking at.
These "think" papers are published all the time and directed to a very small circle of academics and political types. Every once in a while, one of them will be flouted and paraded in a grand indictment of the exception in order to sentence a much larger, grander, segment of political opposition. Sound and fury.
I don't think it's dawned on him (chuckle) that Gaetx won re-election.
Gaetz won the election but is not taking the office. He resigned and has stated he will not take the seat in January.

I don't think it's dawned on you that he's a private citizen now
Hi! It Dawned on me that... it would be fun to have a place to list Trump's pre- inauguration accomplishments. Typically it takes most POTUS 4 years to accomplish nothing. Trump has already taken steps in his effort to MAGA. So, if you want to add to this list please do. I will get it started with this: Ellen Degenerate flees the USA!
His number 1 accomplishment?? He soundly defeated the worst possible candidate in history. Harris had the Presidency handed to her, but she opened her mouth and fucked the entire thing up.
His number 1 accomplishment?? He soundly defeated the worst possible candidate in history. Harris had the Presidency handed to her, but she opened her mouth and fucked the entire thing up.
So you're saying that he accomplished winning against a loser who, as you mention, fucked up horribly and this is his greatest accomplishment? If she fucked it up, what exactly did he do?
So you're saying that he accomplished winning against a loser who, as you mention, fucked up horribly and this is his greatest accomplishment? If she fucked it up, what exactly did he do?
He took advantage by defying all media expectations. Every outlet from CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, among others already had Harris ensconced in the White House. The huge mistake the media nade? They underestimated the American electorate.
He took advantage by defying all media expectations. Every outlet from CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, among others already had Harris ensconced in the White House. The huge mistake the media nade? They underestimated the American electorate.
That doesn't address my question.
Right at 60% of it was extreme pie in the sky crap, 20% is worth looking at with some modification, and 20% is on pretty solid ground. The "progressives" pull the worst of the 60% to focus on and to paint over the parts that are interesting and worth looking at.
What is that 20%?
That doesn't address my question.
His accomplishments? 76 million votes. 312 electoral votes. Another 4 year term. All these pale compared to the number 1 accomplishment. That being shutting up the "regressives" for 4 more years.
His accomplishments? 76 million votes. 312 electoral votes. Another 4 year term. All these pale compared to the number 1 accomplishment. That being shutting up the "regressives" for 4 more years.
Nobody's going to shut up. Or even to be sidelined. This was no realigning election, no Reagan Revolution. The present 50/50 polarization will persist -- until a critical mass of social/cultural/religious conservatives die off -- because, unlike the bizcons, the theocons will not be replaced by younger generations.
This thread exists because the OP knows the post-inauguration list of accomplishments is going to be a shit show that we'll be gleefully blaming on Deplorables. 😘
His accomplishments? 76 million votes. 312 electoral votes. Another 4 year term. All these pale compared to the number 1 accomplishment. That being shutting up the "regressives" for 4 more years.
Plus, people like Ellen Degenerate are fleeing. Libtard women are vowing not to have sex for four years so that will reduce the number of babies that are murdered. Exposed the fake news media and they are falling apart at the seams. And got mourning Joe and his mourning moron wife to kiss his ass! So, how can anyone say he is short on accomplishments.
His accomplishments? 76 million votes. 312 electoral votes. Another 4 year term. All these pale compared to the number 1 accomplishment. That being shutting up the "regressives" for 4 more years.
You aren't even responding to my comments.
They have not "shut them up." They are crying loader than ever. But I get what you were saying and agree.💋
Why would winning an election completely shut down opposition? That's what people seem to be saying.
He took advantage by defying all media expectations. Every outlet from CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, among others already had Harris ensconced in the White House. The huge mistake the media nade? They underestimated the American electorate.
I disagree.

They thought they were exercising a greater degree of control.

Trust me, more than working on winning votes in the next election, this is where the focus is: messaging control.

They sell stuff man. It's what they do and they are damned good at it: look at the cereal aisle in your store and think, "We feed this crap to children???" WHY?
