TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Quality bed and quality blackout curtains, I slept in til 10:00 on my staycation. I wasn't sure what would be open when so I grabbed the handful of victuals from the QuikTrip yesterday but neglected a fork for the salad. The "Egg Bites" are pretty good. $4 for a coupla eggs is kinda pricey.
Home from seeing Mom, and for running the errand for work. Had to get vertical blinds. We needed four.

The store had . . . four. The cashier was adorable.

Still chilly. May put off the oil change and do it up the country. Which is annoying. Not like it's difficult.

Snack time . . . .



I've got that^ Snap-on torque wrench. Wonder what year the catalog is from?
Oddly, I have no Snap-On tools.

Had an open end wrench once. Found it in the road. My ex-brother-in-law traded it in to his dealer for a new one, one without scuffed chrome.

They took it back and replaced it.

Who knew???

Bought another firearm. Online. Heh.

Is this a great country or what??!?

Off to collect the laundry and then to call it a night. Oh dark thirty comes early, and tomorrow is a long drive.

I haven't told Cat . . . .

Happy Sunday!!!

Cold here and warming. Less cold there and warming, too. Figures.

Gotta be back in two weeks for Mom's cataract surgery. It's not that big a deal, but still. And then they have yet to schedule her shoulder, but we'll see about that one.

Meanwhile, coffee . . . .



Actually, I never pitch a tool unless it's irreparably broken. At that point, it has achieved Piece Of Shit status.

Sometimes, duplicates get given away. It's part of Minimization.

S'ghetti is good for breakfast. Good thing that it's not around every day . . . .


I grind screwdrivers with broken tips into pointy tools for doing pointy things.

I don't think I have much of a point there.

I may not be broken.
Good morning, folks. I have successfully stoked up the fire and made coffee. It's almost thorland cold outside but should warm up some tomorrow.
Screw driver sets are what you buy the man who has everything. :)

After four Christmases, one would think that I would have run out of something;
it certainly won't be screwdrivers. Which reminds me...
It's football Sunday, I need to thaw out some

Orange Juice!
Oddly, I have no Snap-On tools.

Had an open end wrench once. Found it in the road. My ex-brother-in-law traded it in to his dealer for a new one, one without scuffed chrome.

They took it back and replaced it.

Who knew???


Craftsman tools too. Damage one and take it back to Sears.
Then again, is Sears even still operating?
Lowe's carries Craftsman. BTW, their tools ain't Snap-On by a long shot. Heft. You can feel it.

According to the Lowe's hardware sales lady a few jobs ago, Craftsman, Stanley, and Kobalt are all made in the same factory on Taiwan, just with diff'runt names.

We're mostly loaded here and the car is ready.

Cat is blissfully resting on a heat vent, awaiting up-scoopage . . . .

Good morning.

I have a whole range of Craftsman tools. They are still offering the same warranty as before. I don't think they (Sears) ever manufactured the tools themselves, just contracted out but held the specs rigid.
The only thing that I am really short of is Polish screwdrivers...

I never get any of those. The one I use the most is a friend's grandfather's.
They're both dead, you might say I inherited it when he forgot to take it home.
I'm sorta like you. I have an odd assortment of screwdrivers laying around all over the place with one exception. I have a set of wooden handled, precision ground, gunsmithing screwdrivers that I keep locked up.
The real bite in the ass is that when I need one, I can never find a Phillip's head
that isn't stripped out. Everything else under the sun, no problem.
I've got two that I keep an eye on. When ever possible I use the battery operated driver. I have a couple of boxes of bits so when one bit gets rounded off I just throw it away and grab a new one.
Oh yeah, I have a tool-box drawer full of drill and screwdriver bits,
but just try to find a useable Philips head; like seeking the Grail.

They need to start offering Philip's head sets.
I can see a fortune in that.
I got three bottles of wine and four hard liquor, I don't drink so they will be going in the household cabinet. Enough snack food for the next three years so it will be put out for household consumption and two giant dog bones that I will be kicking in the middle of the night. No tools this year.

And those that know me got me books and gift cards I can use for more books :D

Happy Monday!!!

Got back in yesterday afternoon an hour before sunset. Unloaded the car and then spent time surveying the potential coyote Killing Fields. Probably should have brought the spotting scope, but being as it isn't very good, I might as well just buy a better one. Some decent binoculars wouldn't hurt, either. We'll see.

Played with the call gizmo last night. Getting batteries in was a chore. Anyway, got the house critters fired up looking for whatever was making distressed noises. It was fun.

Coffee is a bit strong this morning, which is to say, perfect!!!


