TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Gonna find out who's naughty (no need for nice)...

New research conducted by three Caltech physicists and one high-schooler suggests that the Milky Way galaxy may be full of self-annihilated extraterrestrial civilizations. These findings are reportedly a more up-to-date analysis of the Drake equation—a probabilistic argument intended to stimulate debate about the number of intelligent alien civilizations within our galaxy.

The researchers propose that the Milky Way is a graveyard of former civilizations that destroyed themselves upon reaching a certain technological level.

Damon called excited about getting a car. Did he get a nice, fully depreciated, reliable Prius? No. He signed up for payments (including the rip-off extended warranty) on a brand new Chevy. Just like the last one that trapped him in payments except the Equinox is heavier then 5he P.O.S. Malibu so it will be even more prone to repairs bills amd get worse mileage.
Damon called excited about getting a car. Did he get a nice, fully depreciated, reliable Prius? No. He signed up for payments (including the rip-off extended warranty) on a brand new Chevy. Just like the last one that trapped him in payments except the Equinox is heavier then 5he P.O.S. Malibu so it will be even more prone to repairs bills amd get worse mileage.

The GMAC Cradle to Grave payment plan is the very foundation of the american consumer economy!
Ain't never thought very highly of how cars are marketed. Seems to lead to thievery.

Too bad car-jacking is illegal.

And there's a reason there ain't no mile-high-pick-'em-up jackings.

S'ghetti sauce is on. Smellin' good and it ain't very hot yet.



Now, one of you Lit jeenyuses quick report Wat for revealing Personal Information.



Cleaned some rifles. Had to wipe off the neglect.

Did some budgeting for 2021. Got a plan, Stan. Easy to work is the bestest part.

Rain showed up. Just rain, thanks be to Allah. It brings the cold for tomorrow and sich. Warms back up starting Sunday, and it ain't too cold in the meantime.

S'ghetti is smollin' g00t. Jusseh ain't invited, just like last year . . . .



I went over to my little neighbor lady's house to hang a couple of things for her. We exchanged presents and had a nice little visit.

I'm trying to work up to cooking something. We'll see how that turns out, it might be pretty eclectic.
This is an interesting batch o' s'ghetti. Not my finest offering, but pretty damned good in a bit of a different way.

So it's off for awhile to do the Eve dinner.

My brother texted an invite. He should have 3 weeks ago. Wat has plans.

And I got this picture . . . . :D


Santa clone one arrived at the party tonight and a good time was had by all

Santa clone two preassembled the toys in the shop and bought extra batteries and as soon as I'm positive the munchkin is asleep things will be put in place and I'm heading to sleep.

Merry Christmas Everyone, I hope you get everything you wished for.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Kwanza was on my Festivus list.


I will be making no New Year's Day resolutions other than maybe not to shoot anyone,
even the ones who actually deserve it. Like the rednecks who won't
take down their Christmas lights for..., ever...
Merry Christmas Everyone!

We have a bit of snow, and there's coffee.

I kept looking at my tree with no topper, and on a whim, I went back to my roots and made a Christmas star for it last night.

The dogs just stood on the porch and looked around in puzzlement for a minute before daring the snow. I was amused.
No new snow so I don't have to do an early morning chore! I'm enjoying the quiet before the commotion starts.

Merry Christmas.
No new snow so I don't have to do an early morning chore! I'm enjoying the quiet before the commotion starts.

Merry Christmas.

We got 6-7 inches of snow overnight and it's still snowing. There probably won't be much more today. I'm off thru the weekend, so I'm just enjoying the pretty.
Merry Christmas!

We needed 25° lower temperature to have a white Christmas. So it rained. Which is OK. A white Christmas sounds kinda racist, anyway.
Merry fucking Xmas!!! Home with cat after 23 hours worth of not being. Cat gave me quite the dressing down. Apparently, I didn't do as he desired. Again.

S'ghetti leftovers are still crock-potting, with noodles stirred in for ease of serving. Leftover ham is in the fridge. That'll go nicely on the drive back. A load of laundry has assembled itself for tomorrow's tasks. Oh, and so has a trip to Wally's to score some oil for the car's oil change.

Gotta go see Mom tomorrow. That'll take a chunk outta the day, and perhaps outta my soul.

Gonna be a quiet night . . . .



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Q: What do you get a guy with at least four complete screwdriver sets?
A: A new, even bigger screwdriver set that has three screwdrivers
that might actually get used at some point in the distant future.

But what the hell, it's the thought that counts.

I also got a third copy of Meditations...
I acted as if I had never seen it before.
It's what you do.
(In all honesty, the other two copies have different titles,
so it's a different book..., right?

After a great Chirstmas feast, I did the dozing off thing.
I'm so glad that ordeal is over, as are the Holidays.
I don't do anything for New Year's Eve...
That's reserved for young and stupid.

The only question that remains is,
How much longer does the tree stay up?
Happy Saturday!!! JUst Saturday - nothing else.

There are several thoughts on trees. They stay up forever, they come down today, or they come down New Years, or they come down on Epiphany. Before I converted to Islam, we left it up until Epiphany, but I have renounced all of that Babeh Jeebus stuff. Unless I have totally fucked up Pascal's Divine Wager.

It's right dadgum chilly outside this-here AM. Warms back up tomorrow, which figures. I have outside shit to do what won't get looked at. :mad:

So I'll look at this coffee instead . . . .


