TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good morning sports fans. It's Range Day Wednesday!

Well, the sneaux/rain that was supposed to be yesterday is showing up today............maybe. On the bright side, no wind. In other words not a day to break out the high blue stuff.

The PJ's are out at the range this week and they always leave some goodies fur us. It's like having a birthday every other month.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

There's that outfit in town which is looking for a PM for new houses. I have half a mind to apply for it. I wonder if they'd get off enough money to make it worthwhile. It might be an interesting diversion. Maybe.

At least it's still a bit warmer for the next couple of days. It's fun to watch the weasels suffer, but not if you have to suffer along with them.

Coffee makes for alert oppressors . . . .




After reading bellisarius's post in Lupusdei's thread, this was freaking hilarious!

A friendly Chinese netizen is sending his best wish to the great American people for having a new life in the great change that has never been witness in more than 100 years.
May mutual relationship between our two great nations grow with the new administration of Joe Biden.
United we will win over Covid-19!
In case you were wondering, when your battery dies, your truck is a giant paperweight.

Tru dat!

I have a kcup machine and like it. But I don't like things on the counter and quit using it. I like a clean sweep, fore and aft.

Normally, I would keep a clean counter, but currently I have two coffee pots and a mini-blender out in perpetuity, but then, I don't really cook like I used to. I just don't have the appetite for it any more.
Good morning sports fans. It's Range Day Wednesday!

Well, the sneaux/rain that was supposed to be yesterday is showing up today............maybe. On the bright side, no wind. In other words not a day to break out the high blue stuff.

The PJ's are out at the range this week and they always leave some goodies fur us. It's like having a birthday every other month.


You aren't going to do your patriotic duty and participate in the DNC proclaimed
National Day of Insurrection???

Why I thought you would be headed off to a capitol near you.

;) ;) :devil:
Wat, you might like being at home for a while.

Maybe it's one of those things where you can have weekends off and
take on some side gigs at the same time.

You aren't going to do your patriotic duty and participate in the DNC proclaimed
National Day of Insurrection???

Why I thought you would be headed off to a capitol near you.

;) ;) :devil:

And give credence to what appears to be group hysteria?
Give them a shot at some Creedence Clearwater.


Today, we return to the Obama years.
The administration is crowing.

They might have made Trump go away,
but they did nothing about the simmering anger and the movement.

And censorship is going to backfire on them as they
radicalize people who feel the wall at their back
just because they want their god, guns and bibles...

;) ;)
51 capitols and Puerto Rico...

That takes a lot of white suprematist National Guard and even more razor wire.
I should have purchased stock.

Everything is volatile right now. Last week I sent out some RFQ's for 40' Conex's. The quotes came back with terms that read that the quotes were good until the close of business today up to 5 days. Just 6 months ago those same quotes were good for 30 days. Sign of the times.
Don't you know, haven't you heard, the stock market always does better under Democrats.

Why do you think all of those big-ass companies fund them and pander to them?


It's because they care more about social justice than the ability to guide legislation/regulation.

G-g-g-g-golden years, wop wop wop...
In good news,
God is great (beer is good),
Buddha is beneficent,
and Allah is merciful.

Ma Homey didn't suffer a concussion, just a pinched nerve.
It looks like he will be ready for the Bills game.

Happy, happy touchdown dance.

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Give them a shot at some Creedence Clearwater.


Today, we return to the Obama years.
The administration is crowing.

They might have made Trump go away,
but they did nothing about the simmering anger and the movement.

And censorship is going to backfire on them as they
radicalize people who feel the wall at their back
just because they want their god, guns and bibles...

;) ;)

Lookit AJ still jerking off to fantasies of Civil War II. :rolleyes:
Everything is volatile right now. Last week I sent out some RFQ's for 40' Conex's. The quotes came back with terms that read that the quotes were good until the close of business today up to 5 days. Just 6 months ago those same quotes were good for 30 days. Sign of the times.

The tiny home folk will pay more for a Conex than other folk.
It sneauxed all morning. One of those light sneaux's with the big fat heavy flakes with no wind. It was actually kinda fun shooting in it. By sundown it was all gone save for some areas in the shade.
Happy Thursday!!!

Here's hoping that the time-wasting nuts can recognize that there ain't nothing going on now and that we can all get back to work and get some shit done. Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace??? I mean, what the fuck did they think was going to happen anyway? The process is bigger than the people.

We got surprise rain last night. Not on the forecast until just about the time it arrived. Maybe that's The Big Conspiracy after all.

That and coffee . . . .

If the internet connection here this morning were any fucking slower . . . . :rolleyes:
It sneauxed all morning. One of those light sneaux's with the big fat heavy flakes with no wind. It was actually kinda fun shooting in it. By sundown it was all gone save for some areas in the shade.

I was out in bare feet yesterday when Fedex dropped off some packages.

;) ;)