TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Although general trends are somewhat predictable based on time and place, my work is a series of unrelated random events.

This is one of those nights where it's tempting to just say fuck it and go home. There's no reason at all to expect that the next contact I have with humankind will go badly but with the way the night gone it's easy to feel as if that's going to be the case.
We made casks and barrels. Interestingly, there were two different lines engaged in that trade, unrelated to each other.

Blacksmiths and dairyman and cattlemen more recently. The dairyman came from the ones 5gat made barrels out West. Not sure if somehow that was related. The cattlemen were married into the dairyman line so that fits.
I got in a fight earlier with a homeless dude that was panhandling. Several of us were hanging around outside a locked facility waiting for the people inside todl tell us why we were waiting around outside. I told him not only no but hell no to the $2 he asked for.

Nothing worse than being approached when you're stuck somewhere. I pointed out to him that he's the reason that this facility is locked at night and we're having to yell through the glass.

Anyway later I was down by the VA and saw a guy who is probably a disabled vet on a mobility scooter who was not panhandling but looked like he could use some help so I gave him 20.

Then I got randomly flagged down by a guy waving his arms at the bus stop. He had a bicycle. Rides long distances pretty much for exercise but was tired and needed to get home and wondered if I give him a ride. So I did. Turns out he's a vet, so I was glad I stopped.

Second guy tonight though to randomly ask me if I could give him a ride. Rolled up on a transport. Some sort of Behavioral Health situation. Since I didn't know what brand of crazy the guy that needed a ride was or the brand of crazy of the guy I was picking up I figured putting the two of them in a car together might not be such a great idea so I politely declined.

Here's the thing- you know how you're always feels great about starting your day when you've had a fresh shower and a fresh shave? Well, I had an actual fresh shave for the first time in months and still. . . this is a night i'm having.

I shaved down to a fu manchu, then trimmed that down to a push broom, then I shaved my head to show off my nearly perfect cranium. I met a girl last night. A Cuban. Escaped when she was 11. In the course of conversation it came up that I was completely clean shaven for a good fifteen years so she wanted to see a picture. She opined that that was a better look for me. so on the strength of the first and only person who's ever given an opinion one way or the other and because I'm kind of tired of hair I decided to shave.
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Hadda google that.

<SmoothG mode>
The fuck?
</SmoothG mode>

Never heard of, or seen that, before. Had I known about it though I might have done it for the photo op.
i saw it on the news
it is the sort of thing that you shave off after the pictures and then
ten years down the road you realize that is was an epic mistake to post it on the internet
Well Wat, don't take good workers for granite.

Sorry, I just can't help myself. I blame the over-caffeination of my morning brew.

I had a light blow up this morning and trip my circuit breaker.
Big pop, bright flash and suddenly no living room lights or TV.
I can live in the dark, but take away my MTV?

Happy Tuesday!!!

I'm thinking of hacking the beard back to a Van Dyke and then letting the hair grow. Maybe. I haven't decided for sure yet. And it's not like it matters.

I had thought of riding in to work today, but I have this deep chill, so that's not going to happen. By the end of the day, I'm chilled and I've had it. Riding will have to wait.

Coffee will have to be here now . . . .



Being chilly is a tad bit worse than being too hot.
You can always break out the kiddie pool, a fan and a glass of ice tea.

:D ;)
Good morning folks.

Lots of wind but no sneaux or rain................yet. As long as the HVAC works and I don't run out of coffee all is good.
We are still enjoying the mildest of winters. This is the kind of thing that enabled
our ancestors to move into places like England, you know back before we had
man-made climate change...

;) ;)
I just read that hunters in a couple of sates set harvest records.
Some attribute it to people not working and thusly getting out and "getting some"
[Ain't hunting hell? remix]
and other attribute it to environmental factors, i.e., good weather.
No running out of coffee here, we're good for months still.
Belli - I have a friend that works at Hiram Walkers, he used to pick up whatever I needed on employee day and I would donate it to the shelter auctions, he mentioned it to his bosses and now they donate a full case of something for every fundraiser. Lots of great people in the alcohol industry
Well, it is time to order Kcups, but I still have plenty of regular ground coffee
and one bag of some very suspicious "designer" coffee that someone gifted to me.

It tastes pretty much what I imagine cat-shit tastes like and I don't mean in a good Civet Cat way...
No running out of coffee here, we're good for months still.
Belli - I have a friend that works at Hiram Walkers, he used to pick up whatever I needed on employee day and I would donate it to the shelter auctions, he mentioned it to his bosses and now they donate a full case of something for every fundraiser. Lots of great people in the alcohol industry

Oh, they're just not thinking clearly. :D;)

My main 'puter was balky starting up this AM. I had to resort to unusual measures to get it going all of which means I need to shop for a new Power Supply. And that got me thinking as to how the older PC's were all shipped with 250W power supplies. This beast requires a 600W supply minimum and most off the shelf PC's are shipped with 400W-450W supplies. So much for the 'green' movement. :)
Well, it is time to order Kcups, but I still have plenty of regular ground coffee
and one bag of some very suspicious "designer" coffee that someone gifted to me.

It tastes pretty much what I imagine cat-shit tastes like and I don't mean in a good Civet Cat way...

I have a kcup machine and like it. But I don't like things on the counter and quit using it. I like a clean sweep, fore and aft.
The auto parts guy that came and brought me a new battery had one of those Jeep Gladiators. He let me drive it around in the snow for a half hour or so while he was doing electrical stuff on my truck.

I really like the looks of them, but it was pretty tight inside. Maybe it was just because I'm used to the F-150 super cab. It was a nice little truck though.

Yes... snow. It's been fucking snowing for a week now! Asshole deep, windy and cold.
Bellisarius, SC & others: Invitation to attend a discussion

LupusDei just started this thread:

Parler migrates to Russian controlled serverhttps://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1539013

His thread is obviously in the line of "Trump is a paid Russian shill", which might at first glance put off conservatives.

But the good thing about LupusDei is that he is different from the "Trump bad versus Trump good" -foaming at their mouths crew:
he is well informed in a wealth of areas, and also flexible in his thinking and keen to exchange opinions.
If bellisarius recalls, you guys engaged in a fascinating exchange of opinions re the Turkey-Syrian Kurds-America situation a year ago.

I also posted links to two great alternative insights.
Recent Chris Hedges -- Glenn Greenwald interview :Glenn Greenwald : Democrats are cheering for censorship as a means to root out “fascism,” even as they serve corporate interests that continue to exacerbate the social and economic issues that gave rise to Donald Trump. "

It would be so great if any of you posted other opinions too! Given the thread creator, it has the possibility of morphing into something constructive:
I miss starting handles and magdynos...

I do, too, except for idling when stopped at night. The cranks is a must-have. Fuck paperweightage.

Home. Had a snack in. Got in a road trip because my co-worker has now made it all the way to trifling. He didn't buy required parts for the shelves last week, and we need them. Seems they were out, and he did nothing about it. So Wat went 125 miles round trip to pick some up so's we can finish.

How do some people get a fucking thing done???


