TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

There was this girl just a walkin' down the street <singing, "Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy," eh?"> with "BLESSED" emblazoned across her shirt.

I was thinking that although Wat would probably willing to give her a second look, I don't know if she meets thread criterion for blessed.

Objectification is fun!
What's the "good times" longevity for most of the big jackpot winners, 5 years?

Something like that. Broke or dead. People who play the lotto do it because they have no money (and don't understand the concept of odds) and then when they get it, they have no concept as how to handle it. It's a real tragedy; the government taking advantage of the illiterate and desperate. It's nothing more than a tax on stupidity.

I wonder how many tickets Throb purchased...
41°F outside and a breeze coming off the mountain. I'm thinking of planting pineapples this coming spring.

It has been an unusually mild and temperate January in these here parts.
We usually have at least one long hard freeze and ice storm, but so far, this year,
when it has dropped below freezing, it was just overnight and short-lived.

Allah bless non-manmade climate change.
I am reminded that it was a period of warming that spurred the rise of civilization
in Northern Europe at a time when there were no automobiles to blame for it.

Without fluctuating climate, there would probably be no England.
That might not be a bad thing.

:D :devil:
When a cat wants attention it will smack you so you know

What are this threads standards?

And coffee... I had to people this morning, I need more coffee...

Just another reason as to why I do not have cats, allergies being the main one.

The little fawkers make my eyes swell shut.

[I don't mind spellcheck; it's the autocorrection that pisses me the fawk off.]
Morning all.

The subtle changes in the language is an interesting evolution to observe. It's everywhere ever so slightly changing the perception of the reader over time. One of the more obvious is the attempt to morph "illegal alien" into "undocumented immigrant." But even the weather isn't escaping this subtle manipulation. The local forecast is calling for "partly sunny" which used to be reported as "mostly cloudy." People get paid to sit around and think this nonsense up.
That's the work of the bubble-headed weather girl who is
desperately tying to prove that she wasn't hired for her looks.

And please keep up. It is now undocumented citizen. ;) ;)
So it would seem. I've got them on ignore so it doesn't bother me in the least. In grade school there was always at least one kid that acted out to get attention, a sign of the terminally immature.
I think that it comes from a profound sense of impotence of accomplishment.

I.e., I am so smart and yet so unappreciated and irrelevant. How can that even be?

[Maybe you aren't who you perceive yourself to be. It's no crime/shame to be average.]
In the end the reason doesn't matter. They're like the kid throwing a tantrum in the grocery store..............just annoying little fucks.
I have a friend, who is Puerto Rican, and while we were being subjected to
just such a serenade in a restaurant she remarked,
"I don't see how so many of them live."

She was just oozing with maternal instinct. :D
Happy I-ain't-goin'-to-work Saturday!!! The new cat is fine. The old cat is fine. He hissed at her a few minutes ago - she may have taken a swipe at him. No matter. She plays, he watches.

She went to jump on the bed, missed, and fell on the floor. Never changed expression. She meant to do that.

I may ride my bike to town this morning. Damn the cold, full speed ahead.

After I have enough coffee first . . . .




When you have two of anything, one always seems to be the instigator.
Here, that would be little stupid who loves to torment big stupid when bored.

Same rule applies to siblings.
My younger nephew would just ball up his fist and slug people. Dad included.

Except Wat. Wat used to say to him, "why don't you come over here and let me hurt you?" and he'd start to whimper and cry. This went on for years until the day that Wat asked him, "how many times have I hurt you?" and he had to admit the answer was zero.

Kids are silly.

Litlibs are sillier . . . . :rolleyes:



Yeah, I have to hit the store this AM to pick up a few things. We have sneaux forecast starting tonight through Tues. night. I'm thinking that given the three day spread the weather liar should be right for one of those days...............maybe.
Morning all.
The subtle changes in the language is an interesting evolution to observe. It's everywhere ever so slightly changing the perception of the reader over time. One of the more obvious is the attempt to morph "illegal alien" into "undocumented immigrant." But even the weather isn't escaping this subtle manipulation. The local forecast is calling for "partly sunny" which used to be reported as "mostly cloudy." People get paid to sit around and think this nonsense up.

It's called doublespeak and it's various alter egos, Orwell explained it perfectly in 1984 and I direct anyone mentioning it to re-read it (because I know you're the type Belli who's read it at least once) :) BTW, this isn't to be mean, I deal with a lot of millenials and gen z's that need movie references, throwing a book at their head makes me feel better.

So I have the whole weekend off and the pups required that I get up at 5:30 to see to their needs. Since there was no sense going back to sleep the house has now been cleaned, the second pot of coffee brewed and dough for pizzas is rising. The pups of course have been sleeping through all of this.
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Do you get the impression that someone is desperate for attention and relevancy?

;) ;)

By the looks of the Politics board, that someone is YOU. :eek:

So it would seem. I've got them on ignore so it doesn't bother me in the least. In grade school there was always at least one kid that acted out to get attention, a sign of the terminally immature.

Racist, heal thyself.
Morning all.

The subtle changes in the language is an interesting evolution to observe. It's everywhere ever so slightly changing the perception of the reader over time. One of the more obvious is the attempt to morph "illegal alien" into "undocumented immigrant." But even the weather isn't escaping this subtle manipulation. The local forecast is calling for "partly sunny" which used to be reported as "mostly cloudy." People get paid to sit around and think this nonsense up.

Could be worse. You could be so antiquated and crotchety that you whinge about the evolution of language on a porn board.

It's called doublespeak and it's various alter egos, Orwell explained it perfectly in 1984 and I direct anyone mentioning it to re-read it (because I know you're the type Belli who's read it at least once) :) BTW, this isn't to be mean, I deal with a lot of millenials and gen z's that need movie references, throwing a book at their head makes me feel better.

So I have the whole weekend off and the pups required that I get up at 5:30 to see to their needs. Since there was no sense going back to sleep the house has now been cleaned, the second pot of coffee brewed and dough for pizzas is rising. The pups of course have been sleeping through all of this.

Read it a couple of times, Animal Farm even more.