TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Okay, off to get some things accomplished.

When Was finally wakes up and rolls in tell him I said
You don't have to crawl out of a warm bed to feed any large poodles. Is that better?
Today shall be quiet and if not then there shall be bodies to hide and then it will
be quiet. The coffee is flowing and I woke up grumpy, the guys are cooking today
so I shall continue with my TBR stack and pretending to be humane.

Today shall be quiet and if not then there shall be bodies to hide and then it will
be quiet. The coffee is flowing and I woke up grumpy, the guys are cooking today
so I shall continue with my TBR stack and pretending to be humane.


This is the way.

As well as it goes, my friend. I got coffee and sunshine.

We have a few inches of new snow to replace some that the warm temperatures took away. It will cool down tomorrow and the biking trails will be good.
My sunny morning has been replaced by snow, which, btw, was not in the forecast. Yet, here we are watching a softly falling snow as it quickly covers the ground. I am not put out by such things...today.
Happy Sunday!!!

Been up since daybreak, actually, but haven't done much except window-shop on the computer. Old cars. And watch old car youTubes.

It's officially cats now. Miss Barn Cat has acclimated. I guess that she concluded that January is a damn fine time to take up a human on an offer of teepee livin'.

Now there's this damned fine-lookin' '70 Super Bee . . . .



Got a shot on a deer. Sailed it. The other two bolted, and the target stood and looked at them with a "what was that??!?" stance. Kept waitin' for the bitch to fall over, but . . . no . . . .

The old cat is starting to play with the new one. This could get to be really funny.

Rain blowin' in.

The GOAT is goin' to The Big Dance . . . again . . . .



Got a shot on a deer. Sailed it. The other two bolted, and the target stood and looked at them with a "what was that??!?" stance. Kept waitin' for the bitch to fall over, but . . . no . . . .

The old cat is starting to play with the new one. This could get to be really funny.

Rain blowin' in.

The GOAT is goin' to The Big Dance . . . again . . . .


So's the kid. :cool:
Happy Monday!!!

Deer corn = greased Bambi = greased woods poodles. That's the planned scenario. Maybe keep a trash bag in the car to load up any promising looking road kill. That experiment starts today when the landlady looks for the skunk that her poodles killed overnight. She says the funny-looking killer dog flat reeks this morning.

Good for both of them that it's a warmer rainy day today. Possible sneaux come Wednesday.

Definite coffee right now.



Have you checked your social credit score lately? You might want to. Mine seems to have taken a nosedive this month. You might want to see how yours is doing.

Everyone knows what a credit score is. But social credit scores are new. They’re the latest corporate import from Communist China, where government and big business monitor every citizen’s social views and statements.

And they’re the latest form of cancel culture in this country, as corporate monopolies and the left team up to shut down speech they don’t like and force their political agenda on America. For those who still believe in free speech and the First Amendment, this is the time to take a stand.
Josh Hawley, Senator, The Great State of Missouri
It will be a hard ticket to come by.

Of course, the NFL, once again, has latched on to the occasion
as another opportunity to do some virtue signaling...

Will they never learn?

Are real ratings now less important than social ratings?
They're discussing Super Bowl ads and how,

Jesus H. Christ and Allah beware, that blast shook the whole fucking house!

advertisers are taking a pass for fear that their ads might offend someone.

Thank you snowflakes and your cancel culture...