TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

But it's not snowing anymore. :D

It's Range Day Wednesday!!!! 14 deg. out at the range and falling. Should be down to 10 - 11 by the time I get out there.
A soda mishap led to some interesting time off from being glued to the phone.

It was taking hours to charge and minutes to discharge. Work-wise, I'd check in, see where I was needed, peek at a map, imprint that on my mind, then get where I was going by dead reckoning. Internet-wise, I'd browse the usual spots including here sparingly, snipe a comment or two and get out. Socially, I'd respond to a text and advise I'd be offline for a bit.

I've already dropped Amazon Prime for obvious reasons but ordered a factory 33 mm amp batter and an aftermarket 38 mm amp for next day delivery, then cancelled the order when they (as is typical) "adjusted" the expected delivery a week out. No thank you.

Got a factory battery enroute with an (expected) delivery date a couple of days sooner for a buck less at $11 off of eBay. Got a battery charger coming as well. That's how I used to handle my DroidX battery issue, lots of batteries, charged separately.

Found an off brand, mere 2000 mm amp battery at the local battery store for a rapacious $33, but it does seem to be charging slightly better. Discharge rate still atrocious so I think I am going to be looking for a new phone. This is the first charge/discharge cycle. I'll see how it goes after a couple cycles.
Happy payday Wednesday!!! The bank website is down, so a couple of bills will be waiting until later. No matter.

There be sneaux in the forecast for today. Prolly some sneaux that some of you already got all the good out of and then sent this way. Wait, t'ain't no good comes from sneaux. Of course, it's coming at afternoon rush hour, and I'm a'wond'rin' how bad the locals drive in that shit. Gonna be edumakayshunal.

So, now I'm wonderin' if a 9-main bearing Packard engine will fit in a Pontiac torpedo coupe. I bet so, with the right weldin' skillz.

I got the right coffee . . . .



A Chargers fan!


I remember those cars at the dirt track.
It was always so cool when another car ended up using them as a rollover ramp...
I didn't go into the office on Monday because... well, I just didn't feel like it.

I didn't go into the office yesterday because there was a sheen of ice on the roads and there's no sense in risking a fender-bender.

I did come into the office this morning, but since I had a long weekend, today is like a Monday and nobody ever does anything on a Monday.

I think I may watch some midget porn.
That one post above drop me to 97% which was quite alarming. I suspect it's not quite that sensitive. Two and a half hours later without plugging in and using it normally I'm at 71%.

it appears I will be able to resist technological change a bit longer by keeping this phone.

absolutely do not want a phone that cannot be completely powered down and the battery removed. I can't understand how consumers have put up with that trend. Are they aware that they can be (and are) trackee, or do they not mind being part of the surveillance state?
If you’re worried that you might be on a list, don’t. You’re on several.

Most people are entirely too boring to track.
We were supposed to get a dusting of snow yesterday, “little to no accumulation”.
They lied.
4+ inches and it’s now 8 degrees.

It picked up moisture crossing the lake and dropped the same four inches before turning to freezing rain. It's going to be 25 today which means it will be slush for a few hours before turning into mud ice tonight. Still doing great for this time of year but I hate ice.

If you’re worried that you might be on a list, don’t. You’re on several.
Most people are entirely too boring to track.

We're on this board with conspiracists, trolls, general level crazies and assorted mad hatters and tin foil hat members. We're all on lists.

Today's list for me shall be drink coffee and do whatever I want (NO MIDGET PORN) I have the day to putz.:D
I caught the covid at the end of November and I'm still not 100%.

Congested, tired, achey. Part of that is probably the general winter malaise, but for crying out loud...
Great news folks. On my way out the range this AM the weather dweebs announced avalanche warnings for the Northern mountains. While we only received 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches locally the mountains got 3 - 4 feet.

We need about 4 more storms like that.
Great news folks. On my way out the range this AM the weather dweebs announced avalanche warnings for the Northern mountains. While we only received 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches locally the mountains got 3 - 4 feet.

We need about 4 more storms like that.

You might actually have drinking water this summer at that rate!
You might actually have drinking water this summer at that rate!

Never been a problem. First off I know where the live springs are. Secondly all of the city dwellers buy their water at the grocery store. Having the water to flush the toilet might be more of a concern. :)
Wouldn’t that make me the exhibitionist rather than voyeur?

:eek: You're right, can you tell it's not for me?

Lots of water here Belli, just ask Nestle to ship it to you and to not put the pumps too deep into Lake St. Clair, it's not protected under the great lakes act
:eek: You're right, can you tell it's not for me?

Lots of water here Belli, just ask Nestle to ship it to you and to not put the pumps too deep into Lake St. Clair, it's not protected under the great lakes act

Got to give them credit for brilliant marketing. Imagine, packaging and selling something that is next to free!!!!!
Home. Grazed out. It's mid-week suppage at this end's awful waffle.

Work was steady. Just about got this building done. We'll walk it tomorrow. It'll be good enough come Friday.

Just ain't feelin' it gettin' through these last few days. I reckon it's just mid-winter malaise. It's nicer that it's getting a bit lighter. Warmer would be appreciated, and a lot lighter. DST isn't until Easter. These cats don't care.

So I'm gonna shop online until bedtime . . . .



Happy Thursday!!!

It's kinda cold out there. The sneaux didn't amount to all that much, but the advisory talks about slick roads, which makes sense. So it'll be a slower commute to work, I reckon. Good thing the traffic is light in general.

Coffee, git 'er dun . . . .



Good morning.

Cold this AM but due to warm up later in the day. Looking at 50 deg (+/-) days thru Mon.

Pricing out a wiring project for the range. Need to run power over to the squad trailer and the heavy equipment area.
Electricity is almost as popular as water.

Which reminds me, our plumber is still MIA. We need a new one, as it turns out. At least is seems that way.

Which reminds me, I have a kitchen drain to snake so's the damned thing will drain.



Yup. Water is sort of an issue out at the range. We have one deep well that services the Bath house and the Training bldg. Running water to the other sites would be prohibitively expensive. We have a 1000 gal. cistern up at the shotgun area that we keep filled with the water buffalo that we also use for fire suppression. We haven't had a fire............yet. But we're prepared if the need arises.