TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Morning all.

Sunny this AM, sneaux tonight.

Keep at it Wat. Backstrap goes well with breakfast.

I wondered when the "Social Score" would finally hit our shores and it didn't take long at all. Who's the arbiter?
Google and Twitter

How long before you cannot get a job or enter school
unless you are using both so that you can have a score.
A person who pays cash cannot get an unsecured loan
because they don't have a credit history...

"Like the old-fashioned kind of credit score, your social credit requires a lot of maintenance. You’ll need to get good grades in school and stay out of trouble with the law. But that’s just the start — you have to earn your right to live in polite society these days. So if you want to get a good job, stay at hotels and be served at restaurants, you will need to do a few other things. You will need to voice the right opinions. You will need to endorse the right ideas. You will need to conform. That’s what the corporate chieftains tell us, anyway."

If that is to stand I suggest that the IQ test be brought back as a litmus test for employment (and internet access). :D
If that is to stand I suggest that the IQ test be brought back as a litmus test for employment (and internet access). :D

That's RACIST!

It's like asking for an ID to vote.
Everyone knows that minorities cannot measure up to those metrics.

;) ;) :p
And they think this Social Credit Score isn't? The way I read it, it encompasses far more than political affiliation.
The Social Credit score is leveling the playing field
since you get more credit for being a minority,
that is, if you're not a minority paying the
"conservative" penalty for being off the

Get a load of Ogg.
He's gone full pro-Leftist violence over on the dark side of Lit.
Watching the games yesterday I was struck by the number of guys
who were like, 6' 240#, 6'1" 250# and all I could think was,
the NFL has devolved to a bunch of fucking fat guys...

Many IQ tests are biased towards white middle-class values.

I see you bought into the meme as well. Modern IQ test have no bias at all. As a matter of fact they haven't for decades now. If those tests, all of them, were designed with "White Bias" in mind, why do Asians consistently turn in the top scores?
I never took an IQ test in my life (touch wood)
but I suspect that there is a grain of truth in what ogg said.

It just doesn't make sense to me. Why do most East Asians turn up with high scores?

I personally found Sourh Chinese to be far more crafty and self-controlled/self-contained than North Chinese or other nations. But far more intelligent as a monolyth, and on a 1:1? Way no.

There must be another element, besides IQ (which makes 80-90% of it) that gets tested in these: ability to concentrate? education?

An educated person is far more able to respond well on a math or intelligence test. I remember in school I was considered 'brighter' than x and y because it was easier for me to learn math concepts. But guess what? My parents forced me to study ++, extra math for at least 3 hours a day, the other kids - they were asked to help with housechores or to play outside.
But I suspect that ogg's and my opinion only apply to average scores.
Einstein and chess players didn't have off the chart IQ's for nothing.
Modern IQ tests have NO bias. Period.

A persons IQ is the single largest predictor of success in life. As I recall it's something like 40% (+/-) of the characteristics that go into success.

While we're at it, the old IQ tests were never "proven" to be biased, however they did contain enough subjective content to call them into question.

The military was the first to make wholesale use of IQ tests. No one with an IQ under 85 is allowed to serve, to this day. During the Vietnam war McNamara was able to obtain a waiver from that threshold. If you want to see the results read "McNamara's Folly."
Modern IQ tests have NO bias. Period.

Watching the games yesterday I was struck by the number of guys
who were like, 6' 240#, 6'1" 250# and all I could think was,
the NFL has devolved to a bunch of fucking fat guys...


Really, those are some fat fuckin' tubs-o'-shit. Like that HOF murderin' fucker, Ray Lewis. What a gut. One more reason the league has gone south on us.

Home. Grazed in - leftovers. The new cat is licking the plate. I'm impressed. She eats like she wants to become an ILB - or a nose tackle. She really likes the Healthy Seniors kibble.

Rained fuckin' cats-n-dogs all fucking day here. Still is. The skunk hounds are still outside, and since it's gonna be in the 50's overnight, they'll stay out there, stench and all.

Found some good automotive youT000bs to watch, so . . . .



Unwinding myself.

Did some flicker and flash work for a neighbor. They appreciate little things like that.

Sneaux forecast for the next 24 hours. I'll believe it when I see it but I'm not going to complain. We need the snow pack.

Leftovers tonight, I made chicken curry and rice last night and it's always a two night dinner.

For those that are interested the following is the Federal Law re. IQ requirements for military service;

10 USC §520:

(a) The number of persons originally enlisted or inducted to serve on active duty (other than active duty for training) in any armed force during any fiscal year whose score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is at or above the tenth percentile and below the thirty-first percentile may not exceed 20 percent of the total number of persons originally enlisted or inducted to serve on active duty (other than active duty for training) in such armed force during such fiscal year.
You know, I could say this about that, but I'll decline so to do.

I think that Wednesday is still s'posed to be Sneaux Day, but the last one didn't amount to much.

So, you don't have to balance a straight eight, but there's something called crankshaft whip. I wonder if that happens if one has nine main bearings. It might be worth experimenting.

Anyone have a spare Packard 356 lying about???

Good morning.

Well, there is some sneaux out there, not much. A few inches at the higher elevations. I'll take it.

Damn Wat, I got rid of my last Packard 8 a few weeks ago. You should have said something earlier. :)
Happy Tuesday!!!

I had a Packard 8 back about . . . 40 years ago, maybe. It was the little engine.

It looks to be the best cycle day this year, and I'd be remiss not to. Plus, we have the company chaplain coming to take us to supper, and it'll be clear, so WTF not?

Kind of like coffee right now . . . .



Really, those are some fat fuckin' tubs-o'-shit. Like that HOF murderin' fucker, Ray Lewis. What a gut. One more reason the league has gone south on us.

Home. Grazed in - leftovers. The new cat is licking the plate. I'm impressed. She eats like she wants to become an ILB - or a nose tackle. She really likes the Healthy Seniors kibble.

Rained fuckin' cats-n-dogs all fucking day here. Still is. The skunk hounds are still outside, and since it's gonna be in the 50's overnight, they'll stay out there, stench and all.

Found some good automotive youT000bs to watch, so . . . .


Yes, it's wet here. Most years it would be an ice storm, but these mild temps are working their magic. I wonder what the weather goddess has to say about this this morning.
I don't remember how the scoring went other than I made the 99th percentile, but the recruiter was aghast at the score one applicant got because he barely got more than what you get for getting your name correctly...
