TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Got to give them credit for brilliant marketing. Imagine, packaging and selling something that is next to free!!!!!

They spend a lot of time in court over it, lots of groups going after them for violating environmental laws.

Every area has it's issues, paradise only exists in stories.

My current issue is ice, salt is being generously spread and I'm going to stay inside as much as possible and live in denial by drinking more coffee.
Home. Grazing in. My out-of-print book arrived today, appearing to be as good as I could have hoped and maybe even a wee bit more gooder.

The job was meh. My co-worker, the wide-mouth frog, was stuck up his own butt today. Walked in on a call he had on speaker - there was no one else in the office - and I concluded that he has some problem making a payment. Bet it's someone else's payment (a kid's) and he's fixing it. Ain't no matter cuz it ain't mine. He was more like his normal froggy self this evening.

The walk-thru went okay. The maintenance guy is still an idiot. Remind me to tell you his "theory" where the plumber was only turning on one element in the water heater and how this would burn up elements. Mercy!!!

I'm look at mah new book . . . .

Happy Friday!!!

Okay, that was last night's post, which sat lonely all night, waiting for someone to click on "post." No matter, I got a look at my new book (OMG, the fucking 4-point type!!!) and found a very interesting ride for sale online. Hmmm . . . .

Looks to be a bit warmer today, which is to say, it'll be the same temps and much less breezy. As long as the sun is out. Then more precip for the weekend and next week. Joy!!!

Right now, it's the joy of coffee . . . .



Good morning.

It's gong to be downright balmy here today. I was thinking of heading out to the range but the road is going to turn into a Slip-N-Slide later so I'm going to pass on that thought.

Wat, have you run into a maintenance guy yet that wasn't a wee bit off?
I've known one maintenance who was worth the bullet. Some are dumber'n others. This one reminds me of Turruh (Terry in redneckese) from back East. T'ain't nuthin' these boys don' know.


Their judgment is piss-poor. This'n says it's the wax ring leaking on the toilet upstairs to explain the water on the ceiling. Of course, he completely missed the water on the floor upstairs which was screaming "leaking tank." :rolleyes: The simplest explanation being the most likely, and since no one lives there, how's the wax ring getting any more than tested?

Off to torment weasels . . . .

Most I met were just BS'ers. There was one old guy from long ago that knew his shit. Slow but he got it all done and done right.
Haven't seen grass since Thanksgiving and I'm tired of snow!!! It's like living North of The Wall.
Because the grass is covered with white shit, there will be no yard maintenance here until at least May 15.
Our ice has melted and we are back to mud as such the doggie range was scooped and the fences inspected and patched... again. I called the cops and demanded they come out and take a statement and pictures, it takes twenty minutes on foot to reach the hole in the fence from the nearest vehicle access, the neighbours are doing the same. Since they know who's doing it and can't be bothered to arrest him they can do paperwork or talk to their politicians. I don't seem to care as much now that I'm getting older.
Home. Dragged along some pizza to share. Cats, too. The fat one likes pepperoni.

Got the first two units accepted and got folks moving in. The third one should be done early tomorrow morning. And then there's the one with plumbing issues. I can hardly wait.

Speaking of which, we may get to terms with a new one, thanks be to Allah.

Quiet evening because work tomorrow. Like a "school" night . . . .



Happy Saturday!!!

Another work-a-day. No matter, it should be easy enough. And I'll have the wide-mouth frog, too. He's not blowing the day off.

THe old cat is in the corner puking. Good thing this is cheap brown carpet. It wipes up easily and who can tell after it's dry?

Even with coffee spills . . . .



Good morning.

Going to be sunny and relatively warm today. Might get some yard work in. We shall see.

Going to treat myself to a store bought breakfast this AM. There's a little neighborhood grocery that makes great breakfast burritos at a fair price.
I have a broken computer, my coffee makers are working well but a friend sent me this to cheer me up and I hat do share the laughs.

Home. Early. Got in a lovely nap.

The frog blew the day off anyway. All we had was outside workers and the rain rolled in mid-day and ran them off.

Had a good visit with a couple of friends. Nice breakfast/lunch, too. All the cute waitresses work Saturdays.

Going to wander out to watch the sunset . . . .

Evenin folks

I should have done some errands today, but just wasn't motivated. It looks as though I'll be out in weather of some sort or another tomorrow to pick up a few things.
Evenin folks

I should have done some errands today, but just wasn't motivated. It looks as though I'll be out in weather of some sort or another tomorrow to pick up a few things.

I shoulda done a lot of stuff. I did some things that needed to be done.

It was a good day.

The sunset was awesome.
Good morning every one. And a fine morning it is.

Going to be relatively warm out today so I can get a few more things done around the yard. Little straightening up as it were. The leaves from last Fall have arranged themselves according to the yard wind patterns so I can rake them into big piles to be picked up. Love those micro-climates.
I had a couple of bad days, it might be related to a bad tooth which is
to be extracted on Wednesday. Good thing it's nor scheduled for
Tuesday, Lord knows how many times that it would get pulled.

Oil of Clove should tide you over until Wed. Or just a whole clove tucked up against the tooth like you would a good wad of chaw. :)