TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

You can just imagine where that is going. Game and Fish are going to chime in, then the governor. Next thing you know US Fish and Wildlife will get involved leading to another barrage of EO's with PETA demonstrates at the Ellipse. *chuckle*
Home. Made a couple of ham sammidges but I'd really like to tackle (part of) that burger up there.

Got Building E handed over to manglement, all praises to Allah who makes such mundane inanities possible. And who makes pigs out of bacon. And ham.

It didn't get very warm today, so we still have sneaux on the grassy bits and in the woods. It's kinda pretty. If I had last week's full moon tonight along with a cloudless sky, I might be able to lure in a woods poodle and have sight picture.

Red snow, like in Fargo . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!!

Five more, plus the office. And the "maintenance shop." That's mostly roof and siding.

We may have sorted out a new plumber. Turns out he has a crew in the town where the other job is, too. So it could be a two-fer for him, since the plumber up there is dying on the vine. Go figure . . . .

But the coffee is good.



The bosses are going to look at a site downtown on Wednesday. Could be the next job.

I've already put in an "I'm interested" and the PM passed it along.

Anything far from the Jabbas.

Off to see what weasels we have to torment today . . . .


Certainly is in the running.

Home. Brought pizza. The fat cat likes pepperoni, and he got his fill tonight. He even stopped eating and walked away. Now, if we could just teach him to eat the crust, too.

Work was kinda slow. Got some warranty shit done. Praises to Allah!!!

My new-to-me out-of-print book is kicking ass. Just what I wanted.



The neighbour cooked tonight, the man knows his way around a bbq.
All is quiet here, my TBR pile of books is always shifting around with the kindle stuffed somewhere nearby and it's that time of night where I start grabbing at one of them.
Good luck at the dentist tomorrow and I'll wish everyone else good luck in avoiding the dentist.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

There must be woods poodles afoot, because the Fierce Pack Leader of the Inside Dogs insisted on going out to bark at the dark. It's that warning to stay out of his yard, with a bit of fear in it for good measure. Now, if the human could just see at this time of night. Maybe it's time for night vision. And puppies will be along soon, too.

Looks like we get a bit of sun today, but not much warmth. More warranty tidbits on the to-do agenda. And this coffee to belt out first.

Good luck with the gum butcher . . . .



Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday!

Was conversing with another Litster re. night vision just a couple of days ago. It's on my "wouldn't it be nice" list but not on my "must have" list..................not yet anyway.

The weather is more like late Mar. here rather than the beginning of Feb. That's scheduled to change soon.
I'm of the same opinion. Just seems like a way not to spend another thousand.

Which could better be spent on old cars or something.

I'll have to tell the rest of the "Cuda story one day. Those folks could sure use a spare $1,000.00.

Off to see what few weasels we have to torment . . . .


I don't know the difference between a bbq or grill, my cooking on them is a sure way to bad food. It's just not one of my skills.
He volunteers with the legion, KoP and KoC when they have fundraisers so it's a big thing like the image below.

Moar snow overnight!

That put us over two feet in the last four days. Another foot and I'm going to have to buy a shovel.
I grew in KC. I hate BBQ - everything about it.

I do like grilled meats though. Nothing on them. The way God intended.

Off to the dentist. I should get drunk first, but I won't. More's the pity...
Home. Grazing in. Cats are all over the place tonight. She left the cat divider door open. It's kind of funny, but now I have to feed mine. Hers like their food better.

Made some more headway on the warranty crap. Less headway on the mudhole. The knuckleheads keep driving through it. We coned it off, so we'll see. Had to cuss one moron. And then my half-Mexican wide-mouth frog co-worker starts in on some more shit about "those Latinos . . . ." :rolleyes:

And "those plumbers are gettin' behind." We haven't had a plumber in nearly two weeks, so it's official: them motherfuckers all the way behind.

Gonna take it easy tonight.


