TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I have some sturdy metal folding saw horses.
I just throw a board or two on them if I need a work surface.
The tooth came out cleanly and in one piece, but the stuff used to numb me actually made me deathly sick,
I spent the rest of the day and yesterday vomiting. I mainly stayed in bed.
I'm sipping on a protein shake and it's acting like it doesn't want to stay down.

I've never had that reaction before, so maybe it was a
combination of that and the tooth being extracted.

I had a similar reaction long ago. It wasn't the novicaine, it was the pain killer.
I've got laundry on the march. Gotta make a run to town. One of out Not-poodles needs to see the Vet. The vet's office is a royal cluster on Saturdays. At least she travels well.
Little stupid just loves rides in the car.
Big stupid has figured out that a car ride usually ends up at the vet.
She is hard to get in the car. If she suspects that you are trying too get her in,
she will run off and hide. She has made me late to several appointments.
I have learned to get a leash on her inside before dragging her to the car.
Little stupid just loves rides in the car.
Big stupid has figured out that a car ride usually ends up at the vet.
She is hard to get in the car. If she suspects that you are trying too get her in,
she will run off and hide. She has made me late to several appointments.
I have learned to get a leash on her inside before dragging her to the car.

Let me get this straight. She figured out the vet trip before you figured out the leash? And you call her stupid???? :D;)
Glad you survived the dentist, drink some coffee. It won't help you but it never seems to hurt anything either.
S'ghetti sauce is on. I reckon it'll be moar gooder'n the last batch, too. Breakfast is gettin' et - such as it is.

I had a cat - nobody's fool - who saw the carrier come out and would disappear. He was quite adept at hiding. I had to get the carrier out a couple of days before I had planned for his ass to be in it. Silly fucker. I miss him.

Sun is still out. Gotta get the oil changed today so's to avoid the cold-n-wet. Rain tonight, sneaux overnight, and then back to rain at sun-up. So the plan is to get all the outside shit done before sunset.

But after a nap . . . . :D :rolleyes:



The vet visit went okay. I think the little dog was a little puzzled over the masks as she doesn't see her humans wearing them at home. I think she thought the humans were muzzled, and wondered which ones were the mean ones, so she was on her best behavior
Gonna get the charcoal going this evening for some island-style shortribs, which are just thin sliced shortribs soaked in teriyaki sauce overnight.
Longish day.

Got the oil changed in the car. The oil plug didn't want to come out. I think that Somebody didn't want the damned thing to leak. Anyway, got it out without rounding the corners, but we'll replace it next go-'round. So it was into the truck to crank it up to empty it and then start to move shit and . . . clickclickclick. It's cold and the battery was ancient, so off to buy a new one. And a positive terminal because the old one broke. Got it all back together and . . . the negative one was broken. Didn't see that. Damn it. So another trip to the auto parts store and it works, so we started hauling stuff out to it.

And then we noticed water on the kitchen floor. Thought it was the water heater, but turns out it was coming from under the sink. While on my knees looking at it, I thanked Allah that it was the easier one. Off to the box store to get parts, and got it done in one trip with stuff to return even. So then it was suppertime. That turned out okay.

Bedtime may be coming sooner rather than later . . . .

Longish day.

Got the oil changed in the car. The oil plug didn't want to come out. I think that Somebody didn't want the damned thing to leak. Anyway, got it out without rounding the corners, but we'll replace it next go-'round. So it was into the truck to crank it up to empty it and then start to move shit and . . . clickclickclick. It's cold and the battery was ancient, so off to buy a new one. And a positive terminal because the old one broke. Got it all back together and . . . the negative one was broken. Didn't see that. Damn it. So another trip to the auto parts store and it works, so we started hauling stuff out to it.

And then we noticed water on the kitchen floor. Thought it was the water heater, but turns out it was coming from under the sink. While on my knees looking at it, I thanked Allah that it was the easier one. Off to the box store to get parts, and got it done in one trip with stuff to return even. So then it was suppertime. That turned out okay.

Bedtime may be coming sooner rather than later . . . .


Got a drip under the cruiser. Looks to be the oil plug gasket. I've got a couple new gaskets, but don't want to dump the synthetic just to change it. It's gonna drip for a while.
S'ghetti sauce is on. I reckon it'll be moar gooder'n the last batch, too. Breakfast is gettin' et - such as it is.

I had a cat - nobody's fool - who saw the carrier come out and would disappear. He was quite adept at hiding. I had to get the carrier out a couple of days before I had planned for his ass to be in it. Silly fucker. I miss him.

Sun is still out. Gotta get the oil changed today so's to avoid the cold-n-wet. Rain tonight, sneaux overnight, and then back to rain at sun-up. So the plan is to get all the outside shit done before sunset.

But after a nap . . . . :D :rolleyes:

Yeah, we finally got a taste of winter last night -- near arctic temperatures and a thin dusting of white on the sidewalks which I suspect is probably more akin to ice than snowballs. But it's clear now.
Happy Sunday!!!

So, several oil pan drips ago - I think it was this current truck, actually - it was starting to go through oil between changes. Like, a quart, and I think I was still running dinosaurs, so we're talking 3500-4K miles or so. I wanted to switch to synthetic, but that's more money pissing out the weephole. For shits-n-giggles, I opened a tube of clear silicone caulk and put a wee bead right around the head of the drain screw. And . . . less than a quart used between changes. Then I switched to silicone and it'd go 10K miles on what I put in it. I don't run them past 5-6K any more, but that's still my benchmark. Truck has 200K, but it largely sits now.

Junior told me last night that he'd like to have a classic car. He's thinking sixties. If they were around in my lifetime, they ain't classic or old. Classic is a Packard 645 or 745 phaeton or roadster.

Sipping coffee and listening to the drip of rain outside . . . .



The landlady wants a '67 Camaro. Trivia: that's the only year Camaro with ventiwing windows.

I tend to prefer those, even though I don't smoke any more. They were the world's greatest ashtrays.

We just got rain. I'll have to check and see if it'll change, but I kinda doubt it.

I can haul stuff out in the wet - fuck it.



I am glad our precipitation has moved on the the east.
I wasn't ready for a full-blown winter event.
If it's ice thought, it's almost that...
Morning folks.

Warmer than usual for this time of year here. Fine by me as long as it lasts through Wed.

Do they do "take outs?"
I must not have had enough coffee yet this morning.

That last bit went right over my head...
In the news I see another outbreak of peaceful protesting in DC
by the rightwing menace that calls itself Antifa...

... and #BLM.
