TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The only vehicle that I ever purchased new was my beloved S-10.
I logged 3/4s of a million miles on it.
I miss that truck...
The Land Rover LR4 was probably my favorite vehicle. It sucked for maintenance though. Even changing the oil was a pain. But it was very comfortable, had lots of room and would go anywhere.
All modern cars/vehicles.

It is as if they purposely make it so hard to maintain that you have to go to a mechanic.

I had a sports-car that had to have the engine pulled to change the spark plugs.

Who the hell designs a thing like that???

A bicyclist?
Happy road-trip Friday. That's a mighty fine violin case. ;)

Speaking of which, I took the little rifle out and did some sh000tin' with it. I was pleased with shot placement relative to what I was looking at. So the bigger one may be off, or we can assume I pushed/pulled the shot. But I ain't seen nary woods p000dle since I busted a cap at the last one, save for the ones wandering the fields and road as I drive around out here. :rolleyes:

Found a mis-identified long motor for sale. Posted the ad on the car site and asked the old farts if they agreed, and they did, so I floated a low-ball offer on it and the guy accepted. So now I need a platform . . . . :eek: ;) :rolleyes:

More coffee and then to load, and then to light out . . . .



Just another migraine Friday.
This shit sucks.

Other than that, it rained last night. It has made the little peepers very happy.
They are very loud this morning.
I usually try to get 3 year old used vehicles just off lease, no lemons, low mileage and much cheaper.

Hard to post on the GB when you get banned for it.

And it is a much needed weekend, I hope everyone has fun plans

Here. My house. This building. The proper keyboard with the caps lock, and it's far enough away from the A.

Stopped and got some Chinee.

There are some goodies here that I ordered, including a good can opener for the landlady so she can replace the POS that she has. Of course, I gave it the wrong address. :rolleyes:

Gonna light some josh. The Good Spirits are here tonight . . . .



Happy Saturday!!!

Kinda slept like crap. IT was hard to fall asleep. I hate when that happens. I slumped in ed and dozed off for half an hour, then got it right and couldn't get it back for a couple of hours. Anyway, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the idea that this house is getting to be a strange place and that there are no cats.

The weather looks to be good today, but a bit cooler at night. The sign next door claims that they have "multiple offers" on the old duplex. Kinda hope one is from an arsonist. And if the shithead who owns the other house next door would move his cheap ass to sell it, Life might be better on our little homestead block.

Coffee is gonna get 'er done . . . .



Wet start to the day, but that's not the worst of it!

It looks like Covid is going to bust more March Madness brackets than upsets.

It must be the changing seasons. I slept well, but not long enough.

The dogs are playing the "I want out game," which quickly transforms into,
"Are you kidding me? I'm not going out there!" Then I sit down and pick up the computer and it's quickly, "I want out..."
Good morning.

I slept pretty damn well last night. I usually wake up a couple of times during the night. Last night? Nada. Change in the weather maybe?

I finally finished rounding up the parts for that elec. job. The big box stores seem to be out of stuff that is almost always is stock. Multiple stores and different corp. In this case it's 3/4" conduit lock nuts. Not 1/2", not 1", not even 2", just 3/4". Strange.
It's been quite a while since I had reason to buy new hardware.
Then again, I have all sorts of odds and ends all over the place.
My problem is usually, "Where the freak did I put that?"
Apparently, I need to fashion a new-n-moar-gooder josh burner. This one struggles to light effectively and then to stay lit. I'll be sure to ask Allah for guidance.

And I'm convinced that he'll get right on that. :rolleyes:

First long motor showed up yesterday. Shipper never called and just dumped it at the end of the driveway, blocking everything. It's not like all necessary phone number weren't on the paperwork, and that the gen z driver didn't have a smellphone. They are born with smellphones, FFS!!! If I had hired the delivery goofs, I'd make a call or two, but his is on the vendor. Perhaps a call is still in order.

Some people's kids, you know??!?


I like using those Japanese solid stick types.
I have a small container of sand to stick them in,
it's in the Chinese style and pretty cool.
The thin sticks give off a nice aroma,
and they don't overpower at the same time.
Man, that just kind of hits home. I haven't had a landline in years.
I don't know what I'd do without my phone, even though I mainly
use it as a hotspot, a watch and a map...