TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Scopes are for pussies.

Everyone knows you take your tech light and tape it to the barrel.
That's why you use an AK platform. You low-tech up.
None of that expensive crap like some people
here would use and brag about...

TSCLT 11.0: George Foreman Hates People Who Scope Up!

Scopes are for pussies.

Everyone knows you take your tech light and tape it to the barrel.
That's why you use an AK platform. You low-tech up.
None of that expensive crap like some people
here would use and brag about...

TSCLT 11.0: George Foreman Hates People Who Scope Up!


Uh huh...

Bit early to be hitting the bottle, isn’t it?
I blame the insomnia and the coffee...

plus a book with very bad punctuation.

I'm just ebulliently mad at the world.
The problem with cats (Dogs are better remix [for Wat].)

Excerpted from Children of the Fleet, Orson Scott Card, 1st edition pp 148-50.
[Edited for readability on stretched screens and to run in the time allotted. :D ]

It stands to reason that the native flora and fauna of worlds we discover and explore also
have little fear from the microparasites we bring along with us. The War of the Worlds
scenario cannot take place. We, as invaders … will not be overwhelmed
by the local version of the common cold, Nor will we wipe out ant species with smallpox.

… [O]ur very presence is potentially overwhelming, on any life bearing world, which we
assume will be all rocky planets in the Goldilocks zone.… [T]he problem may be self-curing.
If herbivores get lose that can only eat gaiagenic vegetables, then they can only live
where that vegetation continues to thrive.Therefore the local flora will be safe on any
isolated continents. If carnivores get lose, they can only live on gaiagenic herbivores
and each other. It can be assumed that any problem we cause will be localized or self curing.

The only I exception I foresee is the statistically most-invasive mammal species, the
hyperpredator and hypercarnivore we call “housecat.” Felis catus quickly returns to a wild
foraging habit when cut off from all human subsidies — if indeed it ever left that state….

Housecats have invaded every ecosystem that humans have entered, brought with us
because our fantasy and they love us and the reality that we love them (Cats do no useful
work, unless we account it useful tp provide a blank face for their owners to project
emotions onto.). Having no loyalty except to food, housecats will inevitably stray into the
wild.... They will always pose a danger to every small animal, bird or fish that we try to
establish, and it is also not farfetched to imagine that if any creature can acquire the ability
to make use of the proteins found in alien life-forms, it will be the housecat, which kills
without hunger, so that it would keep experimenting with every available ambulatory life-
form until it found those with proteins it could digest.

The ban on cats should be extended to every interstellar craft, because unplanned or
accidental landings could inadvertently provide onboard pet cats an opportunity to get free
and begin their astonishingly prolific breeding pattern.

This ban should not be extended to dogs, which, since we co-evolved with them for
millennia, are useful companions and servants. Dogs are better at controlling seed-eating
and take their responsibilities much more seriously than cats, and humans would do the
work of exploration and colonization far better and more safe with dogs. After all, we and
our dogs shaped each others bodies and minds for at least fifteen thousand years and
quite possibly a hundred thousand. Dogs are irreplaceable as human companions. Their
presence on space ships should be encouraged. There is zero chance of dogs thriving on
their own well enough and long enough to acclimatize themselves to become invasive
outside the bounds of a human settlement, or acquire the ability to digest alien amino acids.
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Work has been busier than usual for this month, it's strange because the last year things have been slowing down.

Someone two lines over has goats, they scared the crap out of the pups this morning when I let them out. They recovered quickly and barking ensued until the male goat tried butting at them and I dragged them inside. A quick call to the police and I had the number for the owners. In other news the new gate was ordered today and will be installed as soon as it arrives.
Home. There was in-grazage, and there was s'ghetti sauce made. Pity I have to go to dinner up the road tomorrow night. I may have to have some for brekkies.

Jabba s000per has pneumonia. Fat as he is, this could be bad for him. Still, there be schadenfreude. Insh'Allah . . . . Yeah, I know. Of course, if he kicks it, I would be senior person who worked that last job and might not be able to get out of the next phase. :rolleyes:

Quiet evening in . . . .



Restaurant occupancy is back. No restaurant can survive long term. With less capacity than designs.

Some restaurants still have the silly taped off tables.

Standing without a mask is a danger sitting without a mask is safe
Happy Tuesday!!!

Restaurants around here seem to be more ignoring the silly roped-off tables, too. The diner which I frequent for lunch was filled to capacity the last few days. Receipts have to be increased. The staff has to be making more in tips. Maybe we're all fixin' to die and don't even know it. Maybe that's where Jabba s000per caught the kneemoania. Maybe it's really the Wuhan flu. :rolleyes:

Weather looks wonderful today. It looks even better at "home." Makes me wonder about going back to the swamp - and hoping that I can stay here - or close to it - in hillier country. No matter. Allah has a better idea, so I shan't worry.

Instead, I shall drink coffee.



Good morning everyone.

You need a new house Wat. Mom might not be onboard with that notion though.
First night of trapping. Success! Raccoon in trap.
It's not a big one, so after I dispose of it, I shall reset the trap.
Both dogs were too senile to even notice it when I put them out.

That sort of thing use to drive them crazy. I think that besides her heart condition
that Big Stupid has also gone deaf, and Little Stupid's back problems have gotten
so bad that she has problems making her little front legs work properly. About the
only thing I can do at this point is put her on another round of steroids, but that is
only a temporary fix. Getting old is a real pain for all creatures great and small.
People are beginning to become Covid rebels.
Government really screwed the pooch with the
way a lot of it decided to handle this "crises,"
but at least they got to spend a lot of money
without the responsibility to pay for it.

People are beginning to become Covid rebels.
Government really screwed the pooch with the
way a lot of it decided to handle this "crises,"
but at least they got to spend a lot of money
without the responsibility to pay for it.


Someone's going to pay for it. A LOT of someones.
Yeah, but I don't think I'll have to worry about it and too much of our political class
is also so old that they won't have to worry about, starting with Grandpa...

WHat's the saying? The fish rots from the head?
Democracy is a pernicious evil. It will reduce us to a Banana Republic
and then people will turn to a strong man. It makes me sick at heart,
but Republics based on pure democracy don't enjoy longevity historically.
What is it, just about 200 years?
In the lighter side of the news, it seems that the highly publicized
(even hero-worshipped) Biden dogs "adopted" the temperament
of their owner, bit a guy and had to be removed. It could be said,
not that they were 86ed, but rather 25th'd...

That's a lot of freaking books.

I've read the Ender's Game series, but not so sure if I want to get into
the Ender's Shadow or his fantasy series. Man, the guy is prolific...

I tried some of the Dune spinoffs, but it just wasn't the same thing.
Prolific is Clive Cussler. I (think) I've read all his books too. His are mostly mass-produced tripe. But the guy tells a good story.
I've never read a thing of his, but then again, I don't really do a lot of fiction.
Mainly when I don't feel well, have migraines or am saturated on non-fiction
and just want something lighter before I drop off to sleep...
And in case anyone was wondering; I have a tie on today!!

Big meeting with the Planning Gods. My suit pants don't fit any more, so I'm not as posh as I would like. But I made the effort.
I suspect that with the infrastructure now in place, many office jobs will be "remote" so people (i.e. government workers) will "work from home."

No need to invest in fancy sweat pants.
I always wondered when that paradigm shift would take place.

It seems to have been hastened...