TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Government jobs have always been a boondoggle, but I think they've given up on even pretending any more.
DC High Schools operate as feeders schools to a handful
of colleges that operate as feeders to the bureaucracy.

And now that bubble is living in fear of an imaginary "insurrection."
They are terrified that while people hated Trump,
they were fond of his policies and
hatred of the swamp and
the media that
supports it.

Lord Sweet Jeebus, I don't have much use for our new plumber mechanics. IIRC, I didn't have too much use for the last couple of sets, either. :rolleyes:

It's a lovely day here. Getting some shit done.

Gotta got up the road for the company supper tonight. I'm thinking that there will be a new shirt to be had. :rolleyes:

At least I dazzint haz to wear a suit, so there's that.


I suspect that with the infrastructure now in place, many office jobs will be "remote" so people (i.e. government workers) will "work from home."

No need to invest in fancy sweat pants.

I'm planning to be back in the office in a couple weeks.
Up the road in a scrotel. The company dinner was decent. Food was good. Got leftover steak bits-n-bonez for the damn dogs back to the farm.

Frog forgot his charger. Wat had two. He shared. Why hasn't all the Good Karma showed up yet??? :rolleyes:

Long drive to start the day. Beats working at the coast. Oh, my name got mentioned
as being on the team here. Like it will continue. Insh'Allah . . . .

Today has been long enough.


Good morning Bootheel!

Another raccoon in the trap. Tonight, I trap for the coon trifecta!

Such wonderful weather, it is so nice to have the house open and aired out.
This morning's aroma is dominated by a ham in the crock pot.
Good eating will soon commence.

Ham and eggs.


Will I eat them with a coon?
He can be contented with whatever bird-feed bait is left in the trap.
All I know is that he and his kin will not be trying to get to my chickens (and eggs).
I wonder if the farmers where I drop them off will be so happy.
I should kill them, but I'm not going to eat them,
so that seems somehow wrong...

I just relocate them close to water.
Let nature do what nature does.
Here nuisance animals tend to go swimming, cage and all in a garbage pail filled with water. The dogs do a good job keeping them away though, one of the benefits of a stinky coonhound.

Not much going on here, there was a big pot of beef barley soup made today, coffee was consumed and work is going forward. The trench for the shop lines will be dug this weekend and the new gate will be ready for pick-up Friday so it can be installed this weekend too.
I doubt that Arkansas would be much of a hardship.

Slept kinda half-assed last night, so bedtime looks appealing.


Happy Thursday!!! Last day before the road trip "home." No plan has gelled in my head about that place yet, but it could, insh'Allah.

We gots lotsa wind this morning. Yesterday was windy, too. Warm. Rain may come later. We'll take warm, especially for this time o' year.

It'll be another day of watching weasels "work." Swear to Allah, paint dries faster than some of those fucks were moving yesterday. My plumber trim crew moves slowly, finished nothing, and has no salesmanship to its game. And we're the st000pid ones. If they were good, we'd have a water test already. Waitng for leaks when that happens. :rolleyes:

My coffee cup only has one leak. Out of the top . . . .



Good morning.

We had wind all afternoon yesterday and will probably be the norm for the rest of the month. 20-25 in the afternoons with gusts up to 40. It's March. <shrug>

Got my hunt selections in, just have to wait for the 'draw' to find out if I managed to get lucky. Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Oryx, and Barbary Sheep. Should hit on at least one of them. Might take a trip up to Idaho for Deer as well. Maybe hunt the Bear Lake area. Beautiful country up there.
There is nothing on the GB.
This used to be a happening place.
One would have thought that all the whiners...


... would actually had have something to say.
The Elder Mr. Savage bought a new truck yesterday. 85 years old and buys a new truck... can you imagine the depreciation on that when I inherit it?

You can hear it coming from a mile away because it's a Bighorn.


I crack myself up.
At least you know the odds against an early death...

or dementia...

Johnny? Do you have a new truck in the drive? :D
In 2006 I bought a brand new Corvette (red). That's the only new car I've ever had. Every time I moved it, all I could think of was the depreciation. It worried me to death and I traded it in (on a used Land Rover) three years later. It had 3,000 miles on it.

Neither one of my Parents have EVER bought a used car.

I just shake my head, ruefully.