TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Road trip after car loading. Everything else is good enough to leave for a few days.

I seem to have adjusted, but then I don't sleep enough any more
to really be a candidate for jet lag. I just kind of nap. If this recliner
was any more comfortable, I don't think I'd even bother going to bed.

Been in the usual springtime rain pattern. It makes the little peepers happy,
they are so loud that they are competing with the good morning news.
The crocus and the daffodils are gorgeous this year. They just keep spreading and spreading.
Trees are beginning to bud, especially things like the lilacs. I look forward to
the additional privacy that a full-leaved forest provides.

I spent the weekend gathering up a huge donation to Goodwill or the Salvation Army
or maybe even both. I really need to declutter. I have stuff I wear, stuff I used to wear
that is like new and drawers full of new stuff, so the used to wear is going to where
someone can get some good use out of it, including some old Dickies work wear.
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My basement and garage make me look like a hoarder.
It's not just clothing that needs to be cleared out.
It piles up over time. I'm bad about cardboard boxes and I have no idea where that came from. They just take up space and collect dirt. :rolleyes:
They're useful in the garden for weed control and retaining moisture.
I burn most everything like that. I've just accumulated stuff.
Burning out here is essentially out of the question. Most of the time it's just too damn dry. And when it's wet those damn boxes smoke every one out.
As you know, it's always wet here, but that don't stop the burn!

Not to be confused with the effort to stop the Bern...

I have lots of stumps. Once one is burned down to the ground,
it's on to the next stump (or fallen tree).
Other than my kitchen stuff and tools I started completely over 10 years ago. I ended up with a house full of stuff all of which went into storage 6 years ago. I haven't been back.

I was visiting here six years ago with a duffel bag with three days worth of clothes. I now have three days worth of cars and the month-and-a-half worth of clothes.

I've recently decided to arrest the ascendancy of clutter by ceasing the purchase of more clutter.

Baby steps.
Ignoring the worst of the trolls in this thread is paying huge dividends.
In the politics thread they comment on it constantly.
It's like their green light to be even more nasty.

What's that operative go-to phrase they use?
Smells like a case of butt-hurt...
living rent-free...


You tucked tail and fucked off to this thread like the coward you are.

That whole board is rent free in your empty skull, AJ.
Made it back. Brought the keyboard, thanks be to Allah. Cats are fine. So are poodles great and small. We even stood together and looked at the new addition (pony) next door.

The first anvil has arrived. It isn't what it was represented to be (smaller capacity). Nothing to get all uptight about.It can become a guinea pig in the bore department, to see if I can make it into a full five liters. Maybe. Likely I just heist the usable bits and the higher compression head off'n it. To be continued.

It was cold for much of the way and then warmed up 20 degrees as I got close to the farm. That was a nice touch.

Off to hit the rack . . . .


Ignoring the worst of the trolls in this thread is paying huge dividends.
In the politics thread they comment on it constantly.
It's like their green light to be even more nasty.

What's that operative go-to phrase they use?
Smells like a case of butt-hurt...
living rent-free...


Hurt rent-a-butts
But bu bu... he tries harder.

Shrimpy dick. Cheebs had him pegged (lawlz) in his playground beginning.

Sorry, that's the other thread. Carry on.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Looks to be a warm-n-lovely March day here. I think we get a chance of cold-n-wet this weekend. Of course, that's what they said about last weekend, and that was just some Lit Drama girlfriend stalking. Bastards.

Looking forward to this weekend's adventure. There be weasels beforehand. And a frog. Wonder when frog moves up the road, and there's been no news on Jabba. Gossip is gossip and drama is drama, but news is news.

But there be coffee, so . . . .



Hey, Hun!!!

Meant in the most caring and loving of manners. Attila? I'm a fan. ;)

Little cats taking it easy. I think that I could use one of those days.

But there be weasels, so . . . .

Big report today on how WVa is being invaded by "people" who want more room. We need a wall!!!

What's funny, is that people are moving here because they don't like it there. Then the first thing they do is try to make here just like it was there.

I've been buying up land and generally pay about $1,000 per acre. Way out in the woods kind of land. The invaders don't blink an eye at paying $10,000 and acre for a tiny parcel "near town." Which means the town gets bigger and develops all the problems associated with people living on top of each other.

$10,000 an acre though. I may subdivide, create Johnnytown, and advertise in the big cities!