TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Oh crap, one of the neighborhood dogs has tried to molest a skunk. It's that time of year again too. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I'd have to allow 4 days for that round trip, just to be safe. With help, maybe 3.

Truth is, I have lots more moulah than time these days.

Haven't seen as many skunks this month. They jump out in front of cars.

Yet, at least . . . .


Those striped critters are all over the place this time of year. All the Pepe's are wandering about looking for love. Obviously many are looking in all the wrong places.
A lot wander over to hug a car tire.

The funny bit is the little waft of stinky that lingers for days afterward.

And even the buzzards won't eat them. But the landlady's skunk hound will stand in there and tear them to pieces. :rolleyes:

Off to see weasels.

Home. Dragged home some carry-out eats. Decent. The dogs devoured their bits of leftovers.

Temps dropped this afternoon. Rain is still kinda hanging around.

Gonna hit the road after lunch for points south to look at a project. Really looking forward to this. Hope it is as advertised.

Off to bed shortly. My ass is worn out today.


Happy Friday!!! Road trip this afternoon. May be a bit out of touch, what with little p000ter time. We'll see.

The weather looks to be cooperative. Some cooler, but not bad.

Last ditch grunt to get these 5 units knocked out. Plumbers need someone to take their hands and show them. They got no clue.

Coffee has many clues, and many solutions . . . .



Good morning.

Peruvian Nacho's?

It appears that Spring has officially arrived. Time to start digging up last years herbal leavings and prepping the boxes for this years crop. Same with the tomato planter. Looks like a trip to the big box store for potting soil etc. is in order.
Summer has arrived here.

Cosco had Armstrong "Bonaza" dwarf peach trees for $20ish. I bought three. I had five of 'em at my first house 34 years ago. I'm going to try these in containers. If they don't thrive, I'll plant them for the landlord.

Great fruit and they don't require prolonged cold to bear fruit.
Hey, y'all, been a bit under the weather.

Feeling better now, but I don't think my stomach can handle coffee yet.
I'm off to a rocky start myself this AM. Didn't sleep particularly well last night and no real reason for it.
I didn't sleep at all. I ended up reading and vomiting all night long.

But I am keeping a cup of coffee down.
Good morning!

The onion sets are in the ground. Lettuce goes in next, then I have to fix a place for beets and carrots.
Yeah it's also the time to open the pool.

I don't feel motivated to do that either.

It just mean cleaning the draggoned thing 2-3 times a week.
I found I had some very large pots stored in the farm tractor garage. I'm utilizing one of them for the lettuce.
I found I had some very large pots stored in the farm tractor garage. I'm utilizing one of them for the lettuce.

Many veggies don't do well out here, leafy veggies are one of that group. Root veggies don't do so well either. The soil just doesn't have enough sand to allow full development. So I stick with what does well and avoid the frustration of caring for those veggies that don't.