TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The forecast this AM was for a Sunny and warm day. It is now sneauxing out there. Won't be much but that's how fast the weather changes this time of year.

Perhaps my favorite picture of her. :D

Home. Light grazing in. It was nice to come home with the sun still up. WEnt in and said, "hello," to my newly acquired long motuh. I'll likely start picking at it tomorrow after work. I look forward to this. Goal: horsepower/torque from an anvil.

The frog is moving to the other job sooner than thought. This weekend. The best part of that is, the maintenance guy can go back to being all lonely an' shit wiffout his numbah wun buddy, Frawg.

The damn dogs are woofin' it up at sumpfin. I think I wanna buy the first lot in Johnnytown.



Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Woke up and remembered that Frawg is leaving me this weekend. I reckon that there's going to be an adjustment period. And there's going to be a new siding crew. The Prez blew through yesterday and directed that we can this passel of morons. We can see if there's a learning curve, but when you're still making the same st000pid decisions on building #5 that you made on building #1, you gotsta go. With bitter resentment and empty pockets.

Looks like rain moves in by lunchtime and hangs around until tomorrow morning. I gots wire butchers who gots compressor disconnects to install. They might wanna do those first thing. Ya think?

And that's on cuppa numbah wun . . . .



Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday again. It's going to be a chilly/windy morning so it'll be the handguns this week. then haul ass back to the shack to get the corned beef cooking.
Just checking in before going back to bed.

I wonder, should I put a quarter-million into online currencies?

It's not like I can see it in a pile...

Home. Grazed in. Made breakfast for supper. Getting to be a pretty good omelette maker. The taters were a bit overdone. Meh.

I'm looking at Johnnytown as 'vessmen' propitty. I wanna be the firstest slumlord.

The PM called. We may get Jabba s000per back - on Wat's job. That'll go over like the proverbial lead balloon. Funny thing is, he's in fairly deep shit. The prez isn't gonna shitcan him right as he gets outta the hospital. So we may get stuck with him. I think that PM should make Jabba senior idle him on one of his jobs. No matter, but it was nice of him (PM) to axe me what I think.

"Are you sitting down?" he asked. "Yes, as a matter f fact, I am, so this way, you can't shove anything up my ass." :rolleyes:


Happy Thursday!!!

Looks like a warm day until the next wet front blows in at lunchtime, at which point the temps will start to drop.

Speaking of temps, the one I have at work is doing very well. Would like for him to become a perm.

We haz coffee, of course . . . .



Good morning. Fine day forecast for today here as well. Upper 60's, no wind.......we'll see.

My Corned Beef etc. came out well yesterday. Hard to screw something like that up though.

Got all my hunt applications squared away. Had an oversight in my Pronghorn app. that I needed to take care of. Now to see if I can line up some land owners with Texas hog problem. Maybe I should give Nugent a call, he seems to know them all.
Still hain't laid nary eye on a woods poodle, and hain't seed nuffin lately, except for deer at someone else's place. Or in the road. Or as roadkill.

So, on the free long motor saga. I can get it shipped here from the trucking company to here, delivered. What I can't get is someone to pick it up and secure it to its pallet for hauling. Maybe I just haven't made enough phone calls or done enough googling.

If it weren't 1000 miles outta my way . . . .


Damn, I can see that costing you all most as much as the big anvil itself. Good luck with that one Wat.